Page 104 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 104
Page 8IWeitem Maryland CollegeIMarcb 21, 1985 Library plans survey The Breakfast Club Recently Librarians Dr. Mar- Consideration is under way to garet Denman-West and Ms close the library at 6 p.m. on evenings Carol Quinn have expressed Friday and Saturday problems. shreds teen stereotypes their concern over the contin- to eliminate staffing [oeton of Hoover Library as a Second, the survey will be service and asset to the col- asking students whether or by Jonathan Slade and unshaven. And, as the In addition, members of The lege community. not there is any interestin a movie opens, we see him Breakfast Club offer their Denman-West plans to be course in library management By now, anyone who is spending yet another Satur- speculations about the future. sending out a questionnaire for credit or non-credit. even remotely interested in day at school, serving deten- One of the most touching to the undergraduate students Denman-West is also inter- the "cinematic experience" tion with four other sequences involves a discus- of the college. This survey wilt ested in what the student has heard something of The "delinquent" youths. elon of growing up and be- be centered on three main reaction might be to the in- Breakfast Club's superior Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, coming a parent. Discourse topics. Firat, the student pop- stallation of two Xerox copy quality. But have prospective Molly Ringwald, and Anthony reveals that these five youth ulation will be asked their machines costing 15¢ a copy. viewers been enlightened as Michael Hall portray these do not want to "be like" their opinions about weekend li- Quinn was excited over the to why this film is truly sensa- additional unfortunates who, mothers and fathers. Yet, brary hours. Currently the Ii- library's acquisition of new tional? due to some violation of someone points out that such brary is open until 10 p.m. on magnified readers. These rna- Probably not. school conduct, must spend a result is "inevitable. We both Friday and Saturday chines are located over in the Released by Universal Pic- eight "weekend" hours in the. can't help but be like them." nights. The library staff has Microfiche· Reader area. They tures, The Breakfast Club Shermer High library as a Certainly, a mature conversa- found that the evening hours will enl.rge the print of read- doesn't lend itself easily to form of punishment. Estevez, tion concerning destiny, in a from about 6 to 10 are dead ing material for those with descriptive discussion. This is from Francis Ford Coppola's production targeted for teen- hours where very few people vision problems to any de- a slightly paradoxical state- The Outsiders, plays ultra- agers yet,' is heretofore un- come in to ~se me library. sired magnification. ment since most of the movie jock Andy Clark; Sheedy stars founded. is in fact metaphysical con- as the dandruff-prone loner And even the topic of sex IS versation, but nevertheless, it Allison Reynolds; and Ring- handled in a less barbaric is true. we find it simply wald portrays the self- in- manner than usual. Imagine To all the PhiSigs;Weloveyou Classified all! The TKE'sfrom V'NU: excrutiating to explain why valved prom princess Claire that. A film actually exists where the characters speak the picture Standish. Furthermore, Hall, Per- succeeds. intelligently about intercourse love, TKE Prytanis haps it is that writer/director fresh from Sixteen Candles, To Wendy Bartko- Join me in John Hughes finaUy offers turns in an excellent perform- and virginity, rather than in- ""antlld, part time my tub some night young adults a project almost ance as Brian Johnson, the dulge themselves in practical application. Where is Holly- student evening help. Drivers love, Your Man solely built on personal con- naive, arede-orlented wood headed? who speaks softly, and almost templation, instead of the 8C- Hey Guys, Hurry up, here for food delivery from comes "the telephoneman" :~-~:~~o~~~~e~~~~a ~~~~ ~:~i~n~~bi~~tl~nra~~~c~f Indeed, the only flaw in the Maria's Restaurant ducers crank out for the these people, rebel, loner, ~~~~~~~c:.'7.:::~~~~~~ to WMC. You must WM & TMJ - no, no, no-no "teeny-bop" population. He and brain alike, carry with have a car. Carol - I can't see you!!! commits himself, it seems, to them sonie peer-appointe-d ~ntth:~~x~t +eh~dm~iC~I~ Call 848-5666 ~~:r! =1~h~t ~~~tSth~fi~h~o,:~~ Editor-in-chargeof SecretSan- ~~~~~~~~~c~~fna~~ Also needed part time tas says it's Secret Easter Bun- types,;! preoccupations about attacks: Why must everyone Ruth's cinematography and Keith Fursey's musical score, waItreSs nies aJi the way! and kitchen help. To Jenny Brashears- I'm glad post-high. school situations, hide his feelings behind the however, suHiciently mask and countless other quirks impenetrable facade of ster- these choppy sections. And