Page 105 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 105
The Phoenix' Western Maryland College April II, 1985 Brooks conveys dismay over Chambers' budget by Scott Anderson ~O~dorn~Sh~~~~,gSvh:ni~s~~~ if the increase was justified "We're a 'famity' at WMC Brooks said, referring to the and we're being treated like March 20 memo from the chitdren," said SGA President president, "Chambers makes Peter Brooks concerning the no justification; instead he school's tuition increase. makes comparisons. It's not fair, we feel the burden. We On Feb. 20, the Board of were not asked our opinion Trustees approved a tuition until too late and no one was increase of $1,320 for next informed until too late." The Fitzwilliam Quartet will give its Maryland year. The next day Dean Brooks said that the Board premiere at WMC on Friday, April 19. Melvin Palmer and Dean has not decided whether or Philip Sayre, along with Presi- not they would continue this dent Robert Chambers, tuition increase for incoming England's Fitzwilliam met with the SGA "to outline to freshmen each year, which mean raising tuition would the budget." According Quartet to' visit WMC Brooks, the outline was very $1,000 annually. How high is the college's shallow with "no depth or 16.2 per cent increase with specifics." He believed the information was also poorly respect to other schools? On The Fitzwilliam String Ouar- Although its choice of reper- disseminated among the stu- the average, there was a 7-9 tet of England will give its toire is spread evenly across dent body due to poor attend- Peter Brooks per cent increase across the Maryland premiere. at WMC the past two centuries, a ance at student government country with a 5.9 per cent on Friday, April 19 at 8:15 particular interest is the study meetings. "We met on a Even so, the Board of Trust- increase of aid to schools in p.m. in Alumni Hall Theatre. and performance of ne- Thursday night which is not ees had already made their the state, said Brooks. Cham- glected masterpieces of the the usual SGA night, and decision. "There was nothing Receipt of the Grand Prix later Romantic era and the there were no Greeks." we could do about it. We continuedon page 2 du Disque and Gramma- promotion of new music, The ciation with Shostakovich's Fires' worry residents phone Awards for its Shasta- climax of the Fitzwilliam asso- kovich recordings has brought international attention music came when the com- to the Fitzwilliam. The Fitzwil- poser himself visited them in by Monica Brunson the residents as quickly as after investigations and was liam Quartet as presently con- 1972 in York, England, 10 they could and directing them expelled from the college. stituted has begun its hear them play. The Fitzwil- No one could exit through to alternative exits. As the Now, 8 year Jater,once again eleventh year of work to- liam ensemble is the only the lobby because it was residents scattered to safety, there is an arsonist on cam- gether. Quarter-in-residence quartet to have mastered all engulfed in smoke. The two trying to gather their senses pus. This year, during the at England's University of fifteen of Shostakovich's quar- students who were trying to they realized that this was not week before Spring Break York, the players teach and tets. put out the fire could not be a scheduled fire drill or a there were five fires set in are involved in many aspects In 1982 Fitzwilliam per- seen by the CA, who was no prank - it was a real fire. seven days on the first floor of of musical life at York. In formed the United States pre- more than ten feet away from The incident described Rouzer Hall. Ihese years as an ensemble, miere of the Shostakovich them. above is not a ficticious one. According to incident re- the Fitzwilliam has earned an quartet cycle in Lincoln Cen- The smoke began to pour It occured in January of 1984 ports, completed by Fran outstanding reputation ter's Tully Hall. The major through the double doors that after midnight, when most of Held, all of the firs were set in l through its concerts, world- critics' reviews of these five led to the lobby and soon the students were asleep. The trash cans on the women's wide, and its award-winning concerts were outstandingly filled the first floor of Rouzer student who was responsible recordings. favorable. H~I. The CA's were alerting for the fire was discovered continuedon page 5 ~_hts: hat action should Peace Week pushes the US take to change Japanese • trade policies? _ for human understanding - by Sandra Carlson opposing views. period in what's going on," HaJlendorff Import quotas question/answer order to offer an airing of said. She continued ~xptal.o:.. ing that everyone needs tc Newspapers today are filled restriction through tarriffs with stories about the situa- "Our goal is to inform and ''I'm learning about the issue tions in Nicaragua, Poland, we -let the people decide," learn about world situations. Russia, and Ireland. But how stated the Peace and Justice too (through Peace Week)," negotiated, voluntary restrictions much can a newspaper article Coalition's Vice-President, she added. inform about the issues?" Beth James. Hallendorff stated, "I would "Newspapers only go so Understanding the issues is hope everybody would pick at far," said Ann Hallendorff, the goal of Peace Week. least one Peace Week event no restrictions president of the Peace and Hallendorff said. She ex- to go to." Justice Coalition, "Peace plained it is a responsibility of The events include: Week is one step further." American citizens to learn .....Sun. 4/14 -- Nicaragua - 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Peace Week (April 14-18) is about the issues. . A recent visitor to Nicaragua re- will speak and a slide show "So many Americans Number of people a five day presentation of spond to questions about is- wilt be shown, speakers and slide shows of Survey sample: 126 L-_'-_'- Source: Phoenix current issues. Each event sues with 'Oh, um, I don't continuedon page 8 ....J involves a presentation and know even know. I don't
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