Page 125 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 125
April 25, 1985IWesiem Maryland CollegeIPage 9 Women's lacrosse wins 2· Terror women set to by Melissa Renehan SAVES: Fran Ward 11 The ladies have earned a 2-0 record in the MAC section Box scores for Western Mary- Western Maryland 9 after recently beating Dickin- end '85 season land lacrosse women are as Franklin & Marshall 8 son 18-6. With a 6-0-1 record follows: F&M.. ...26--8 up to now, the Terrors need by Cyndi SchHfer ~i~~hbi~n~~~ r~~~ c~~e :w~y~ WMC... . .45--9 to win the next three vital Western Maryland 29 GOALS: Nancy Hutchinson 3, games to do well in post- The drive started off with a Lebanon Valley 7 Barbie Hess 2, Stacey Brad- season games. Coach Easler- As the Western Maryland single by catcher Margie Gu- LVC .., 6 1 --7 ley 2, Kim Donahue 1, Mel- day stressed the team's par- College Terrors Women's tierez followed by a single by Softball Team approaches the pitcher Betsy Swope. Sullivan WMC 12 17 --29 issa Renehan 1. ticipation as a key to their end of their season they find drove in a run with her follow GOALS: Barbie Hess 5, Sarah ASSISTS, Hess 4. Bradley 2, success. "We've played as a Kimmel 5, Stacey Bradley 4, Donahue 1. team; no one person has themselves with a very re- up single. Pesik was then Kim Donahue 3, Melissa Re- SAVES: Fran Ward 12. really dominated, We've done spectable 8-2 record overall, intentionally walked to load up nehan 3, Alyce Harden 3, GOALS: Nancy Hutchinson 4, well so far and are pleased and a 6-0 record in the MAC the bases. Cox answered this Gayle Adamecz 3, Laurie Dol- Melissa Renehan ·3, Stacey with our performance." The Southwest conference, Their challenge by punching out a lar, Shawn Chatfield, Nancy Bradley 3, Barbie Hess, Alyce ladies play Washington Thurs- first win victory of the season 3 RBI triple. Leftfielder Cherie Hutchinson. Harden. day away, and are up against came at home over Galluadet Thompson then walked and ASSISTS:Hess 3, Hutchinson ASSISTS: Hutchinson 2, Hess UMBC this Tuesday, April 30, 16-0, another victory came reached second on an error. 2, Terri Paddy 2, Adamecz, 2. home. over Notre Dame on April 17, Robyn Cantano then hit a Bradley. SAVES: Fran Ward 12. 19-7. The Terrors have been single driving scoring Cox highly successful this year in and Thompson and then scor- their double-headers. They ing herself on an inside home Theresno and 13-9 on April 6, defeated Boyer. Gutierez popped out beat Franklin & Marshall 5-4 run by first baseman Cindy Lebanon Valley 9-3 and 8-7, to end the inning. In the second game West- and most recently scored a doubt you'r~ going double ended win over Dick- ern Maryland was once again inson College at home on trailing but this time by four runs, before they started their April 20. The first game started at rally in the fourth inning by to make It In one o'clock on that hot sunny scoring one run on a triple by afternoon yet Ihe women had third baseman Jen Bertrand enough stamina to come from who then reached home on a error. throwing behind in both games winning Dickinson the real world, Pitcher Betsy Swope for her top of the fifth, but WMC 12-3, and 7-5. Credit goes to Dickinson gal one run at the superb work in throwing all 14 came back with four runs at innings of work and gaining the bottom of that inning on a but what two more wins to raise her bases loaded double by Cox a three runs and scoring personal record 10 8-2. In the first game Dickinson sacrifice fly by Bertrand. led off the scoring with a run The Terrors added their last about your car? home run in the top of the single by Sullivan and also by in the first inning and a solo two runs in the sixth on a RBI third. Western Maryland got Thompson. Donna Cox went 3 for 4 in back a run in the bottom of the third on a lead off triple the first game wih two triples by Lisa Sullivan and a single and 5 RBis; she also hit a by centerfiefder Nicky Pesik. double and 3 RBis in the pickinson scored another run second game. Nicky Pesik rn the fourth but that was to went 3 for 3 with an RBI and be their last in that game, The a double in the first game. Terrors added two more runs Usa Sullivan was 3 for 4 with to tie the game 3-3 in their two triples in the first game half of the fifth with another and then had two more hits in lead off triple by Sullivan and the second game. another run scaring single by The Terrors finish out their Pesik. Pesik herself scored on schedule away versus Gettys- a triple by senior Donna Cox burg, Hood, and Washington. Reader calls Wueste on S. 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