Page 117 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 117
The·Phoenix weetern Maryland College Young to leave WMC as residence life director by Monica Brunson being her areas of responsi- bility. In the two years that she "The position has been per- sonally rewarding, but it's a has been at WMC, Young has burn-out job and I only seen major changes in "both planned 10 make a two to attitudes and physical ap- three year commitment" Ms. pearance of the school. "I Nancy Young, Acting Director understand that with change of Residence Ufe, after two there comes a loss, but I feel years of service to the college that the changes have been will be leaving July 1, 1985. primarily positive ones." She Her position was created by especially noted the transfor- Or. Jeanne Higbee, then Act- mation of the campus from a ing Dean of Student Affairs, physical split between the following Dean Wray Mow- sexes to the co-ed atmos- bray's resignation. phere that is now present. "There is a marked decrease Young's job description and responsibitities include duties in the amount of vandalism, which range from lottery and and although co-ed living ar- room drawing to community rangements are not solely re- assistant selection and train- sponsible, there has been a ing. She is also responsible change in the attitudes of for housing records and bill- students towards living with ing. Young also continues to men and women. As one hold her position. as an Area fraternity member stated, 'it's Coordinator with the Garden Nancy Young, Acting Di- not that bad living with Apartments, the P.A. Houses rector 01 Residence Lil!3 continued on page 2 and third floor Elderdice Hall Contrast to publish In May by Kelly Connor ent lack of student interest marked. this year _which was shown Contrast advisor, Dr. Kathy Although Contrast, Western through fewer submissions, S. Mangan, also felt positively Maryland's literary magazine, stated Jacobs. However, she about a spring publication. faced conflicts with its edito- felt that a good issue could 'The material is there. We rial staff and with student still be published. need to get students more body participation, it has "Contrast has been a tradi- aware of the magazine and overcome these initial prob- tion of Western Maryland. It proud to have their poems lems. According to Margie suffered two years ago when printed in it. We may need to Jacobs, "As long as there are it didn't come out. I think what solicit writers, but the material Freshman goller Dave Lassow attempts a putt in no major flaws in the copy, we have is good, and I want is out there. Westem Maryland's triumph over Lebanon Valley and as long as the publishers to keep up this tradition. Contrast, a student-oriented and Dickinson last Saturday. Lassow lead the hold their contract, Contrast Those who submitted material magazine, witt feature photog- Terrors with a low score 01 74, propelling the team to should be coming out in the have put a lot of time into raphy, artwork and poetry middle of May." their work, and it wouldn't be submitted by the students of a 17 stroke victory. See page 8 lor a spring sports There had been an appar- fair to them," Jacobs re- WMC. recap. ~ghts: Which location(s) Campus relationships: should Reagan visit on his West German tour? Dependency or love ~metary containing Nazi war dead for Jane. She is always de- anyone because she loved by Monica Brunson pressed and spends most of Bill and didn't want him to get This is the story of a woman her time either studying or hurt. a concentration camp whom we shall call Jane. with her boyfriend, Bill. Linda was Jane's best Jane is a junior in college, Jane never goes to parties, mend and she couldn't stand comes from a good family, misses many of her classes to see what was going on both and has lived most of her life and seems to wear dark between Jane and Bill. Linda in Ne.w Jersey. Jane is 5'6~ glasses a majority of the time. talked to Jane and tried to 130 Ibs. with blonde hair and Her friends noticed a change, make her realize that there neither brown eyes. Most people but didn't feel that they was something seriously wrong with Bill. At first, Jane should interfere or intrude on consider her attractive. She's an English major and used to her privacy. After Jane started wouldn't listen, but Linda be a very good student but, dating Bill she became very wouldn't give up and finally 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 recently her GPA has accident prone and fell down Jane heard what Linda was tryinf/ to say. Jane confronted Number of people dropped from a 3.35 to a a lot. but what her friends Bill that night and told him 2.89. The junior year of cQl- didn't know was that Bill was to be a Source: lege is supposed PhOenix 2 I S c::u::.rv:.:e:z:y_;sam=.:!:p:::e::.:...:l:=::.O ....:.:..:;:..:;.;..;~;;;;;Jgood one, but this is not true the one who was causing the continued on 'pl!Qe 7 accidents. Jane refused to tell
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