Page 91 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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M~~gan awarded ~~~!!r!~fro!~~~t~Ma~d~~~h~~~:~~~ whictl-receives more than 1,· W8JC-FM's"In Other Words," R~ynolds Industnes. Inc.' of lege was the fi~st In the will also suppo~t Western 000 applicants annually. A resident of Baltimorecity, ~lnston-Salem, North Care- country to ~stabhsh a pro- Maryland Colleges progr~m She has appeared to read Manganteaches poetry,crea- una, has been awarded to gram preparing teachers at to teach personsto work with her works at The Folger live writing, American litera- Western Maryland College to the secondary level and. to a~ults w~o are both deaf and ShakespeareLibrary in Wash- ture and journalism at the support th~ qraduate prc;>-enroll both deaf and heanng blind: This program.'t~e only ington D.C. and was a tea- liberal arts college. gram~to train professionalsIn students. Th~ program was ~me.1nth~ works, IS In con- tured 'poet in the New Poet the fields of deafness and also the first In the country to Junctionwith the Helen Keller Series in !~~~~~:nd~~r~or:s g~:~:'t~~ ~~Ii~~e';:~~ ~~~~~~~:~~~" ~If~~on~~u~:n~~~F~~uIPse~~ ceived by the private, liberal This concept relies on com- Long Island, New York. It is arts college in its 117-year munication - in all forms - estimated that the 30,000 to history, will provide funds for among and between the deaf 50,000 deaf-blind adults in instructional materials, library and hearing people, including the U.S. will eventually benefit acquisitions, program person- sign language, "oral" speech from this graduate program to nel, and student scholarships reading or cued speech. Total train professionals in services __ c•• 1 over the next four years. communication has been at- necessary in coping with this The R. J. Reynolds grant is tacked viciously by "orahats'': severe disability. In addition, a major step toward the col- audiologists and speech/lan- the 6,000 children born deaf- lege's new cooperative pro- guage pathologists who be- blind during the 1963-67 ru- gram with Towson State Heve in teaching the bella epidemic are now enter- University (Towson, Md.) to profoundly deaf child to adapt ing adulthood. Deaf-blindness offer students a dual certifica- to the "hearing world" by is expected to more than tion in education of the deaf using only speech and quadruple from diseases and speech pathology or ed- speech reading. Expanding such as Ushers syndrome. ucation of the deaf and au- public awareness and ac- Followinga recent survey of . diology. program ceptance of the use of sign 8,500 teachers of the deaf, The certification language has been demon- Western Maryland College L .!!!i:!J~~~~~~~~_:~~~~~~~ will combine the knowledge strated by the utilization of ranked as the second largest and expertise basic to each interpreters on television and provider of teachers of the Editors sought field and bridge the philo- at public events. Recently,the deaf in the country. The pro- gram's strength is the faculty sophical gap between these fields of speechllanguage two disciplines whose protes- pathology and audiology have who include Dr. McCay Ver- sionals have long served the become less focused on a non, nationally recognized re- STUDENT EDITORS The qualifications for these deaf community of over 16 totally oral approach to edu- search psychologist in SOUGHT positions are as follows: million people in the United cating the deaf. deafness, Dr. Hugh Prickett, Applications are now being 1) Full-time undergraduate States. In announcing the grant, respected deaf educator and Since its inception in 1967 President Ralph C. John coordinator of programs in received by the StudentPubli- student at the college cation Board for the following possessing a minimum Western Maryland College's spoke enthusiastically about deafness and his assistantDr program in deafness has reo- the program's plans for pro- Dianne Greyerbiehl. positions:Editor and BUSiness G.P.A. of 2.25. Manager of the _Ix; Edi- 2) Class standing as a sopho- ognized the importance of fessional workshops and the deaf teachers t~~ching the annual National Forum. tor and Business Manager of more by June 1, 1984 the Yealbook; and Ednor of 3) Previous experience as a Contrut. Students interested publications editor or staff See the studs in applying for these positons member either in high of may pick up applications at school or college. the Infonnation Desk and at The deadline for applications WMC compete the College Activities Office in is May.9, 1984. For more the Decker College Center information please call Joyce for and at the Public Information Muller, Board chairperson, at Office in Harrison House. extension 292. Mr. WMC this weekend CASH for CLASS Grow with an education loan from Maryland NationaL We'll loan you a future. For college or grad school, Maryland National House Liquors can help you gain the tools for a brighter future. We can offer you revoMng Thltion Lines of credit. C.S.L Loans, and P.LU.S. Loans. For "at the fork" complete information call: WIthin Maryland: 1-800-492-2547 Budweiser 6 pk. cans Outside Maryland: 1-800-638-2577 orvisitany Maryland National Branch. Heineken 6 pk. cans Introducing the new un-beer, Citronet Good luck on exams!
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