Page 116 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 12lWe.tem Maryland College/April II, 1985 Amadeus warrants second trip to theater by Jonathan Slade eighteenth century Austrian captive, for she is in actually court, and even openly cour- the rational, level-headed half From underwear to the teous to Mozart when they of her marriage union. Ber- Oscars. meet on several occasions. ridge, indeed, brings to life F. Murray Abraham began And yet in the latter half of the the only "real world" personal- this mind-boggling trek to film, this actor's eyes flame ity in Amadues, emerging fame as a grape-toting show- with a vengeance behind a from between the two acting piece in the Fruit-ot-the-Loorn kind-hearted countenance, titans Abraham and Hulce. commercials, and brought the and only the audience ap- But this film garnered a journey to a close on March pears to notice. Abraham's number of additional ~Oscars 25 at the Academy Awards, ability to uphold this duality, as well, including awards for where he received best actor to hide Salieri's jealousy from best picture, best adaption for his role in Amadeus. other characters and still con- from a play, costume design At the risk of relying too vey it to the viewers, more and makeup. Amadeus, in much on hindsight, for this than justifies his Oscar fact, even captured the best film has been praised from Hulce, whose boyishly bra- directing Oscar, for Milos For- the instant Orion released it zen Mozart also gained him a man's depiction of the script last December, I must con- nomination for the best actor is superb. His pacing of fess that Abraham's perform- award, offers a contrasting events, however, does slow ance alone warrants at least personality to his counter- during the middle of the film one trip to the theater (and a part's scheming solemnity. as the audience is dragged second visit lor all classical Mozart is flippant, thin- through several operas and a Social symbolism of American culture music fanatics) to see this minded, and raunchy. He vaudeville routine (it seems truly sensational movie. tal- drinks incessantly, and for- especially long when the mildly himself. And ever "enjoys" decides to cut Portraying the Maryland's Voshell ented; yet vehemently ambi- this behavior utterly infuriates movie theater out the intermission).The rest tious the dedicated Saheri who be- Antonio composer at the plot flows smoothly displays photo-realism Salien. Abraham stars oppo- lieves that God has wasted a from the crisply executed site the equally superb Tom opening sequence, to Moz- phenomenal musical endow- Hulce, whose constant flow of art's bizarre death scene. meat on an irreverent child. nervous energy provides Perhaps the reason Hulce When examing the success The works of regional artist has been involved in over 100 viewers with a novel repre- did not receive the golden of the film, however, we ulti- James W. Voshell will be on juried and invitational group sentation of the spoiled brat statuette last month, though, mately return to the power of display· from April 9 through exhibitions in the region. genius Wolfgang Amadeus stems from the Americaniza- Abraham's performance. He 26 in Gallery One on the Mozart. The story, adapted by tion of his character. Mozart transmits his emotions like an Permanent collections con- campus of Western Maryland taining his work include the Peter Shaffer from his own appears almost too modern, electrical shock, and we do College. Sponsored by the stage play, concentrates on as he frequently engages in not doubt, after viewing Ama- WMC Department of Art, the Peale Museum, the Washing- Salien's obsession with the slang-stuffed conversations deus, that he deserves the ton County Museum of Fine exhibit is free and open to Arts, Towson State University, brilliant Mozart, chronicling that could only occur in the best actor statuette. the public. and the Federal Reserve Bank the inferior artist's thoughts as twentieth century. At one Yet somehow it is ironic that Voshell, a magna cum of Richmond. they swing from admiration to point, he even tries on an Hulce, who plays the brilliant laude graduate of The Mary- hatred. outlandish wig that makes him composer, should lose this land Institute College of Art in A native of Maryland's East- And throughout the picture indiscernible from the punk golden honor to Abraham, Baltimore, paints in the photo- ern Shore, Voshell taught with Abraham manages to main- population of the 1980's. Still, who portrays the mediocre realist manner and is con- the Baltimore County public tain a facade of innocent his portrayal of this tormented musician. Perhaps Salieri, cerned with depicting the school system before he composure, masking the sec- prodigy is stunning. who was obsessed with best- realities and social symbolism began devoting full time to ond-rate mustclan's vindictive Elizabeth Berridge also ing the younger Mozart, has of American culture. His painting in his warehouse stu- intentions. Saheri is exceed- stars, playing Mozart's wife finally succeeded in doing so, works have been exhibited in dio in the inner-city area of ingly cordial to his acquaint- Constanza. ~r naively deli- two hundred years after the 17 one-artist shows, and he Baltimore. ances in the emperor's cate features are Quite de- fact. Dear Beth R. _ Biffey, I know Myrtle Beach crew - Let's Who's that girl with the red Jerry - Racquetball Buddy - Classified dress on??? let's keep it going - do it again! • we can make it work. Can't Cardinal Sins, Gin and Ton- MJ Love ya, Jen we just have a good time? - ics, Salty Dogs and SCHAF- You're looking a little blurry Jerry Do you really do Dave M FOR SALE AMlFM stereo FER BEER! today! Rouzer ~nd Floor floors, or is it your clone? - 2nd Floor CA And all receiver w/Btrack-Juliette; wI JC things shall pass and so has speakers; good condition; $25. S.J.K. Where's the big ou~h~e~~~~s~i~a~:~~~t ~~et~~ Beall - Bernice lives! Thanks this Thanks, and now on Box 1357 dog? - LAX. I.F.C. _ Donna - You are very spe with Life! Happy Birthday Phi Alpha FOR SALE; A collection of Unhappy Individual ctai. . A. Friend Messy Marvin - Looking for- Billy Squier pictures. Contact Mull! Louis - Where's the pork - ward to rooming next year! - Beth R. Whiteford 1st. Anita - take a sedative! Go for the "A" - Lelie • Bates motel, slam- I love ya lots! AL Carin - What is this? No, it's Pigment. mers, Thunderbird and grilled Pineapple daquirls and the that. Keep studying your 1.5.0. We need one male, cheese makers forever - oberache crew forever. Personals signs! . no acting experience neces- Lost and Found: Marvin has Love 000 Stop being indecisive, you sary, to take part in a harm- Leigh - Who's this Harvey lost: Her major, her sanity know who you are - less practical joke. Will pay: guy? Found: total confusion, a Larry - Sorry about the fer- Love me RSVP Box 1384 or 1587. =-i:Am=an::d;"I"'he::::r:::e-::a-:m::::e:;;,h::o:<"d future roomie great ret! Will he ever forgive me? to our madness? - Kermit Lip - Hope over to NORSK POWER,,! Hey Marty! Thanks muchly TAT - Hello! I definitely think my pad. - Layla for all your love and support. it's time for a road trip to The Frog Prince Tim Stark - I love you and I Wendi, Tracey, Julieann, Happy Day. _ Harborplace for Mud Pies. - Bev -c- Is everything under always will. Come see me Laura and Charles: Is every- TPFC. Inc. T.J. control? Beware, NOS is run- soon! I miss you - Susan body a happy camper? - T.J. Milo Who will buy my GPH III - Nice to have you ning rampant on campus! To the Sister of Phi Sigma Chris - Go for it! Try again! - sweet red roses, two blooms back - I missed you - Wendi Moore - Is a 1x3 a Sigma you guys are the An outside observer. for a penny? - greatest - JLC I 1x3? No, no, no-no! Love ya 'The Pledge' Wanted: a real man. Opus
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