Page 89 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 89
May 10, 1984lWe.tern Letters Bo's Regard Maryland ColIeRelPage 3 80'S last Regard May Day huge success Greg Elba There are several topics I slve escalation of arms being wish to speak on in my last compiled by the superpowers Dear Editor: Millberry, Joe Hofe, and the superb Bull Roast that truly Bo'a Regard, in the last issue I want to take this opportun- man who turned the music topped off a great day. as you read this WE ARE ity to publicly thank all the on, electrician Jeff Kuhn, Thanks to Chief Bob Cum- of the Phoenix I will be a part ALL GOING TO DIE. Anyone of. All are important, please members of the campus and Security under the direction berland of the Westminster read on, who attended the lecture by Westminster community who of Don Duvall and Assistant Volunteer Fire Depannent and The first topic is alcohol. I Dr. Ehrlich this semester, or read the article on him in The assisted in making MAY DAY Director Ed Shropshire, did a his staff for providing fire realize I have written on this Phoenix, knows the severity of 1984 a huge campus suc- fantastic job assisting the safety equipment at the fire- cess. smooth implementation of the works site topic once before, but I feel the situation. Write your con- gressmen, your senators; tight First, a thank you to CAPĀ· Day's activities, A special We would also like to thank that it is important enough to say a few words more on it. Board, especially the Special thanks goes to Lt. Col. Julius the student organizations and There is still entirely too to stop this madness before it is too late. Events Committee, for organ- Duvall and the ROTC volun- individual faculty and commu- much consumption of alcohol I wish now to change the izing the Day's Events. Mitch teer cadets who assisted at nity artisans who participated by the young adults of today. : topic completely. A college Alexander, Lou Anne Banks, the campus entrances. by sponsoring a booth and It is of course not just a' Jon Ferber, Anne Guenther, Thank you to Joe Cobuzio making MAY DAY happen. education is an expensive and many others pulled to- and the brothers of Phi Delta Finally, a thank you to the problem on this campus, in goal to obtain. It most often fact this campus is better gether in a truly heartening Theta for continuing with the 700 plus students, faculty, takes a great deal of sacrifice manner. highly successful 10K Race. It staff, and community mem- than many. I spoke with a from someone to make it student from a college in New The next in line for applause is a credit to the fraternity and bers who attended MAY DAY. possible for a young Rerson is definitely the Maintenance Joe that they persevered with It was the cooperative attitude York on this very topic. He to reach this goal. The par- told me the alcohol problem staff under the direction of Ed the event, in spite of the of everyone that was by far ents of students usually bear Sell. The Building and required last minute changes the brightest spot in the day. on his campus is "very, very, the brunt of this financial serious." In talking with stu- Grounds crew with Gary An- due to the measles outbreak. Sincerely, dents from a dozen other strain. Students on this campus: geli in charge worked inumer- Thank to Dan Yeager, Kathleen K. Dawkins schools along the East coast when was the last time you able hours to assure a perfect Monty Mathias, and the entire Director of College Activities the message was quite simi- thanked your parents for all site - thanks to Gary Angell, Marriott crew for providing a lar. It has to be said again, do the support in your quest for Sonny Dayhoff. Bill Miller, Bill not let alcohol destroy your the skills needed to make it in life, or the lives of the people this world? I for one have no Tuition fund priorities questioned close to you. Alcoholism is a idea where I would be if my it causes terrible disease, parents had not been there to more pain and misery in our society than most can possi- push me and support me through the last 22 years. It Dear Greg, dingey grey. Perhaps Mr. (sarcasm), We, the students bly imagine. was my parents who pleaded Kimball should have travelled of this college put food on the Alcoholism is said by some and badgered me into con- This response is to Ellen down from his nest on second administrators' tables, how- to be destroying the founda- sidering attendance at WMC., Wolf's "Service on the Hill" 12 floor Elderdice during lunch ever, heaven forbid if the tion of our country. There is I am forever indebted to them' April 1984 edition of the Phoe- hour to see the heavy traffic students living in Elderdice