Page 126 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 126
Page IOlWestem Maryland College/April 25, 1985 Inappropriate music tempers Ladyhawke by Jonathan Slade has imposed his protection on not end here, This modern picture set in the distant past, ing raw nerve endings in the Phillipe: and Michelle Pfeiffer approach to movie sound only breeds cinematic disas- inner ear, we are able to Ladyhawke soars, until a is Isabeau, Navarre's ever- tracks even disrupts the seri- ter. enjoy the film, the remainder thoroughly idiotic sound track elusive love. A jealous bishop cos mood that Hauer and Villorio Storaros camera of which is accompanied by a blasts it from the air. (John Wood) has apparently Pfeiffer so diligently foster work, however, is magnificent more fitting classicat track. Surely, this Wamer Brothersl called upon his contacts in When Navarre_gallops across He is fascinated by the prop- Slashing swords and slicing Twentieth Century Fox release Hell to cast an eternal misfor- the desolate countryside on erties of sunlight and pro- arrows at last dominate the has everything necessary to tune on the hero and his his black stallion, the music ceeds to .photograph it in screen. Director Aichard Don- be a blockbuster movie: an future bride, allowing them to makes a mockery of all this every conceivable manner. ner, who mastered the art of action-oriented plot, a highly be always together, but never actor's previous roles. Instead This adds a whole creative pulse-pounding depiction in talented cast, and mind-stun- in each other's arms. And' of underscoring the image of dimension to the film since Superman, repeats his per- ning cinematography. Yet the Phillipe can only watch, help- a warrior on his majestic much of the plot hinges on formance here, tripling the main musical score, boasting lessly. However, just as the steed, it drags Hauer into a solar position. And yet the viewer's adrenaline produc- the electric guitar of rock audience begins to sympa- parody of his own machismo, rock theme intrudes here tion in several gut-wrenching enthusiast Alan Parsons, in- Ihize with these boldly unique which freely flowed from his also, occasionally diverting scenes. vades each of these areas, characters, and just as the characters in Nighthawks and our attention from a crisp and almost to the point of destroy- screenplay, superbly crafted Blade Runner. Has MTV al- golden horizon to an anacron- Indeed, a film rarely ap- '~~c.this sword and sorcery by Edward Khmara, Michael tered Hollywood so drastically istic tune Parsons strikes pears that rises so close 'to Thomas, and Tom Mankiew- that all visually stunning again. perfection. Sadly, though, Starring Matthew Broderick icz, launches off into action, scenes must now be made Ladyhawke swan dives into as the resourceful young Parsons' twangy rock theme into videos? If in fact sarcasm Certainly, Ladyhawke must mediocrity due to one mis- pickpocket Phillipe the surfaces to brandish its inap- and humor are essential 10 a be pitied. It is a sensational handled detail - the music. Mouse, Ladyhawke follows propria!e bombasity. Admit- film (and they are in Lady- movie hopelessly enslaved in Nevertheless, this intriguing this bumbling loner's story as tedly, electric guitars have hawke), the producers need an infuriating sound track. quest into romantic fantasy is he reluctantly joins forces with their place in film, but tn this to assign the task of being Midway through this 124 min- worth the price of admission, a mystically cursed provincial Medieval project they sound witty entirely to an actor (like ute adventure, though, some- for the thrill of a knightly hero. Hutqer Hauer portrays as alien as would a string Broderick), and not to the one obviously realizes this victory even vanquishes the Navarre, the falcon-owning quartet in Porky's Revenge. musicians as well. Such in- atrocity and the irritating assault of a lousy theme. But knight-in-shining-armor who The sabotage, though, does dulgence in pop culture by a score vanishes. Finally, ignor- just barely Classified ~.