Page 112 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 112
Page 8IWeotem Maryland College/April II, 1985 Omsbudsman Problems In S. Africa and US Newspaper's conscience by Kevin Wueste rands. South Africa is also the great evil aqainst the majority by Peter Brooks been a tremendous success The death loll rises every strongest of all the African of the people in that country among the students. week in South Africa. Inno- nations with its growing edu- Our citizens and our govern- The purpose of an Oms- An editorial advisory board cent black South Africans are cation system, expanding ment may be right in this matter morally, but that still being murdered in their fight economy and prolific con- budsman of a newspaper: to has been established by the to end the immoral travesty struction of housing for all does not give us the right to provide a vital ground for editors to be a forum for known as apartheid. Aparth- . citizens. attempt to interfere with their journalistic objectivity, to group review of editorial con- eid is that country's policy of politics and intimidate their serve as a form for construc- cepts. This will also insure ambassadors in Washington. tive critique of the paper, and adherence to a responsible separation of all colored peo- There is a saying that goes: If the United States had a ple from the white ruling mi- to be a liaison between the editorial policy. nority. The president of South "Give South Africa back to relationship and the newspa- The creation of a faculty the Africans." The truth is, the right to tel! South Africa what per corporation. page will increase the Africa, P.w. Botha,. has made Dutch who originally settled to do, then the American it known that he wIll allow no are the subcontinent the The Phoenix is now a new breadth of coverage. Any fac- deviance from the guidelines "South Africans" mentioned Indian should have more paper, and in this issue one ulty member interested in writ- and rules of his country. He input into the actions of our can see why. The leadership ting a column or"contribution rules by the iron fist. above, although their skin government. The US supports color does not fit the stereo- is strengthening, and there is to this page is more than or has supported many impe- strict Botha's poli- President a new infusion of talent dueto welcome and should contact cies have been tough on the type one would expect. South rialist, monarchical, and totali- Africa is a sovereign nation intensive recruitment from the Dr. Schreiner. Faculty inter- protests of the black South tarian regimes that do not Department of Communica- views will increase student Africans, but they have also like the United States and follow the basic tenants of they have a right to run their tion. awareness of faculty con- yielded cultural advancement democracy, and it will con- One of those 12 people is cerns and ideas about the country as they see fit. The tinue to support these re- the new advisor, Dr. Eleanor college as a whole. of the populace. In the last citizens of the United States, gimes as long as it is in our five years the government has Schreiner, a person with ex- Efforts are also underway to being from a democratic best interest to do so. People perience in journalism who involve students in journalism built 50,000 housing units for mold, feel that the govern- seem to forget this when the black Africans at a total cost will work to add a profes- and writting classes to con- of approximately million ment of South Africa is mor- microscope points to South ally wrong and committing a sional touch to the paper. She tribute. This will give students 350 Africa. in the class incentive as they will also bring intensity and get the chance to see their Peace Week strives for understanding thoroughness to the position of advisor. best work in print. continued from page 1 slide show will be presented for world events. "There's so The newspaper is now bi- Why, even the idea of an .....Mon. 4/15 -- Holocaust - .....Thurs. 4/18 -- SovieVUS much going on in the world, monthly, to allow more time Omsbudsman is new-even A survivor of the Holocaust Relations - A representative of it's easy to be apathetic," for editorial work. Greater though most proffesional, and will lecture and a memorial the Soviet Embassy will speak Hallendorff explained. James quality is already becoming some school newpapers have service will be performed by on relations with the United said, "People don't want to evident. One of the reasons one-a person to be the "con- Dr. Ira Zepp. States face the fact that two-thirds of why the paper may have had science of a newspaper." .....Tues. 4/16 -- Poland - A James said the purpose of the world is hungry .. I'm a shortage of writers in the The Phoenix will now begin representative of the Polish the Soviet life lecture is to not a bleeding-heart liberal, past could have been the to serve the college commu- Embassy will address the "rehumanize" our view 01 the but I like to' know what's tremendous demand on a nity in ways that it has not in issue of solidarity. Russians. She added, "They going on in the world." small number of students to the past. It