Page 88 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 88
Page 2JWeatem Marylaod CollelelMay 10, 1984 Letters to the Editor Racism, sexism, homophobia at WMC? JSU No respect Dear Editor, rapes and rape attempts, should not get embroiled" in Recently Jeff Sweren was being called a "nigger-lover," issues "real or perceived" Dear Greg: an object of anti-semitic sen- a "faggot," and a "#&*!! that run "counter to every- We, the students in the ~h:m~~~_~!~~t~roa~~~~.parent timism when he was dlecnrm- lesbian bitch" in class does thing Western Maryland Col- Jewish Student Union of Everyone on this campus is nated against in the SGA not demand a response????? lege at its best represents?" Western Maryland College, a unique individual. As indi- elections. We are very thank- We are so glad that there is These problems ignored, will are greatly distressed over viduals we all have the right ful to Jeff for speaking out on no room for antl-semltism on not go away. Let's face up to incidents which have hap- to pursue our own special the issue and for not passing this campus, but what about the fact that it happens here, pened within the past several interests without fear 'of har- it off as an isolated incident. racism, sexism, and homo- and that we need to work on months. We feel the time has rassment or judgement. We would also like to thank phobia? our respect for humanity and come for us to speak out If those responsible for prej- Dr. John for letting us know Frankly, it is correct that a diversity. against these prejudiced acts. udiced acts would realize that "occasionally, ...some- public letter to Jeff is "poor Respectfully, As fellow students, we de- their full effects, they would thing happens that demands consolation." That is not what Bonnie L. Banks Steph LW1r serve the same respect as hopefully reconsider their a response." Who says that we are asking for. Shouldn't T. J. ThomasRobin N. Garland every other member of this thoughts and actions in order an arsonist's attempt on a we ask ourselves why it is felt BrianM.KemlageMonical. Brunson campus. Some students are to have a more united and specific student's life, several that "a dean or president JeffreyGreer KarenLambert denying us this right. Just Sincerely, L.S-tu-d-e-n-ts-----:-h-e-l~p-o-n-g-u--:i-d-a-n-c-e-d-a-y-j reasons for this unequal treat- peaceful ca,:"pus. ment elude us; however, apa- Jewish Student Union Christians sight Dear Editor: Duane Gamble Robin Adams So often, we hear only the Greg Lowerly John Boinis attitude problems negative things about WMC's Bob Wrightson Jeff Stebbins students and the campus. I Etlen Wolf Ron Austin would lil<;eto thank a group of Iitana Ali students and staff for their Germaine Troxell Bill Livingston Lisa Abbey We, the leaders and mem- Eric W. Hopkins bers of the following Christian Andi Saccocio positive contribution. The stu- Molly Muir Nancy Sekira dents and staff listed below Keith Lutgen organizations: Western Mary- Julie Spivey volunteered their time to help Don Lederer Linda Bancroft land Christian Fellowship; Valerie Wieder with Guidance Day programs Todd Macmillan Kate Stickles Barleycakes: Catholic Cam- Linda L. Aberts for students coming in the Fall Ed Proctor Laney Fisher Wade Scott pus Ministry; Chapel Commit- Cindy Rasbury of 1984. I would like to thank Rich Johnson tee; and Baptist Student Krystie l. Adams the people listed as well as John Hackney Gina Breuer elif Martin Union express our concern Audrey A. Adams everyone else who helped to Denise Humphrey over anti-semitism, racism, Deborah S. Ratzburg make the program a success. Beth Roberts Amy Farrell Sue Benson and other similar attitudes Denise D. Ratzburg Ronda Carr Lea Ruggiero against minority papulaitons Scott Scroggs Annie Dupes Eric Greenberg Sharon Eimer Polly Goethe here at Western Maryland Glen l. Arnold Chris Gray Ludley Howard College. We believe such atti- Gail Sadler Maria Maranto Charissa Wieland Jenny Eisberg Wendi Moore tudes are degrading to the John W. Richardson, Jr. Kathy Boyer Mary Sue Owens God-given dignity of all indi- Heidi M. Snyder Kevin Peregoy Fran Ward Nancy Young viduals are expressed in the Cathy L. Inmon Debbie Hildebrand Dee Kennedy George Poling Gospels, and even embodied Donald Combs Barbie Hess Sue McGuire Sincerely, in our most precious national James W. Chung Brenda J. Weber documents, and pledge to Cindy Warrington support those suffering from Kris Nysrtom Students protest Higbee loss such actions, regardless of Larry Stem race, creed, or national origin. Jack Springer Ronald Kyle Herb Finderson Elizabeth Henry J. David Beldon Donald Burgard Ronald L. Gavlin Stephan Brady Carvilla Jayne Dorshow Michael Scalzi Diane Perry Jeffrey Rickett Ruth Ann Armacost Judith A. Adams Nancy Weitzel The Phoenix Editor Gregory Elbo Associate Editor .william Mann Managing Editor Philip Block News Editor Eric Greenberg Assistant Editor Michael B. Kraig Sports Editor Greg Merrill Copy Editor Laura Kleber Layout Editor Paige Buchter Photo Editor .Dave Dante Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager.. .. Peter W. Spartin Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel Writers Joe Olcott, Stacey Pucci, Liz Siegenthaler, Laura Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill The Editor wishes to Jeanne, Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. thank the Staff for The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. all its hardwork We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddress all The Standard of Excellence mailto ThePhoenix.WesternMarylandCOllege,Westminster,Md. GOOD JOB 21157.
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