Page 119 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 119
Prose and cons Wolfe hopes to An editorial debate out to students as WWMC: a good investment by Elizabeth Lelk ous, taking to the Decker liberal person. We must also by Leo Ryan , , Center airwaves this semester keep in mind that once we -i Ideas and initiative make up with self-recorded tapes pur- enter the outside world, we On August Dr. Helen creativity on a college cam- chased from a previously al- wili direct 'our main thoughts 1, pus, as well as the outside lotted $150 budget. toward one thing -- our job. Wolfe of the Education de- world. When a group of indi- Confidence pushes Oza- Why not expand on our inter- partment will become the new viduals come up with a new zewski and members to be- ests and improve our knowl- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. She will take over for idea, and the initiative to back lieve in a station for next year, edge at college? When some Dr. Esther 19lich and Dr. Joan the idea, concrete results can and the organization has al- sort of aid is offered to a new Coley, who currently share be overwhelming. Unfortun- ready sponsored a fund raiser institution, it is only logical for ately creativity must often rely while planning for another. that group to start, build and the position. Drs. Iglich and Coley are stepping down to on massive amounts of cold, Yet some feel Ozazweski prove to the community that hard cash to succeed. Not so should not attempt such an optimism can produce quality pursue other interests in their in the case of WlNMC, a effort without the 'proper as well as money can. respective fields. recently established move- funds'. Reviewing the situation, one Dean of Academic Affairs ment to obtain a radio station A clear distinction must be more point must be stressed. Del Palmer explains that the for the college. President of made between a college Although Ozazweski would duties of the Associate Dean WrNMC, Chris Ozazewski ap- campus and the outside have liked to receive his pro- are "focused on students." proached SGA for $3,000 as world. One vital factor con- posed $3,000 to begin the ISome of these tasks include a proposed budget to de- necting and separating the station, the fact that he takes Ithe design and administration velop a station next fall. SGA two is time. Dividing time on the job with only $500 of a program of academic approved a $500 allowance to- amongst studying, working, displays faith and persever- advising, communication with WWMC, and Ozazewski, al- and playing sports leaves lit- ence. This is not just wishful students concerning their though hoping for his original tle time to form a full-fledged hoping; Ozazewski has fig- academic standing, academic statement, feels the station radio station. But Western ured the station's future, with co-ordination of Jan-term, the will be able to work with this Maryland is no thriving me- their present equipment and design of strategies to en- money. tropolis. Ozazweski proposes available funds, as produc- hance the retention of stu- A campus radio station for to start a college station, not tive. \/WIIMC offers something dents, and co-ordination of $500? Let's be serious. entertain southwest Maryland. the college doesn't have, foreign study programs. Dr. Helen Wolfe What's happened to our Wanting to devote some time while displaying the qualities sense of quality? It would to yet another activity requires needed to succeed at this The fact that the job is so the school; they provide a mix seem we have tempered it dedication and skill, and if project. This type of ll "student oriented" was what of experiences in the class- with economic frugality and one excells in this skill, why ranks high above the most attracted Wolfe. "Many room and on campus." extreme moral optimism. With- not indulge it? After all, it is of 'proper funds' needed or jobs in the administration Wolfe received her occto- out a doubt, WVl/MC is seri- this diversity that makes a watts generated. don't bring you as close to rate in education from the the students," she remarked. state university of New York at It's the wrong time for radio "My new post will enebre-me Albany in 1968. She has since to extend my job in the obtained additional training at education department. Cornell University, George University, and by C. Uoyd Hart tuated hopefulls, joyriding on and a truly professional at- Through working with advi- Washington University. Cur- sors, I will be able to reach Syracuse the prospect of being aDJ. In the spring a young man's There will be no measurable mosphere at a fraction of the out to more students." rently, she is. co-chair of the fancy turns to - radio? increase in quality, only a cost. As well as working with student environment commit- It seems that our campus measurable increase in out- advisors, Wolfe is looking for- tee to the Presidential Task has been bitten by the highly lay. A simple telephone call to ward to working with non- Force on Student Life, faculty infectious broadcasting bug. the dean of academic affairs traditional students. These are advisor to the Feminist Coati- But while more and more A significant aspect of a will reveal why WWMC is older students here to com- tion, and Vice-President of the students leap onto the band- scholastic radio station that getting no support from the plete their degrees. Wolfe WMC chapter of the American wagon, an ever targer and has been totally neglected in unseen pothole looms on the the shuffle is the necessary ~~~~~~S~~~iO~ford~~:r:a~~~~ ~~~~sSe:rin~N~~-~~~~~~:n:t~ ~~~~~~~tionof University Pro- horizon that will unceremon- academic support. No college been spent in years past onL::=================~ iously dump the high hopes or university would attempt to broadcasting consultants. 1"" of the pied pipers of WWMC. incorporate another media Each and every one has rec- c::> ~ iii _.", . ~ Before we lead the disillu- element without also adding ommended a significant in- ~ sioned any farther toward the the appropriate curriculum to vestment in equipment, ~r/. ~~ brink of angry disappoint- support it. Our own communi- facilities, and academic sup- ment, let us stop now and cations department is a fledg- port. It should be readily GALLERY OF nNB AIlT, - - • . confront some sobering facts. ling one at best, struggling to apparent from a recent tuition ~ •Western Maryland College is remain viable and keep the increase that the college can- not equipt, academically or programs it does offer. A not provide sufficient funding financially, to accomodate a radio station should not be for a true radio staten. In radio station, and until such considered until means are addition, the paltry investment time as we are able, any available to provide a course the Student Government As- 18 W.. , Moin s".." sociation has offered clearly Wat",illatn, M,.., .. "" Jl151 .. 0.... further expenditures of time of study in broadcast journal- demonstrates that it is not ~=7'e=":"'=.'=':'=01=/B:':':._:::0========_==:::: and money on current pro- ism. Unnecessary expenses posals are frivolous. will only prove detrimental to willing or able to support this ,.. A radio station can be a presently developing pro- venture. great asset to a school. It can grams. Carriage House Liquors provide experience in the The students of WVVMCare field of broadcasting, informa- In the interim, however, per- making a noble attempt. But if "At· the Forks" tion, entertainment, and can haps an internship program they are ever to create any- be an attractive feature for could be developed in coop- thing more than a play toy, 113 W.Main Street, Westminster prospective students. Unfor- eration with Westminster's they must redirect their cam- lI)IeCials this week ••.. tunately, the careless manner own community a.m. station paign toward a permanent in which WWMC is pursuing WTTR. With department sup- learning environment. If not, Budweiser $9.99/case its goal will produce none of port, this alternative would INWMC will continue to be an these. The fruit of this folly will provide academic regulation, endless series of cassette with this coupon be nothing more than what with the possibility of elective tapes that someone forgot to L --' turn over. we have now: untrained, lnfa- credit, practical experience,
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