Page 109 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 109
April II, 1985IWeitem Marylaod College/Page 5 Residents fear fires Efron to refute continued from page 1 Rouzer. Authorities have no other women agreed, that myths of cancer suspects but the investigation "not only is the person or side of the hall. In all cases, is on-going. persons setting the fires en- the fires were discovered by' Rigley is not the only one dangering her life but, they Edith Efron, author of persons who lived on the hall worried about the safety of are also restricting her free- THE APOCALYPTICS: Can and had smelled smoke. The her fellow students. Annette dom." Tighter security for - cer and the Big_ Lie, will women extinguished the fires Rapley and Sheri Trivane are Rouzer includes locking the speak at WMC on Friday, quickly and prevented further also worried. Trivane discov- doors during the day, which April 12 at 6 p.m. in McDaniel damage or injury to others ered one of the fires and "the means that students have to .Lounge. This event is spon- Erin Rigley, who discovered flames were hitting the ceil- carry their keys constantly. one of the fires was upset ing, so I pulled the alarm." Some find this an inconven- sored by the Chemistry De- is free and partment and "because it was happening Rapley's concern was for the ience, especially when just only on the women's side,", students who ignored the checking a mailbox or getting open to the public. and for her "it wasn't so much alarm. "I heard the alarm and a coke. Although students Her 1964 book is an expose the flames but, it was the went down to the lobby and of the politicization that under-
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