Page 110 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 110
Page 6IWestern Maryland College/April II, 1985 Editorial ROTC equals faculty There is a discrepancy between profession and uniform on the campus. It seems readily apparent that the faculty members who wear the Army green uniform are not extended some of the same courtesies that are given to all other faculty members. A faculty nothing more than a person that has enough knowledge about a subject to teach others. The professors of military science, we would argue have had enough time in service. as well as civilian schooling to earn the respect given to any other professor. These officers and enlisted men must do the same job as any other faculty member and are still treated as "step children" by the institution. In many instances, The ROTC instructors are not invited to regular faculty functions. There is no good reason for this behavior by professors who are supposed to keep an open HONEY, WHEN 'T\-IIS IS OVE~) GOULD YOV TAKE mind. The ROTC department has a very important job to do OJT "T\-\E GAI<.I)AG£? and they do it very well. At almost any campus function that d ~ttends. Their attendance is not for recruiting purposes but for Courage Un er rhetorlc they may attend, at least one instructor from the department Interest and a cha~e t~ off~r a different point of view. Health and well ness instances in which American! \by C. Lloyd Hart What then has happened is " that our representatives are preemptive force should be We would like to call attention to one service of the WMC Getting a glimpse of cour- speaking for only very small, used in this hemisphere. community which has greatly improved during this school year age on Capital Hill is rare but powerful, segments of our Biden cited the Soviet airstrip - the health service. Before the center was moved from the old indeed. What little of it there society. Their interests have on Grenada or the possibility infirmary, many students were confused about the services is usually can be found only been placed over the average of one in Mexico as suffi- that were offered. With its new location in the bottom of within the grain of thick office voter's. A good demonstration ciently threatening to US se- Decker, however, it is now very simple for students to find. doors and behind the potted of the detrimental conse- curity and stabilty in the In addition to the many treatments and programs plants, well out of earshot of quences of this course can region. In debate before the available to the population, Ms. Marlene Clements, student the party whips. And if by be seen in the most national November election, only Fritz heal~hnurse, took on the rather large task of planning and some indiscretion word elections. The Democratic Hollings and Reuben Askew holding a Wellness Day. The Day included several large should get out, fortelling of party was beaten badly by would even entertain the names in health care, The American Red Cross, The Cancer statement which deviates "the average voter" because thought. Society, and Ducks Unlimited were just a few of the from the offical political party it erased their concerns, and contributers. rhetoric, the offender is gently replaced them with the unne- As further proof of his more Students were given product samples, good advice, and reminded "to give the prob- cessarily narrow agendas of mainstream attitude, Biden la- perhaps even some useful knowledge. The point is that lem further study." the black community, women, beled Walter Mondale's someone cared enough to take time and plan an event like labor, environmentalists, and choice of Geraldine Ferraro well.n~ss day. The function was not a cardboard and paste Why is this scene replayed practically any other special as a running mate as a sell- exhibit. The booth sponsors brought with them health in hundreds of time each day interest group you would care out at the ultra-liberal computers, respirators, films, posters as well as friendly and Washington? Why do new to name. women's movements. He also intelligent personnel. and pratical solutions to pers- We can however find a told a room, at least half filled This kind of program is very impressive to students and isting troubles become buried small measure of solace in with women, that he would be they understood what was presented. We were not forced into beneath "further study"? And recent statements made by glad to name a women to his a single program and there was very little preaching. The most disturbing of all, why do Democratic senator Joseph R. ticket, but he knows of many theme seemed to be "We can help but you must make the first men or women with an ounce Biden of Delaware, who vis- more qualified men than move." of self-respect allow them- ited the campus in March. women that he would choose selves and their constituen- than a few pacifists by declar- over a "manifestly unquali- The Phoenix cies to. be bypassed? ing that there are certain fied" Ferraro. _ Jonathan Slade _ Editor-in-Chief.. .. 8ill Mann Managing Edilor.. . . Kelly Connor Egg plant- it's not everything Layout Editor .. C. Lloyd Hart Copy Editor..... . Jonathan Slade News Editor .. .. Leo Ryan it's been cracked up to be Sports Editor .' Elizabeth Leik Photography Editors Stacey Pucci, Margaret Gemski, . Ursula Wiedmann Everytime I attend a festive Now, however, I have learned find it difficult to argue with gathering. whether it's a beer to answer such probing par- this type of clear-headed ~~~~~i~fn~~:~:~e·;:·.:::·.::: t::....::..:..:::·.::·.:.~:~~IS~':~~ bash or a ball, some inebri- tiers point-blank: "Why, I work logic, and therefore let the Reporting Staff rracv Kennard ..Steven Rossman ated individual drags himself in an egg plant." discussion drift into oblivion Sandra Carlson, J Jill/Grabowski, Cyndi Schafer, into my field of vision and An egg plant? Even the (along with my cohort). Monica Brunson Melissa Renehan, Bill Benson asks (singeing my eyebrows most intoxicated conversa- Actually, though, both of Ronna Lolli Chuck Weinstein Mark Lawrenson with an alcoholic flame), "So tionalists will exhibit some sort these admittedly murky job Rhonda Myers, Jeff Stebbins, Andrew P. Jung, where do you work?" of startling reaction. "Like descriptions are correct. The Lou Anne Banks Nancy Shaw Julie Ellingson I used to toy with the ques- wow, man," I usuaUy get. company for Which I work is Chris Ginther, Robin M. Adams tion in my mind and offer "you mean you work in a real, involved in purchasing large live vegetable. One of us has Advisor : Dr. Eleanor L. Schreiner some beat-around-the-bush definitely had too much to quantities of eggs; washing, and for the studentsof WestemMaryland' response like "Oh. I am cur- drink." sizing, and grading them; and College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not rently employed in Carroll then shipping these henhouse necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor administration.The County" or "A building, I work "No," I flounder around in surprises out to various su- Phoenix reservesthe right to headline.edit for length. in a two-story cinder block thought, "it's more like an egg permarkets. And you thought clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe edifice." This tactic, I should factory." that chickens were trained to signed, authorshipwill be verified. add, was not invented to "Hah," a wobbly finger lay those "incredible edibles" We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Please ad- mask embarrassment, but usually gets shoved in my directly into the Styrofoam dress aUmail to The Phoenix.WesternMarylandCollege. was instead an attempt to face, "l've got you there. cartons. right? Westminster,Md. 21157. dodge a lengthy explanation Eggs come from chickens, that my reply would require. not assembly lines." Often I
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