is hoped that .....Wed. 4/17 -- Ireland - A have a basic difference in Traditionally Peace Week work. and crank out articles consistent quality will become history teacher who is a na- ideology, but they should be also includes a fast for Oxfam each week. the hallmark. of the paper. "tive of Ireland will speak. respected in any case." America, a world hunger relief The addition of a classified Also, as students become Also, a minister will discuss a The Peace and Justice Coa- organization, but the Peace section is an attempt to in- more involved, and profes- program which brings teens lition is pleased with the and Justice Coalition decided crease college community in- sionalism increases, not only to the United States to ob- events scheduled for Peace to postpone it due to the terest and involvement. The student life, but campus life, serve Catholic-Protestant rela- Week. recent Christian Fellowship classified section has also on the whole, will improve. tionships in America. A visitor Both Hallendorff and James fast. They may conduct the of Ireland will also speak. A are concerned about apathy fast later this year. Faculty Spt;'tlight ReflectionS/light seen through a prism...identity expanded belong, that one color, that their ways of thinking, of particular culture (whatever it mere labelling. The percep- by Eleanor Schreiner particular indentity, one his- working, of creating . blind may be) is a miracle . our tion of a common humanity is tory, one set of unique cus- to their need for "identity literature, our philosophy, our the first. required, all-impor- Have you ever experienced toms present to our and freedom. institutions, our language, our tant perception. The multicul- .the miracle of looking through limited perception a band, a We need to see the light history. But all the achieve- tural person senses this need a prism? In that moment you boundary, which seemingly beyond the prism. Light, the ments of a culture are but one to learn the other codes, the view a light through a multifa- seperates us from the man or source of knowledge and un- facet. one beam of fight, one keys to the other bands of ceted diamond-shape piece the woman of the next shade, derstanding, has revealed to color of a thousand-hued light. For man will -not truly of glass you see an who also has their own history us only one small fragment of spectra know himself until he knows ordinary ray of light suddenly and identity. But we are both its all-powerful energizing No one color is the sun, the Other, for it is the Other, exploded into thousands of related. The thousands and beam . this light has, all around which all the others the band of the spectra next multicolored hues all thousands of shades are all around us, been transformed revolve. All of us have light to to himlher that provides one's gradations of color nu- one entity, a human being. It and directed through culture, share. own true and clear definition. ances . extremes very is the man-made phenome- which has fashioned man's The multicultural person is The essence of what it means dark. and very light. . each non of culture, the prism, perceptions of the universe now evolving. Though poa- to be a human being is only hue expressing its own which articulates the light of into thousands of languages sessing a national origin and truly contained in all the col- beauty. man in literally millions of and dialects, forming all a primary identity, the multi- ors. Some colors represent This wondrous spectacle re- fascinating ways. manor of cutoms to satisfy the cultural person also sees the what man has been, and veals a miracle, as well as a same universal needs, articu- light and the prism of culture others, that which man can metaphor. Humanity is man But neither can we share lating man's thoughts, needs, that has articulated man into be. In that all-encompassing and woman of a thousand light nor can we see the light imagination, fears, dreams many shades of a larger hu- ray of light, shining throught shades. The light is knowl- of others while we are par- Culture calls forth as infinite manity, of which he, or she, is the prism that is culture artie- edge and understanding. Cul- tially blind blind to number of responses by com- one ulated, shines ultimate and ture is the prism. All of us are another's way of seeing plex man in an abundantly And from this insight, one infinite possibility. . ~f!. ~~one blind, to .1heir ,I~~~ua,ge " ...~ begins. to perceive the beauty The editorial. staff invite all spEk~·rum . however, lill' bMd to their-sense of ",8(6&1 inl,r\C~tf:t.~,~~er~~.\1-:-fUL. f)1l of ther'other spectra, ~and faculry::s.riiem6e;s9l&~submit sp~tRt"'·' im:'xtijg~bJy~ce:-~8f1P Ittte reasons,wrijct?; cotJJ~,~ fRat1dJoc. band,;(.tb~Lrofie, relates ) thiS'~.:;light,:to: Iffeii${.J articles;es~'arstdrl "\faiiousilop- lated to each other. That pel their present behaviors in ray of Ilghf which €lncapsu- Culture is mere costum. Color ics they consider of interest to band of light to which we particular ·ways . blind to lates us, .is beautiful our is mere skin. Language· is the college community;
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