Page 90 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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H eadstart for incoming freshmen elation (MICUA), will receive a C. John will retire at the end doctor of laws degree. A of June after serving 12 years Westminster, Md.-This sum- mumcanon and sign lan- doctor of humane letters de- as college president Prior to mer Western Maryland Col- guage, education, reading gree will be awarded to Dr. 1972, Or. John was president lege will offer a number of and mathematics. David Lee Carrasco, class of of Simpson College (Iowa), courses for students who will Full descriptions of all sum- 1967 and associate professor from 1963-72, and served as be entering their freshman mer session courses being of religious studies at the D_eanof the College Arts and year of college and wish to offered for undergraduate University of Chicago. Dr. Sciences of American Univer- get a "head start" on earning credit are available from the Carrasco is one of the bright- sity from 1949-62. Or. John is college credits and for col- Office of the Registrar. Regis~ est young scholars in the U.S. a graduate of Berea CoUege lege students who wish to tratlon for these courses .must in the field of history of reli- (Kentucky), received the augment their regular aca- be completed at least one gions and the only U.S. S.T.B. and S.T.M. degrees in demic year curriculum. week before the beginning scholar allowed at the Great 1944 and 1945 from Boston During the first summer ses- ofthe term. The cost for the Temple archeological site in University, and was awarded sion, which begins June 25, summer courses is $100 per Mexico City. the Ph.D. in public administra- undergraduate courses will credit hour. A doctor of laws degree will tion at American University in be offered in sign language, For more infonnation or to be conferred upon Robert 1950. contemporary psychology, receive registration materials Edwin Bricker, chalrman of Commencement cerrnonies education, elementary statls- for the summer courses Western Maryland's Board of will be interpreted in sign tics tor social science, ac- please contact the Office of Trustees. An alumnus of the language for the deaf, and counting, writing, sociology the Registrar, Western Mary- oollege, Bricker is the execu- special seating for the handi- and Spanish. The second land College, Westminster, tive vice president of Henkels capped may be arranged by term, beginning July 26, will Md. 21157; 848·7000 (from & McCoy, lnc., of Blue Pell. calling the college at 848- offer courses in manual com- Baltimore 876-2055) ext. 215. PA. 7000 or from Baltimore, 876- Sixth president of Western 2055, ext.222. Maryland College, Dr. Ralph Tree Cole to open July 5 Peter Brooks for "toeetre onthe Hill is proud Beast will also be performed to announce the dedication of combining the style and ro- Dr. the Dorothy Elderdice Theatre mace of the Renaissance with following the opening of Cole contemporary harshness of on Thursday, July 5. Our new punk costuming and fashion- President of the College Dr. ing. John Robert Chambers will honor The two latter shows will be our beloved benefactor by directed by Harvey Doster, a dedicating and naming our Western Maryland College understage the Dorothy Eld- graduate with a MUSICand PIctured 1.". Me .tude",. Audrey Ada",., '84, Anne Guenther, '85, Bemlce Burd, executive erdice Theatre. This will kick Dramatic Arts degree, from ...,..." Kryetle Adam .. 'IU, If,... Dot John, pro Ralph John, and Ken SchNfer, '84. oft the 1984 season of Thea- the class of 1974. He re- Westminster, Md. _ The marker commemorating his roonyoo May 1-were Audrey tre on the Hill which will run ceived his MF from George Student Government Associa- 12 years at the college. Dr. Adams, '84, Anne Guanther, fr°c;,/~u:~~~~t~i~~a:\ea_ 'fs~~~ington University in tion (SGA) of Western Mary- John will retire at the end of '85, Krystie Adams, '84, and turing the immortal music of Tickets for Jesus Christ Su- land College presented DR. the academic year. Ken Schaefer, '84. Cole Porter, will be done in perstar, Cole and Beauty and ~~h ~th J~h~, coJlege-.presi- ~epr:tset~~n~~n stu~e~~~ high style returning its audi- the Beast are $7, $6 and $13n;;;::-":i~~~~:'"'OLIIJIi...=~':::'-;::~'::::::~i...:::~;_-----=----- ence to the Club Continental respectively. To reserve your r e eel Ve s • and the roaring 20's. seats or for more ticket infor- Theatre on the HiIJ will also malion, including group rates be presenting Jesus Christ call the coJlege at (301) 848- Superstar which will be a 7000, ext. 599. Reserve early, spectacle in lavish scale that you won't want to miss this A Western Maryland Col- scholarship to attend gradu- commander, remarked that will celebrate the passion and summer's Theatre on the Hill. lege ROTC cadet has been ate school for two years at the the four-year scholarship stu- depth of Christ in a rock named the recipient of the college of her choice follow- dent has been a tremen- musical format. The classic Pallas Athene Award by the ing the completion of four dously positive influence on years L!:fa:::irL..;t:::a::::e~B.:::ea::u::.ty!:....:a::;n~d~th:::e _' %~~:~',:~:6ci~~~~~1~~;~ of active duty. Adams is the college's ROTC program Beach fever A. Adams. a senior from Sev- award at Western Maryland during her years on campus. the first cadet to receive this "Audrey has been the number College. one cadet in her class for the From Page 3 ~om~e:~~st~~en~~i~u~1ca~::~ Adams, who carries a 3.99 entire four years of ROTC. the nerve to walk past. The rigamortis has set in on their and the only cadet selected grade point average overall She is highly respected by word of his presence travels sunscorched students. But from the eastern United and a 4.0 g.p.a. in ROTC, has superiors, peers and subordi- faster than the speed of sun- don't come down on these States. also received the Academic nates alike. She will be an light. Books are suddenly beach babies too hard. When This award is presented an- Merit Ribbon (maintaining a outstanding commissioned of- cracked, not to be read, but you think about it, laying out nuaUy to preserve the tradi- 3.0 grade average) and the fleer." rather to cover guilty faces. is all a part of the liberal tional fidelity to the WAC- Academic Achievement The WMC cadet, a graduate Perhaps professors are an- experience!! Corps and its symbol, Pallas Wreath (top 10% of ROTC of Meade Senior High, is the gered when they see that Athene. Pallas Athene is the class) for four years. She was daughter of Opt. and Mrs. Greek goddess of wisdom named Superior Cadet by the Elcie Adams. A English/Span- Console Piano and represents the intellectual Department of the Army dur- ish major, Adams is in the aspect of war. She was better ing her junior year, and this college's choir and the Inter known by WACs in WWll as year, as the top member of Varsity Christian Fellowship. Wanted: Responsible party to take over "Minnie," the derivative of her her class, she serves as Last year Adams was named low monthly payments on Spinet piano. Latin name, Minerva. has also Cadet Battalion Commander. to Who's Who Among Stu- In December 1983, Cadet Cadet Adams dents in American Universities Can be seen locally. been selected for a U.S. Army Adams was awarded the Le- and Col/eges. Graduate Fellowship awarded gion of Valor Bronze Cross for Cadet Adams will be Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 33 to the top five percent of Achievement by the Legion of presented the Pallas Athene medallion at the President's ROTC cadets nationwide. This Valor of the United States of Friedens, Pa. 15541. grant will provide Cadet America. Review on May 17 at the Adams with full salary and LTC Duvall, the Western Westminster campus. benefits, and a fuJi academic Maryland ROTC detachment
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