Page 106 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 106
Pag~_2,,!e8tem Mary~d_ College/April 11, 1985 Greek Life Waldman appointed to Deaf-Blind position I by Robin Adams and 10 the Brooks pans '85 budget Joanne Colliflower March cancelled presentation was The problem stif remains as to how to finance the Junior- continued from page 1 Making a single January 1~~~~~I?~~~L~~~~y~A~Z~ Senior Banquet, for the re- Term requirement instead of this Week proudly advertised maining balance of $1,000 ~t~r~e~~t~yn t~i~t~~:n~i~~~~~isdĀ·no,ther buocet issJue. this traditlonat production of must be generated. The Stu- ns ea a cutting our an the junior class. However, was increased. According to Term, Brooks said, "Cut out a there will be no Follies this dent Government Association donated $100, and a Forum Bc"r.~.k,sd',t5h~dUbeUdtoge"ntcIOrer"5ien'20n-few ,?fChlhebPresidendt'sdin- year. Alumni Hall was silent party was planned to cover a ners. am ers ma e com- on March 15,16 and 17, and 6:~tC~~~r~a~~e~~r'6~eec210orpeOr,Pharisondsto 0dther.schOO!Sthat the custom was broken due portion of the remaining sum. But due to a lack of communi- ave Tappe winter semes- to apathy and tack of support Financial Aid Cathy MiUer's ters altogether. "For me that's from members of the junior cation within the administra- ~~~tg~i~eani'~c~~:~ th:ru~6e~t7~a justification for keeping it, class. tion, the plans for the party could not be carried out tuition." fdorhi'!l t~a!:s j~dstiBficatikonfor Despite the cancellation, ==========r:oP:p:,":9:':I' :5:':' =r:00=5:, =: though, the Follies production "The coordinators of the appeared to be well planned ~ by the officers of the junior Banquet regret that. because of these difficulties and the House of Liquors class: Sharon Eimer, junior general apathy within the ju- class president and choreog- nior class, the Follies were e_peelal w_... and Karyn Upton, treasurer Sharon Eimer, Junior Adams, class Vice-President. Carroll PIaa. 1Veetaaiuter rapher, Robin Adams, vice- cancelled," says Robin head writer, and president The Banquet comes complete tIda and executive director. The first Follies meeting, class president with an appetizer, entree, dessert, open bar and danc- NationalBoh $5.49/case held in Nov. was well at- stages of the production, but ing with a minimal charge not tended by 30-40 members of the excitement "died down" the junior class, and the offi- and the people began to vet established with coupon ... 1St4 cers were pleased with the "slowly dwindle off." At the "All those involved in the enthusiam as many ideas for last meeting only 23 students Follies and the Junior-Senior ;::=================~ themes and scripts were in- showed up and only 12-15 Banquet would like to thank troduced. Scripts were com- were actually acting in the the juniors who put out exten- pleted by early February and scripts. A number of the sive time.and effort during the a recruitment campaign was stage crew members volun- organization of the Follies," initiated for all interested jun- teered to participate in the Adams says, extending her iors. Participation was not a scripts. Yet. it was too late to sincerest apologies to the problem in the beginning save the Follies. On Sunday, Class of 1985. ,Read,The' Phoenlx
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