another danger that could for doing this. nix, in which she asks the (students) flow through Eld- wish to play their stereo dur- destroy our great country, Lastly, I would like to thank question where her "thou- erdice: maybe then he would ing the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 and the rest of the world as all the people who helped sands of college dollars are have chosen a more practical p.m. The way in which we well. This is of course nuclear make the Phoenix fly this going." Her "first thoughts are carpet - similar to that in the find out about our "disturb- war. I have been in Corre- year. Too numerous to men- that they are sitting in a pile dorms. ances" is through a most spondence with The Physi- tion here, many people put in somewhere in the Finance Speaking of Mr, Kimball, disheartening way - George cians Against Nuclear War. It many, many hours into this Office or buying Security a take a look Ellen in his office, Poling. I suppose it is asking is a group of doctors in this newspaper. It would not have burger." Luckily for you Ellen, at the newly acquired furni- Mr. Kimball too much to walk country who are doing every- existed without them. I can answer that question. ture. Also look at the brand up nineteen steps and tell us thing they can to prevent the Western Maryland College All students and faculty new LANE furniture in the in an adult manner, that we end of life on this planet as is made up of a group of members should take a look Admissions Office. Admis- are disturbing him. we know it. Their message is dedicated people who work at the newly acquired items sions will tell you that the No, this is not an attack on grave. They feel that unless to make our education and ~ . found in the Administration college has to maintain an Mr. Kimball. Hooray for the there is a drastic change in personal growth the valuable Building - Elderdlce. These appropriate image for pros- new student lounges, study the course of events that are intangible that it is. Even with items include beautiful blue pective students. I do not call rooms, and computer system. presently occuring, a nuclear its problems, WMC is a won- pile carpeting which now cov- this an image, but a facade. However, these items will not war is not just probable, it is derful place to spend four ers first floor Elderdice as well I made the "mistake" of inevitable. Put another way, years. Long live this school. as the steps leading to sec- living in Elderdice without clean out bathrooms and re- I unless measures are taken place the ever-sa-needed toi- ond floor. I chuckle everytime going throught the appropri- let paper. immediately to curb the mas- I walk over this "beautiful"car- ate screening of the adminis- Sheri Bair pet, as it now is tinted a trators working below me Beach fever hits WMC Ellen Wolf - NOWthat the flu season is one must attend to several Getting a tan is serious over, another epidemic is details. First of all, it's essen- business, but it should not be about to begin - it's not food tial to calculate at what angle attempted in total silence. poisoning or the measles - to face the sun. Like hands MUSiCis a must. A box pro- it's beach fever! Students are on a clock, bodies shift to vides a rythmic background taking every opportunity follow the rays as the day' to the hottest gossip from "under the sun" (and some- progresses. Once the territory Blanche to the Quad. If you times the clouds) to lie on the has been designated, out listen hard enough you may grass beaches of our scenic comes the Coppertone oil - even be able to catch up on campus. At the sound, of their with minimal protection - of some of your own business! alarms, sun gods roll out of course. Within five minutes, How do conscientious col- bed, pull on their bathing greasy stomachs heat up and lege students have time for suits, grab a towel and head look like hot skillets of sizzling this at the busiest time of the for a spot on the 160 acres of Crisco. Food is out of the year, you ask? The answer is Western Maryland terrain question, though, since every simple...they blow off their Buy Contrast which has been converted to flesh' revealer suddenly be- classes. It's no big deal public beach area. comes anorexic due to exten- There's more to the art of sive flab hanging from their though. The day before a test, they get notes from their fair sunbathing, however, than bathing suits. Instead, they skinned classmates. The only simply sprawling on the feed off of carbonation bub- risk is when a orofessor has ground. For the pertect tan. bles of Diet GoI\e and .T,ab. Coadaaed OR Pate .. ~-
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