Page 120 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 120
Page 4IWestem Maryland College/April 25, 1985 Editorial HEY. M{, HIGH-AND'MIGHTY~FI4A'I SECRETARY C5F Our new image EDUCATION' . On occasion we print an article that points out what we THIS 15WHAT feel to be flaws and injustices in the WMC system. After printing, we usually hear from certain people, "Do you know ZTHINK OF that the board of trustees gets a copy of this?" The answer is yes. If you want a situation changed the best place to appeal YOUR -7.f@!" -i is the top. STEREO Recently the board of trustees held a meeting on campus. One of their functions was to make a serious review of the college image. Proposals were made for a new college DlVE.5TTTUREl name as well as a complete image survey. Consideration was given a .plan to hire image consultants to survey students in order to discover what the image of WMC is. The cost of this seemingly redundant maneuver approaches $100,000. Let us be advised, we are going to pay $100,000 to a group of questioneers who will ask students how WMC looks to the rest of the universe. Here is our proposal: Give us just $400 for paper and copy materials. We will solicit pertinent questions from students, faculty, staff and administration. We will personally interview students, or the universe and you can take it from there. Put the other $99,600 into scholarships for students who will not be able to return next year due to the tuition increase. Wueste's facts challenged And how about this idea? If you were to consider the massive potential and institution than any other body here. They are on campus every concerning South Africa experience already abailable on this campus, the survey worries would be over. The professors know more about the day and some have been teaching here for decades. Each instructor has a field of expertise which can be applied to the Editor, population) own 87 percent of down and kill~d by police and type of survey described. We know for a fact that t.he political the land; while the 26 million soldiers. science department has the knowledge to tackle this feat. The In his April 11 article about blacks, Asians, and coloreds Mr. Wueste's main argu- English and psychology departments can add pertinent word South America, Kevin Wueste (more than 80 percent of the ment is that nations -- such as choice. And the econ and Computer Science people can tries to excuse that country's population) own 13 percent of South Africa -- are sovereign, design and run programs for recordtnq and deciphering all the policies toward its black peo- the land, A white farmer that they should determine data. There is no reason why this project can not be produced ple. He also criticizes the makes $21,987 a year on the their own policies without out- locally and for a reasonable sum of money. The su~ey, we world opinion that is focused average; a black farmer, $268 side interference, pressure, or would venture, might be a remarkable teaching al.d. The on that country, on the a year. A white miner earns intimidation, Nevertheless, we English students can use their technical writing skills. A~ $1056 a month on the aver- have the political right to students can lend their graphic planning talent, and comm~nl- ~~~~~~~(,t~~d e:~~u!~a~~~idi! age; a black miner. $175 a protest against other coun- cation majors could participate in most phases of productl~n. on its own internal matters month. The whites take home tries. If we have the right to A survey of this design would surely be a quintessential without outside interference 64 percent of the country's protest the Soviet occupation example of practical application, one which combines the Mr. Wueste also commends wealth. of Afghanistan, we also have talents and efforts of the students and the faculty. South Africa's economy, its Housing for Blacks: Many the right to protest the South We are not insensitive to the college public relations housing for blacks; and its blacks are forcibly segre- African occupation of Namibia problem. On the other hand, we are quite sensitive when it educational system. And fi- gated into enclaves within the (a neighboring country), If we comes to pouring money into programs that will not directly nally. he mentions that the country, called "homelands," can protest the Soviet treat- affect students who need an education now, We do not Dutch, who settled South Af- that are mostly barren and ment of physicist and human begrudge WMC a change to actively compete for new and rica in the 1600's, can thus be impoverished. A 1950 law, the rights activist Andrei Sak- better students called Africans, and are thus Group Areas Act, set aside harov. and the Polish treat- ment of labor leader Lech entitled to the land, On all white residential exclusive The Phoenix these points, in varying de- areas. Many black men work Walesa, we can also protest the South African treatment of grees, Mr. Wueste is wrong. as migrant laborers for the The Dutch: In his article, he Nelson Mandela, a black law- quotes the saying "Give whites. Black Africans over yer and a leader of the out- Editor-in-Chief ... ..... Bill Mann South Africa back to the Afri- age sixteen must carry pass- lawed African National Managing Editor.,.. ....Kelly Connor cans," and then he states that books at all times, which any Congress. (Mr. Mandela was Layout Editor .. .... C. Lloyd Hart the first white Dutch settlers white can demand to see imprisoned in 1962 for life: his Copy Editor .. ......... Jonathan Slade can be termed Africans. Failure to have this passbook group, the ANC, won the News Editor .. ....Leo Ryan thereby defending their pres- -- which contains employment Nobel Peace Prize in 1961.) Sports Editor.. . ,....Elizabeth Leik ence in that country. Actually, records, travel permits, photo- While the US government Photography Editors .. .. Margaret Gemski, the Dutch (later called "Afrika- graphs, fingerprints, and tax does interfere somewhat in Ursula Wiedmann ners") as well as the British and family status -- can result South Africa to help the Business Manager Craig Sarsony started colonizing South Af- in arrest. One black protest blacks, it also sides and co- Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien rica about 1652, defeating the against these passbooks oc- operates with that govern- Reporting Staff Trac.'i.KennardSteven .Rossman - black inhabitants or driving curred in 1960 in the township ment. The US vetoes most Sandra CarlsOI\, t. J;jllGrabowski, Cyndi Schafer, them north. The Afrikaners of Sharpeville: 56 demonstra- United Nations sanctions Monica 6runson Melissa'Renehan, Bill Benson eventually got control of South tors were killed and 162 against South Africa. The US Ronna Lolli Chuck Weinstein Mark Lawrenson Africa, instituting in 1948 the wounded. is responsible for that coun- Rhonda. Myers, Jeff Stebbins. Andrew P. Jung, policy of "apartheid," or sepa- The Educational System: try's nuclear capability. We Lou Anne Banks Nancy Shaw Julie Ellingson rate development, a type of Literacy for whites is 99 per- helped train the South African Chris Ginther, Robin M. Adams extreme segregation which cent, for blacks, 50 percent Coast Guard in 1981, We Advisor ............ or. Eleanor L. Schreiner still continues A 1953 law, the Bantu Educa- approved the opening of five The Economy: South Af- and for the studentsof WesternMaryland' rica, by virtue of its gold, tion Act, institutionalized the new South African consulates inferior educational system for College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not platinum, diamond, and ura- blacks. In June of 1976, 10,- in the US. The Commerce Department approved the ex- necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor administration.The Phoenix reservesthe right to headline, edit for length, nium deposits. is one of the 000 students from the town- port of 2500 electric shock clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe richest countries in the world. ship of Soweto protested batons to the South Atrican signed, authorshipwill be verified The white South Africans have against the poor quality of police in 1982. Over three We welcome commentsandlor suggestions.Please ad- one at the highest standards black schools, as well as the hundred US companies do of the mandatory teaching dress all mail to The Phoenix,WestemMarylandCollege, of tiving in the world. Never- white Dutch-African language, business in South Africa. Sev- theless, the four million whites Westminster,Md. 21157. continued on page 9 (less than one-fifth of the "Afrikaans." Six were shot
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