Page 87 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 87
• i:-n The moovs«: DJ.. May 10, 19~J We.tern Maryland ~llege Vol. IV, Number 16 Measles, food poisoning hits Greg Elba ous illness. Several students Students here at Western had caught red measles. As has been very cooperative Maryland College have been of May 7 ten students had through all of this. They have afflicted with two separate been verified to have red handled it very smoothly," ailments in the later half of measles, and thirty more stu- said Muller. "The Infirmary April. Just before Easter stu- dents were showing symp- staff aided by the Health dents began coming down toms and were being Dept. has worked very hard with stomach problems, watched to see it the tell-tale tone hours to get everyone chronic diarrhea, and in some rash would break out. vaccinated who required it," cases, vomiting. Red measles is a serious Muller continued. Students The state and local health type of the virus, and highly were issued a proof of tmmu- officials were called in to contagious. Symptoms in- nization card that they investigate, and have deter- clude coughing and a runny needed to get into the cafet- mined the cause to be a form nose folowed by a rash. The eria by dinner last Friday and of gastoenteritis called salmo- entire student body and staff to attend all May Day events Baseball team wins MAC ~~~ art~~n~i:~fnhg. i~h: ~~~~~e~hforap~~p~:i~~U~~~~ ~aemene~~1~rth:IU~~~ ~~~ ",.,. c:eIebIate their win owr Jun,.,. to tilt. title. Story page ~~r~~ert~ifsst~~T;~~i~o ~~~ ~~~~n ~~~gfir~h~7s.a(~n~~g~ ~~~~I~mw:~~ %,:g;d Of°'th~~ ~1;.:O=_ --=-------r-e-c-e-c:I.::-.v-e-s----I close to one hundred, some over 28 is considered immune went to the infirmary as well for shots. The Health Dept. cases lasting a. few days, because they are considered has not been able to find the teOaching award" many others lasting well over to have caught the sickness a week. previously and one cannot source or "index" case of the The Health Department has catch it again.) red measles outbreak and are not located the exact cause Public Information Director continuing to investigate. In of the problem, there are still Joyce Muller reported that the spite of the measles, the May Kathy S. Mangan, assistant tied, --Solo:- people becoming sick from it. Health Dept. and the college Day activities went very well, professor of English at West- A noted young poet, Dr. While on campus, the Health were very happy with the topped off with an impressive ern Maryland College, re- Mangan published a chap- book of her poems, Ragged officials became aware of a cooperative response of the fireworks display in the early ceived the Distinguished Alphabet, in 1978. In 1979, reaching Award presented by evening. new and somewhat more seri- students. "The student body I National honor sQciety the Baltimore Alumnae Club Dr. Mangan received Western of Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority Marland College's Faculty Au- Investiture at the college's inducts new members and Honors Convocation held thor Award for this work and in 1983 she was presented on Sunday, May 6. the Faculty Creativity Award presentation This year's Twenty-one Western Mary- induction ceremonies held in dallstown, Md.), Linda Meyers marks the 24th annual award for subsequent works burg, Md.), Jeff Leikin (Ran- Baker Chapel. Her poems have been pub- land College students and J one alumna were inducted Phi Beta Kappa include: Au- (Emmitsburg,Md.), Stacey ber of the faculty as voted by lished in numerous antholo- made to an outstanding mem- The students inducted into Pfeifer (Baltimore, Md.), Ken gies and magazines including into the college's chapter of representatives of the under- The Antioch Review, The Md,), EllicottCity, drey Adams (Severn, Md.), Phi Beta Kappa on Sunday, May 6. ~zstie Adams (Severn, Md.)' Schaefer rC.lOg9S (Rockville, graduate student body. Dr. Southern Review and The Scott 'IDeI Palmer, Dean of the col- Georgia Review. lege and vice president of Her talent has been nation- academic affairs, presented nO the award. ally recognized and she has been granted residencies at Dr. Mangan was graduated the well known MacDowell from Denison University colony for artists and writers (Ohio), in 1972. She pursued in New Hampshire. Her most graduate studies at Ohio Uni- recent residency was at the versity where she earned a Virginia Center for the Crea- M.A. degree in creative writ- tive Arts where she worked on ing in 1974, and a Ph. O. in her poems during January. American literature in 1983. She was one of 200 artists Her dissertation was an origi- accepted for this program nal manuscript of poems enti- .Continued on Page 5 Inside 71te fifth Jnductlon of students Into the Delta Chapter of Maryland of Phi Beta Kappa JSU No respect Page 2 ROTC cadet awarded Page 4 Phi Bela Kappa, the na- Michael Armacost (Hamstead, Md.), Liz Siegenthaler (Adel- I tional honorary scholarship Md.), Sherri Bennett (Salis- phi, Md.), Chris Soto (Ken- Economics Department Expose I society for the liberal arts, bury, Md.), Chris Beyers (Col- sington, Md.), and Leslie-Ann Page 7 established the Delta Chapter umbia, Md.), Ann Blizzard Yarrow (Rockville, Md.) of Maryland at Western Mary- (Baltimore, Md.), Linda Block The new alumni member is Honon Convocation awards Page 8 land College in 1980. The (Owings Mills, Md.). Kevin Caryl Ensor Peterson, class of purpose of the honor society Clawson (Westminster, Md.), 1958. who resides in Timon- Bom to rock Page 9 is to recognize and encour- Sherry Cook (Laurel, Md.), ium, Md. The daughter of the age scholarship, liberal cut- James Francis (Rockville, PrOblems wltb tbe scbool bank Page9 I late Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, fifth ture and good character. Md.), Linda Franklin (Thur- president of Western Mary- Students are elected by resi- mont, Md.), Michele Hut" land CoUege, and Mrs. Eloise Baseball team wins MAC Page 10 dent members of Phi Beta schenreuter (Glen Arm, Md.), Ensor Parker, DR. Peterson is Kappa and are recognized at Daniel Krolikowski (Gaithers- Continued on Page 8
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