Page 92 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 92
Page 6IWe.!ern Maryland CollegeJMay JO, 1984 "The Age of Rock" lecture R.OTe conquers ~_ river "Rock Music: Where did it era. Bubble Gum hits - soft, early San Franciscan style of come from? Where has it ramantic songs aimed at rock, also called acid rock or The weekend of April 21st effects of the water forced been? Where is it. going?" teenage girls - ended the psychodelic rock, with its and 22nd was the annual some to discontinue the voy- Those were the questions that 50's. harsh metal sound, typified by Cheat River white water raft age. CAPT Martin and SSG Dr. Charles Burnsworth, a Rock continued to reach a Jefferson Airplane. Janis Jo- trip weekend, this special Wyatt, the trips photogra- professor of music at SUNY, greater and greater audience pun, and- Jimi Hendrix event was sponsored by the phers, played a vital role in posed and answered in his of people. "American Band- (whose innovations included ROTC department and open minimizing any damage done. lecture, "The Age of Rock." stand played an important the use of distortion and feed- to all students. A total of 34 The displaced members were people, (including cadre) at- With slides, music, and com- role in making rock and roll a back with the electric guitar). tended. then taken back to camp for mentary, he pre~ented a more teenage property," he said. For the 1970's, the presen- dry clothes. than two-hour history of rock Also, dances like the Twist tation included guitarist Eric The Cheat River, in West LTC Duvall's raft had some ~nd roll to almost fifty people "brought more adults into the Clapton; Blood, Sweat, & Virginia, is a favorite rafting problems with an ill-inflated In the Forum on May 2nd. listening sepctrum of rock Tears, with their jazzy big- location for white water enthu- floor that kept getting caught "Rock music," he said, and roll." band sound; long-living Chi- siasts of the region. During up on rocks and debris. Their "came from at least four dif- Buddy Holly, wi~hhis hicup- cago; the "highly advanced most of the year, low water advance was slower due to ferent sources: gospel, ping style of singing, was the voacl harmony" of Crosby, makes the river virtually un- the fact that they took on rhythm & blues, country & second most popular artist in Stills, Nash & Young; the runable, and concentrated water. The crew kept on as western, and American white the late 50's after Elvis, and short-lived Doors' Santana levels of sulfuric acid make MAJ Haker bailed out the raft. 'kitsch' music (bland pop he was the first 10 employ with its Latin percussio~ the water poisonous. The Luckily, they were not faced 'music) of the 30's and 40's." rhythm and lead guitars as sound; the Allman Brothers acid, leached from the long with the type of crew turn Early rock, from the 1920's to standard equipment. and their Southern Rock; Art abandoned coal mines, not overs that· raft #1 experi- the early 50's (Bessie Smith, After Holly came the British Rock, with its electric music only makes the river biologi- enced. Muddy Waters, etc.), was invasion, including, among tecnology typified by Genesis cally barren, but it is also MAJ Glass and SFC Jack- simply "whitewashed" rythm others: the Beatles (who "ran and Yes;' Country Rock, like strong enough to peel the son commanded the last raft. and blues, he said. Record away with the 60's"), Her- the group Little Feat; the skin from your body; so it Their crew had no problem at cornpanles would have :-",~ile man's Hermits, the Animals, mellow sounds of Paul Simon, goes. Thus the Spring flooo all navigating rapids, and singers, .Instead of the anginal the Kinks, the Zombies, the Carol King, James Taylor, and fills two functions: It makes were able to spend most of black singers, record black Rolling Stones (who were in- Neil Young; the hard rock and the fiver passable, as well as the journey having a good songs .. Gradually thoug.h, fluenced a lot by American heavy metal groups, like Led diluting the acid to non-dan- time. The entire run took singers record.ed With rhythm and blues of the 50's), Zeppelin; New Wave (or gerous levels. about 2 hours, after which wh!te re~ord companies, and and the Who. At the same punk) groups like the Clash The enthusiastic group left everyone helped to bring the whites With black record com- time, the Detroit Motown and David Bowie; and the soft campus at about 6 am Satur- rafts and equipment back to panies, both ot