you swam into.mylife. Let'sswim indicative of human nature. eotype? Why must a person Paul Gleason provides a con- a ~i18 longer. And with each new scene, he conform to a vision that others sistently believable perform- Wanted: Responsible Love,Fred unveils another emotional hold for him? ance as the teacher in charge party to take over Lady J.O.P. - I have a luv subtlety with which we can Perhaps John Bender's ster- of these "lncorriqibles." low monthly paymenta Jones for you and I alwayswill. empathize. eotype is the most shattered Thus, the question is pro- Judd Nelson stars as the by the time the last reel glides Mr. H. Wil on spinet plano. To Ed Swanson - I want a rebel personality of this little through the projector. His posed again: Why is this a great film? Can be seen locally. hungryman dinner from you, excursion into the adolescent brashness, though it does not Maybe because it insists on Write Swanson mind. Playing the role of John diminish during the course of serving up so many human credit Manager: YourPub Buddy Bender (as in "bender of the film, becomes a means by subleties that we are forced rules"), he enters the film as a Milo- YouknowI will alwaysbe P.O. Box 33, here for you forever, so please totally disgusting individual which he can communicate to identify with at least one of his view of reality. Instead of these harshly stereotyped Friedens, PA 15541 don't be lonely! whose crude. mouth and lack a rebel and criminal, we even- characters. Surely, there are Opus of manners offends all who tually find in him a philoso- instances when we see our- must endure his company. He pher and a psychiatrist. It is selves on the screen. FOR SALE - Guitar; electric; Kibbles, watch your eyes WIth is, in essence, the stereotypi- Bender who turns this Satur- Whatever the case, though, HondoProfessionalII; black with my sweat shirt. cal "punk kid" that everyone day penalty period into a The Breakfast Club provides yellow stripes Eddie Van Halen Dear Jenny (SmoochieFace) - knows--uncouth, unintelligent, lesson on life. plenty of food for thought. style; very good condition;$125 I love your Speedos, I negotiable- Rob at ~7-0568 Love,50 Free Fred Hoffberger Gallery displays .1 1982 Audi 40005, red, 5Dk A friend is a single soul in the miles, pwr windows & locks, bodies of two people - Remem- Palijczuk's art collection automatic, sunroof, excellent ber that friend!! condition, $9,800. Cathy Miller, HAPPYBIRTHDAYCarrie Beth Wasyl Palijczuk, professor X233, 857-0533,after 5 pm. MiHer(Fromyour linlest roomie) of art and acting art depart- nation through his art work, of Art, and the Flat Rock School of Art. he says. FOR SALE, Ron,GreatNews!We'veadded ment chairman for WMC, will A versatile artist, Palijczuk Having attained a respected 1 Turntable Dual 1225, New our weights together and we're be featured at the Hoffberger concentrates on drawing and reputation, Palijczuk is in- Cartridge over 500 pounds. And not only Gallery March 3-26, from 10 making prints, painting in oil eluded in "Who's Who in the 1 Tape Deck KenwoodKX-620 that, but there i&.a patron saint a.m. until 5 p.m. Sunday - and watercolor, and sculpting South" (1974), "Who's Who in 1 AM/FMStereoReceiver2-7010 for obesity, yay! Friday. Sponsored by the Bal- in wood, stone, metals, the East" (1976), "Dictionary watts/channet -Pooh& CR 2 SPEAKERS18", 15 'watts. Air timore Hebrew Congregation, bronze, and plastics. of International Artists Biogra- suspension Owen: We know you're color- Palijczuk's exhibit entitled phy/U.S.A." (1977n8), "Nota- Price reasonable, blind, but get someoneto help "The Joy and Wonder of it All" Born in Ukraine, Palijczuk ble Americans of 197M7", Tom-X378or 876-8248 you matchthe bluesof your suit will contain his most recent first came to the United States "Ukrainians in North America" J&S drawings and paintings. in 1950. He received both his (1975), and "American Artists Personals Chris: Give it anothershot! Should reflect the unique and of Arts degrees from the Uni- of Reknown" (1981/82). Pal- Bachelor of Arts and Master Palijczuk believes that art ijczuk is also asked to present Wanted:OceanCity Roommate personal style of an artist versity of Maryland. Palijczuk his works and give lecturesl Macho Stud: You left your cot- Guy or Girl - 2 bedroomapart- including the artists thoughts, currently teaches at WMC but demonstrations, as well as tie of tobacco spit in our room ment. - $3,600 for the season feelings, emotions, expert- he has also taught at the judge at several art shows. Pleaseremoveit ASAP! Includes utilities!! ContanctNick ences, and ethnic back- Jewish Community Center, His works are represented in -S&J 848-9700ANW tst floor. ground. Palijczuk enjoys the Baltimore Museum at Art, over 350 private and public exploring_the world of imagi- the Maryland Institute College collections.
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