~~~~yave you packed yet? Craig - Great piano recital walkie talkie! - Ppker anyone? Well, anyone Nick - Come talk to my and only Snookums! Ami, Aaj says, "Put that Keep Landsqid jailed for the The Hienna Hey Tim _ I don't know. Some For Sale: '83 Horizon _ Like thang." -Julie and Heshee good of mankind Needed: A winning record - stupid beer commercial new, 14,200 miles; 4 Dr, Missing: Johnny Holmes' mur- L.L.· and O.A. - Let's hear it ~:~. Bacchus is freel!!!l1! Needed: a real friend - Andy Hatchback; light blue; auto- der weapon. If found return to for the boys! - S.K. _V;-,'--::---,---;::'-,-----c:- malic; AM-FM stereo; call 9-5 info. desk Hunter, King, J-Cool and To K.B. _ Your my life _ SO- Hey Cool Shades - Get ext. 267 Kathey $5, 100 Skeletor sucking back brews SO some new glasses! .:_---_:_---- Nance, Here's to sauteed in the pub. Let's go Nova. Hunter goes 0 for 7 in the .' - PAM. ~~:ur~:~~~, r~mCO~I~~~Sh~~~~eea~iC~!e~tL~n~p~t:toes, and Does anyone get that feeling fort - Wendy, Cheri, Wanda, Laura, ~ ented household; telephone, VW + CG Were bananas over that Marvin is avoiding her The other 14- and Sheila: Thanks for atl your e::~r~~er~~i~~~9~~; ~~nJ:~i; you! - M'BK, MS Studies? ~~~:~~~u!- _I~~C. says he ~fl~i~:~~a;~c~eoathg~eciate from WMC. 848-2719 Who is Tom Mitchell? For Sale: 1 Aoomate Price Hey Cindy A, _ I got a dollar. _ very reasonable. Crazy cat 11- I love you! A.G Reward Offered: lost 1.0., To the person with the Audi I love you Roseanne Jaque- Happy Anniversary You are _ room key, mailbox key, call 4000S, I'll trade you my 69' line! so special to me. I.L.Y.B.P. - Hi Peaches - Party Vikings 876-5856 Pontiac Tempest Crazy Cat I To all the great tans out Hurry up May 9th! Alyce - Who is that native in For Sale: 1978 Kawasaki- Gil, Why aren't we friends I love meringue! - D.C. the photo with you? - there - get some real lives. KDX 175 motorcycle, good _a_ny:_mo_'e_?______ PAM. Hey Party Vikings - There will ~Oan~~io~'4~~~6~ea~~~~~~~l ~o Ba~, Our time is coming. ~:~~t:i~:On~~ti:~oh~~ me '~-:~-:~---;;c:-yO--U--;s"~-:-~S-,w--ha:-:a~-e:;:'hm~e~':::s~:=~a,be~gU~ae'd~~'O~~M:'a~y~Da~y:~a'cin,ll,gyS'I,,',fe~ns' _1_19_, ove, unners Congratulations, Cath Desro- her! _ 0.0. Persona s Wanted: GPA above 2.0 - Cp s:::ie"""'S!---c_c-c----:-:-:_--,--_ Lowie _Who's the L.L.L. this TMJ, You are a great, won- I derful, fantastic roomy! - MBK What is that girl with the red Why do all the Math profes- week? - dress on????? sors clean the erasers on the Guess Who Congratulations Silkhead and walls??? D.M. - You loser. - ~~v:I~0~~2~~d ~g~:~:i~~~~~ hey jul -,,-I - t. ~~e~~~~p~~~~~'r~~:~~~:~~ ~.~.~. - I miss you too! - D,S,C,W, today? Tell the message till all LLoyd Hart reads The Village By the way - how are the in- ... 2 d II ~c~ui~~~,ss O~I you want to have heard! - MBK, MS Voice. _ D. Seabold laws? - The Bad influence Hey Cindy - I got oars - a IS a . - onnors Sorry "LTD _ Too much _________ Does the wind ever stop PC 8.B. - Yes, we will eat partying takes its toll, see you Will the real Marty please blowing on this campus? Wanted: Aicky Conner's train- ~~~:?_and toast to our first next year at Catonsville Com- d I When you think that every- ing device - C.P. C.W munity College - stan up. ~~~ns~ri~~k~i~gF2~~at, take a To that girt next door! Stop Groner, The Phantom is still . TSF Dirtball HONEY, Keep the high-tops! I that Ranting! _ Thanx Angel around and he still remem- Anne - Why do you galla do love you, Teddie Andy _ It looks like the· Eyes bers SCOA. Stay in line or that to your laundry bag? - SL _ thanks for being such a ~~~~!S~~eiSs~~~i~~~t,::,eenus. Who wants to see an ear to else. - The Phantom Anita & Chris great roomie and most of all Love, Suzl. ear grin? (Responses limited Ar:Oy;~j~~rrv?:i~~~ ~~~\~?? ~~yYO~~~~lIin~ongratuiallOns for just being you. - M.S. to 1 and only1) Did you know that Old Ger- Hutch - Care for a bowl of Wanted: A real woman - Aeal man Beer is the official beer SMILE! Know why? You'd bet- ~~~~yyo~~r~f~~~: h-Uh~oyou ~~f~.~~d~~:~:e s~~~K~aca- A:: 105 _ Say "hi" to Harry! ~~:~C - check it out with C ;~BUOYEVOLl: I LOVE YOU Dear Boo Boo, 1-4-3-2-4-2, Layla - No, There is madness Ed Swanson _ You still have a C.G. - See ya later alligator, B.M.F. - front and back, in- Love, Minstadt in our method - Amanda friend. SP see you soon Boomazoom. _si_de_a_nd_ou_' _
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