which stimu- sound emerged with artists rock of ABBA, Pablo Cruise, day. After an uneventful 4 camp. After a shower and a fated the development of rock such as Diana Ross and the Bread, and America. hourtrip to camp Dawson, the change of clothes, everyone _. and roll. Supremes, and Stevie Won- Superstars of the 1970's base camp, everyone helped was set for the steak cook- In 1954,. Elvis Pre~ley der. Soul music, said Dr. according to Dr. Burnsworth: to load the raft and other out. r~ach~d nat,on~1 attent!on, ~urnsworth, was emasculated would include Peter Framp- equipment on the trucks. Ev- With 1 and % inch steaks With his long ~alr and sl~e- In the 50's by. while singers, ton, Rod Stewart, Bob Seger, erybody was then driven 12 cooked by CAPT Martin and burns, and his suggestive b.ut was reclaimed by black and Bruce Springsteen. miles upriver to the starting SSG Wyatt, the meal was at dance. Soon afterward came Singers in the 60's. (This was For music in the 1980's location. When the start point its best. With plenty to eat Bill Haley an~ the Co'!'ets, partly tied to th~ civil rights with its "marriage betwee~ was reached, the 3 rafts that and drink, everyone had a up the group made were Ch~Ck B.erry.( the most Inffu- movement, he said. computers and elctronic in- loaded and readied to go. great time comparing their entia! qultar play,er i~ the ~irst Besides the British and Mo- struments," the superstars so Teams were then picked by experiences of the afternoon. decade of rock ), L!ttle Hich- town styles, t~ere. was the tar include, he said, the Po- SGM Boore. Each team held The group also got a chance ard, and Fats Domino. 000- Southern Californian style lice, Culture Club, Lionel Rit- 11,11, and 10 people respec- to watch the video tapes V>!op groups {the label de- (typified by the Beach Boys); chle, Michael Jackson, and tively, with a cadre member in made from shore. rived from their use of back- and the folk music style, as of the Grateful Dead. each. After the cleanup, everyone "Golden the wound nononsense words) Bob Dylan, with his "out-of- The history of rock and roll i~ SGM Boore's raft was the headed for This small club Lounge". Included. the Platters, while tune", nasal, and unpleasant Dr. Burnsworth concluded I Rock-a-blily groups (groups voice," and his protest songs "an electric combination of all first out. After a series of light quickly overflowed with WMC rapids which posed no prob- students having a good time. sorts of music performed for said,. like "Blowin' in the Wind," the who, Dr. Burnsworth l sang "blues with a country first anti-war song to reach pure enjoyme~t." lem, the raft ran into some The jukebox was kept going trouble. Heading straight into from 7:30 to 11, and every- beat") Lee the record charts. included Jerry Lewis and the Everly Broth· Also in the 60's was the large rapids, it suddenly body got out to dance at least turned sideways and sprung once. up to rain, the up, throwing 4 of the crew Walking THE EARLY ~~ water. Rescue plans went into group was. ready to roll at members into the 45 degree 8:00. After a quick breakfast, effect immediately, and within BIRD... JP!'" 2 minutes the 4 had been there was the long trip back. pulled out. The paralyzing .•• where speed is exceetkd only by qUlllitg! Term Papel'B, Manuscripts and Resumes The Phoenix TH~ Wishes • Opportunity to mike UP milleel • ~~r::~~:n~n~e~I:!:e::.n d'J$ • lessons. 4 PROfESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING SDVICE everyone • ~IO:eh$ol~W cost. Dedle.led wn- • VolumIIlDU$home-llulIym.leriall conslantl, UIId.led ~J resUlch· • Complell TUT·n·TAP£'W'acllllin ersex~rti"theirfltld. Sandra Walker good hlr review 0' ~Ius I.ssons.rod supplemlntlrylll.ltrl.'I. • Opportvnlty to tI.nsftr to lrod Confidential By Appointment Only ·CI_~tbylklll'" contllWl study.t ..... InJ of our luck OY1Irl00cenl Instruc:It>F1o. Dependable (301) 81,8-8387 Join our "Early Bird" and on Summer Classes In Preparation for Your Fall 1984 Exams FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT finals OTHER COURSES AVAilABLE GRE PSVCH s e:u- MAl· PCAI DCAI· VAT· roUl Szechun ~town Westminster and MSllp· NMB· j r:~"~ • FlEX· NOB· RN BOS Catanese 59 W. Main st SSA1· PSAT· SAl ACHIHEMENTS Polynesian ~19 have ~Y f --- Baltimore, Md. 21218 Amencan Sun·Thurs Quickey Lunch & Carry Out summer SPHORlAlllNG a 876·3166 =- 3121St.PaulStreet great .... 111_II1II ... _,.. Cocl
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