Page 59 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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Marcb Cadets learn at Aberdee CMIGI_ vehicle could do. Here they were side by side During the weekend of Feb- Next stop was the Fire Con- with active duty soldiers. As ruary 18 and 19, 16 ROTC trol Center. This is where work there was no attention paid, cadets and 4 members of the is done on new rangefinders outside of a few stares, the department's cadre got the and other precision instru- cadet rank brought some chance to go to Aberdeen ments. The tour was centered funny instances to light. Be- Proving Grounds for orienta- an the classrooms of the cause of their similarity in tion. This orientation, set up facility, but the cadets also appearance and rank, some by the post, was a basic got to see exactly how the of the cadets were mistaken introduction into the Ordi- rangefiders work, as welt as for other people. One soldier nance Corps and the activi- many other interesting things. asked Rich Hartst if he wasn't ties on the post. Everybody jumped on the a bit young to be a Sergeant Aberdeen Proving Grounds, bus for the next stop, the Major. Somebody even north of Baltimore, is the Recovery Range. This con- thought I was a real Private. home of the Ordinance Corps sisted of a huge field, made Saturday night everyone and one of the major areas for into a sea of mud and water was allowed to go to the research and development for after earlier rains. Derelict ve- Officers Club. Several officers the U.S. Army. The post in- hicles and tanks were scat- from the post stopped by just cludes firing ranges, labora- tered everywhere, some to talk and have a drink with tories, and several testing sunken up to their turrets in the cadets. Talk ranged from areas for both land and air the goo. Demonstrations were new cars to Soviet tactics. vehicles. ' given on the Army's recovery Sandy Brant had a difficult The cadets were well repre- tank, the M88. Basically, this time doing it, but she (with sented, with MSl's through is a tank with a fold-down. some help) got the entire MSIV's. The majority of the crane where the turret would group out onto the dance cadets were members of the be. After seeing how much floor for a short while. Marc college's Ranger Platoon. the "88" could lift and tow, Yates, who had lived on the The bus left for Aberdeen the cadets were invited to go base tor about 13 years, early Saturday morning. Sev- for a ride. This is where the discovered that knowing the eral other colleges were sup- most fun of the weekend bartender can have some dl- posed to have attended, but began. Going through the finite advantages. The group cancelled for various reasons. mud and water in a tracked went to bed very tired that Upon arriving on base, the vehicle was a new experience night. cadets watched slides and for most everybody. If you After eating breakfast and heard about the history and were brave enough to com- cleaning the barracks Sunday functions of the Ordinance mandeer the forward hatch, moming, the cadre si9ned out The M60 on the _ Corps. After the briefing, the you were in for quite a ride. and the group went to see the main group was split into two As one cadet, Vera Stroth- M1 Abrams, the Army's new- L ---, smaller groups as to better man, put it, "When we went in est battle tank. After watching experience the facilities. the water, it was like raining another short film, the cadets Summer guitar workshop Tank Turret Repair Facility. brought out another side in some of the tanks. While the One of the stops was the mud." Apparently the mud were able to climb on and in The National Guitar Summer equipment) are given daily. Here cadets were allowed to some of the cadets, as it technological advances were 'Workshop (NGSW) will begin Located at the South Kent examine up-close the M60 seemed they wanted to swim most amazing, the Lazy-boy its 1984 season in New EngĀ· School, in South Kent, CT., tank, as well as TOW antitank the course. drivers seat was probably the land on July 21st. The NGSW the NGSW accepts high missles and TOW-launching The group then stopped by most popular. is a series of one-week long school, college, and adult vehicles. Instructors had the Obstacle Course for some Afterwards, everyone went intensive guitar workshops. guitarists who have reached tumed the systems on, so that training. SFC Jackson led the to the Ordinance Museum. An outstanding faculty of pro- the intermediate or advanced you could actually tum and way with a "HOO-AHH!" and Here everybody got to look fessional performers/teachers level. The first session begins aim the MOO'sgun, or watch also made sure that every over a huge collectin of histor- will conduct courses in Rock, July 21 and subsequent ses- the effects of an infra-red obstacle' was safe. If some- ical tanks and weapons. After Classical, Jazz, Bluegrass, sicns follow thru August. night sight. one had trouble completing staying about an hour and a Folk/Blues (fingerpicking) and The NGSW Berkshire earn- Although everyone enjoyed an obstacle, they could be half, the cadets left to return Bass. Since the faculty lives pus is directed by guitarist the above, the star of the sure that helping hands and to WMC. on campus, students can take and educator, David srro- facility was by far the new shouts of encouragement LTC Duvall called the orien- advantage of a total music lover. A limited number of M2IM3 Bradley Fighting Vehi- would be all for them. After tation "a complete success." environment. Scholarships will be made cle. After watching a short getting everybody through, After mentioning the outstand- Master Workshops will be available by Ovation Guitar. film on it's capabilities and the only thing to remind pea- lng points of this first-ever offered by celebrated visiting For more mformetlon con- handling, the cadets could pie of the experience were a visit, he also added that, artists including: Arlen Roth, tact: Mr. David Smolover, Di- crawl in and out of two of the few bruises and strained mus- "Everyone attending had a Rory Block, George Gritz- rector, NGSW, Oept. C, Box vehicles, and also watch a cles. great time and a similiar trip bach, Eric Schoenberg, Den- 222, Lakeside, Connecticut, turret mock-up go through its is already planned for next nis Koster, and a major 06758, or call 203-567-8529. paces. Everybody was thor- " I for one, am looking Ovation Guitar endorsee. In SESSIONS oughly amazed at what this addition, courses in song- ONE WEEK SESSIONS writing, theory, improvisation, July 21-July 27: July 29-Aug.4 sight-reading, instrument re- Aug.6-Aug.12: Aug.13-Aug.19 pair and performance tech- TWO WEEK SESSION: niques (with the use of video August 6-August 19
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