Page 118 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 2IWestem Maryland College/April 25. 1985 Trustees approve Maryland architecture exhibit new image survey to open in Decker May 2 350 The exhibition, Years of by Leo Ryan image study of WMC. Outside Architecture in Mary/and will consultants will be hired to be shown in the Decker Col- The Western Maryland Col- survey groups within the col- lege Center between 9 a.m. - lege Board of Trustees met lege, as well as outside 9 p.m. from May 2-29. Cre- last weekend. The 1985-86 groups. The survey will ena- the founding ated to celebrate budget, which includes the ble the college to "crystallize" of Maryland, this exhibition 16.2% tuition increase, was it's immage, ·and better mar- encompasses the history of among the issues on the ket itself. architecture in the state. A agenda. The budget was ap- The Development commit- variety of building types (do- proved, but trustee Donald tee reported that $5,320,000 mestic, ecclesiastical and in- Clark expressed his concern have been raised towards the dustrial) are represented, for students who would be new gym. The college has from the simplicity of Scheif- most affected by the tuition recently received a $100,000 ferstadt in Frederick to the increase. Clark urged the ad- grant from the France Foun- grandeur of Hampton Man- ministration to "make all ef- dation, and a phone cam- in Towson. forts to help students paign will begin in late May to sion The exhibition was co-or- financially." raise the rest of the $6,000,- ganized by The Art Gallery The trustees voted also to 000 needed to receive the install an energy management matching grant. and the School of Architecture of the University of Maryland, system.. This sytem will auto- Other approved measure in- College Park. Dealing with mate heating and cooling sys- clude improvements to the such architects as Benjamin terns on campus, saving the dining hall in the form of new college $125,000 each year. furnishings and the renovation Latrobe, Stanford White, Rob- ert Cary Long, Sr., George The Long-Range planning of Daniel Maclea Hall, which committee recommended an is set to begin in July. Frederick. Frederick Law Olmsted, Frank lloyd Wright, Wyatt and Nolting, Richard Neutra, and Cochran, Ste- Young leaves WMC phenson & Donkervoet, this exhibition uses photographs student affairs office to survey the architecture of every county in Maryland from the seventeenth century to the present. ing rooms and handing out A 2S0-page fully illustrated continued from page 1 keys, to a trained counselor catalogue entitled 350 Years and problem solver." With the of Art & Architecture in Mary- land was published to accom- women." increase of residence hall pany the show at the Wilkens-Robins Building, 1871 Baltimore As far as the physical look floor unity, "there is now the of the campus is concerned, opportunity for the CA's to University of Maryland. It is century art by Josephine (through a grant from the she believes that "there has expand their programming available for $25. The cata- Withers, and the decorative National Endowment for the been a great amount of im- capabilities." logue. includes essays by the arts of Maryland by William Humanities, Office of State provement with projects such Young, however, does not above mentioned scholars Voss Elder, III. Programs), the National En- as ANW and Daniel MacLea, plan to begin another career and sections on eighteenth- The exhibition has been dowment for the Arts and the but there is still a lot of work in residence life. '" knew and nineteenth-century art by supported by. grants from the Maryland Heritage Commit- to be done." She also see-s coming into this job that I Elizabeth Johns, twentieth- Maryland Humanities Council tee. the advantages to "giving stu- would not be able to please dents alternatives to how they everyone and that I would be Baroque anniversary celebrated live and how they want to a target for criticism. It takes live." a great deal of balancing, The Department of Perform- ture works for organ, voice, piano; Ms. linda Kirkpatrick Young has also seen a and balancing is not what I ing Arts will celebrate the piano, flute, harpsichord, and on flute; Mr. Carl Dietrich as "dramatic change in the want to do for my entire life. works of three composers ensembles, commemorates conductor of the Brass En- image of the CA. The image I'm tired and it's time for a with a Bach-Handel-Scarlatti the ttl-centennial anniversary semble; and Ms. Evelyn S. has gone from one of check- change." Festival, Sunday, April 28, of the birth year of Bach, Hering as conductor of the '-::=================~from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Baker Handel, and Scarlatti WMC College Choir. Dietrich r- Memorial Chapel. As a prel- The talents of several mem- and Hering will each conduct Wanted ... ude to the concert, the WMC bers of the music faculty will the String Ensemble in differ- ent numbers. Guest organist highlight the program. Per- Brass Ensemble will perform Jewelry Sales: on the Boardwalk baroque music for brass en- forming artists include Ms. for the afternoon of music will in Ocean City. Md. sembles on the steps of the Arleen Heggemeier on piano; be Mr. Robert Reilly, director of music for the Grace Lu- Experienced preferred. chapel at 1:30 p.m. Ms. Julia Hitchcock as sa- theran Church in Westminster. Please. call 289-7012 The festival, which will tea- prano; Mr. David Kreider on for application or write Tri Beta welcomes new members P.O. Box 512 Medical School in 1974. He Ward, Scott Watkins, 'Dorothy Ocean City. Md. 21842 by Sandy Brant completed his internship at Whealton, Todd Wolf, Kathy Case Western Reserve in Yaroma, Julie Younger, Mary '-::=================~ On Wednesday, April 10, r- the Tri Beta, the Biology Cleveland, Ohio, and his Strine, Sheilah Lynch and . , . Honor Society, held its sec- Hemophology Fellowship be- Terry Scripture. The members FAN'S CHIESE' RESTAURANT and meeting of the semester. tween 1978-81. Or. Agre then promoted to Active were: .,___.__ ~.: - ~ Following a short business taLight at John's Hopkins in Sharon Larimer and Michael ............ ,.. .. . . '. W88ImInater meeting. the society hosted a the Cell Biology Department Angell. The new Active mem- CaIoneie 59 W. Main St,. guest speaker, Dr, Peter and is currently working at bers are: Victor Aybar, Max- Hopkin's Department of Medi- ine Boncavaq- Cindy Boyer, PoIyneaIM . 848-0919 ~~~y~:~eJi~~~e S~nh~'~~~~~ cine, Hematology. Sandy Brant, J.c-lnyBrashears Tri-Beta has recently in- and Liz Goodnow. American .' 876r3166 ~~~~~h~i~o~~~~t~a~~I~~~m~ ducted new members. The Further actlvites of the so- CoctdIIII ..vice. QuIcJcey Lunch & carry Out branes of red blood cells, new inductees this semester ciety included a trip to the 11 AM-10 PM Slft.ThIn 11 AM-11 PM Frl-Sat, Agre graduated from Augs- are: Associate: Karen Aberna- zoo on April 20, participation ._~-fDr ....... .PaItieI,-.Hora·.d'OIUVrII burg College in Minnesota thy, Lea Herndon, Hank Hon- in the Cancer Dayan April 30 '-"=~ ---'and then from John's Hopkins ick, Daniel Seabold, Linda and May Day on May 4.
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