Page 107 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 107
.. April 11, 1985IWeilem Maryland CollegeIPage 3 It's Your Turn A Dialogue on Campus Issues/ by Chuck Weinstein ISSUE: The Tuition A $1,320tuition Increase seems a necesSity; Increase yet, there will be costly side effects- especially to the students. What are your comments on this Issue? Students (Interviews with the SGA president, a commuter, freshman, sophomore, junior and senior). SGA President Peter Brooks responded jokingly, "You must be kidding me. When did this happen?" In a more serious tone, he continued, "This is absurd. A 16.2 per cent increase is entirely too much, especially in light of the fact that we have no real idea where the money is going." Brooks commented, "If tui- tion is being raised 16.2 per cent, and assuming that each person paying tuition is get- ting the normal 6 to 7 per cent cost of living increase, where does the other 9 to 10 per cent increase come from?" Brooks then com- Robert H. Chambers Melvin D. Palmer H. Thomas Kimball mented on the effect that the increase would have on the Administration single parent paying tuition. In regard to the financial aid (Interviews with President Robert Chambers, Dean budget, Brooks stated, "They of Academic Affairs Melvin Palmer, Dean of Student Affairs, told us they have increased the financial aid budget by 20 Philip Sayre, and Mr. H. Thomas Kimball, vice-president for per cent; yet, a 20 percent business affairs and treasurer.) increase in the financial aid budget will not begin to me- At the end of October each for next year of $14,847,384, remain competitive." diate a $1,320 increase. "I'm afraid that since the department is sent a letter for as compared to this year's "When most schools in- president did not put any budget requests. The week budget of $13,646,972. This creased, Western Maryland before Christmas, the Budget budget was approved by the dldn't-ft's a catch-up type of credence on student opinion, Committee, headed by the Finance Committee of the increase." said Palmer. "In a lot of students next year will president, met for a week and cpmparison to some other express their opinion with reviewed these requests. 'There is not a schools, Western Maryland their feet." Brooks added, "If They far outran what the com- will still remain lower in cost this college were a corpora- tion and we were stockhold- mittee expected. better educational next year than most area "Salaries are one part of the competitiors." Sayre noted, ers, we would own 60 per problem. It was recom- bargain among "What we're charging next cent of this corporation--and mended to the trustees that Independent year is what other schools are yet we have no say." all hourly employees receive charging this year." Palmer seven per cent increments colleges or continued, Western Maryland and salaried employees a six wants to remain a bargain per cent increase. Other re- universities In' the without looking cheap." I quests came in for new East ... and Some comparisons of next 'A lot of Peter Brooks equipment, capital items,~re- year's tuition costs as mea- students next year pairs to buildings. probably the West.' sured against other similar ing we can find the way." "Costs," he said, "are deter- institutions were quoted as will ex press their Brooks added "We are trying mined by the budget and are Robert H. Chambers follows: Franklin and Marshall- to negotiate with the presi- currently $8,635. Tuition and ยท$12,310; Havertord--$13,83S; opinion with their dent, but he says that the fees pay a percentage of Board of Trustees and in D!ckinson--$12,130; Washing- feet.' budget cannot be altered. So, what it costs to educate. The February by the Executive ton College--$9,BOO;Loyola- we'll just have to see. Maybe estimated cost to educate this Committee of the Board for $9,335; Brown-$14,795; Am- Peter Brooks some form of student protest year is $12,130; tuition covers final acceptance. "This was a herst--$13,541. Gettysburg is may be necessary." . about 70 per cent, with long and hard process," he currently $10,260, and Hood Senior Jon Ferber is like- the rest covered by grants said. lis $10,320. wise concerned about the and endowments. Next year's According to Chambers tui- When asked about possible increase, "Being a senior, it estimated cost is $13,849. tion is to increase by $1,100; additional sources for student "We at SGA intend to con- doesn't affect me. I have a lot The tuition and fees next year room fees by $90; and board aid, Chambers pointed out vince the president of the of friends who will be here will be approximately the by $l30--a total of $1,320. that approximately 80-percent urgency of his decision and next year, who will never see same per cent as we cur- Nobody likes an increase in of the students received some the ramifications it will have where this money is goir}g to rently pay for our education." tuition," explained Chambers, type of financial aid now, and .on the current student popu- go. I'm lucky that I was able In January, the Budget "however, the increase is not that people currently recelv- lation at WMC. We want to to complete my four years Committee met again and only necessary for improve- deal with as intelligent, ra- came up with a total budget ments, but is necessary to continued on page 5 tional human beings, assum- continued on page 5
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