Page 103 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 103
Dr. Ralph John announces retirement Sciences at American Univer- Bair Stadium, and the new sity from 1949 to 1962, and Physical Educatinn Learning Next year will mark the final then as the President of Simp- Center. year of the presidency of Dr. son Colleqe in Indianola, Iowa The most fulfilling achieve- Ralph C. John. Last week, Dr. from 1963 to 1972 before ment of Dr. John's presidency John announced that he will coming to Western Maryland. came in 1980 when Western retire as President of Western Dr. John became the sixth Maryland received a charter Maryland College at the end president in Western Mary- form Phi Beta Kappa, the of the 1983-1984 school year. land College History when he most prestigious honor so- Dr. John stated his reasons succeeded Lowell Skinner ciety in the United States, to for retirement were his age Ensor in 1972. As President, establish a local chapter. This and the fact that he would he helped to build up the enhanced the college's repu- have served as Western college in many ways. He tation as one of the country's Maryland's president for worked with the faculty and top institutions for higher twelve years is long enough staff in refining Western Mary- learning. to be college president in one land's academic program by Upon his retirement in 1984, place. He decided to an- revising the basic liberal arts Dr. John and his family plan nounce his retirement now in requirements, introducing the to move to Ocean Pines, order that the board of trust- distribution of requirements to Maryland, where he might ees could have enough time the undergraduate curricula, possibly teach part-time to choose a new president. introducing the master of scl- someplace or become ln- Dr. John was born on Feb- ence and the master of liberal valved with some business ruary 18, 1919. in Prince arts to the graduate curricula, ventures. As President of Frederick. Maryland. He grad- and allowing tor more inter- Western Maryland College, uated from Berea College in disciplinary studies among Dr. John would like to be 1941 with a SA in Philosphy, the various departments. remembered as a man who received his S.T.B. and S.T.M. Dr. John also started major brought effective leadership degrees .in 1944 and 1944 fund raising projects. These to the college, provided a from Boston University, and help the renovation 01 more democratic system of his Ph.D. in public aomlnistra- Alumni Hall and the Winslow governance, provided more tion from American University Center, and the construction modern and more adequate in 1950. He worked as a of such facilities as the facilities to the. college, and Professor of Philosophy and Decker College Center, the helped to upgrade its overall educational system. I late as the Dean of Arts and Garden Apartments, Scott S. I I l Western MuyIond CoI!ep Honorary degrees to be awarded Congratulations to the Western Maryland College his BA in English at Johns time operating capabilities. A new 2nd lieutenants will award four honorary de- Hopkins University. A sue- trustee of Western Maryland grees during commencement cessful corporate feader, he College, he is also a member of the Executive Committee of at the school on Saturday, is also a patron of the fine May 21. arts: director and member of the National Maritime Council, to be commissioned on May 21, 1983: Robert Young Dubel, super- the executive committee of vice chairman of the U.S. lntendent of_Baltimore County the Baltimore Symphony Or- Maritime Committee, Inc., and schools, will be awarded the chestra. trustee and donor of chairman and president of the Carmen Ball Transportation honorary Doctor of Laws a new concert hall at the American Bureau of Shipping. speaker Commencement Andrew Barres Transportation (Ll.D.) degree. He received Peabody Institute; and a Ernest Thompson, an Oscar- his BA at Western Maryland trustee of the Baltimore Sym- Michael Broe Field Artillery College, his M.S. at Boston phony Orchestra. winning playwright, will be Mark Cockerill Engineer University and his Ed.D at Millard Lee Rice, president awarded the honorary Doctor David Humerick Infantry George Washington Univer- and chief executive officer of of Letters (LittD.) degree. Er- Michael Jackson Signal sity. he began his profes- the Ogden Transportation nest, who spent his childhood is in Westminster where sional career as an English Corporation, will be awarded Matthew Korman Military Intelligence instructor and director of pub- the honorary Doctor of Sci- father, Theron Barker Thomp- K. Seahease Mauldin Quartermaster llc relations at Upsala Col- ence (ScD.) degree. He re- son, was a faculty member at College, William Offutt Infantry lege. He has held the ceived his BA, summa cum Western Maryland with honors laude, at Western Maryland received his BA positions of assistant secre- Michael Price Military Intelligence tary of the Maryland State College and has done ad- at American University. Be- Teacher's Association and eo- vanced studies in physics sides his Oscar for On itor of the Maryland Teacher and mathematics at the Uni- Golden Pond,he was the re- Magazine. In 1968, he en- versity of Maryland. As a cipient of the first George to be comissioned later this year tered the executive ranks in scientist, he holds patents in Seaton Award of the Ahman- the Baltimore County school catapult mechanisms and son Theatre, the Best Play of system, serving first as assist- propellant systems and re- the Season Award of the David Clawson Engineer ant superintendent, division of ceived the National Capital Broadway Guild and the Best Dale Dutton Engineer staff and community relations, Award as outstanding youth Plays of t978ยท79 Citation. Approximately 281 Western Erich Lehnert Chemical and currently as superintend- applied scientist in 1960. As a Maryland students will receive he ent of the system. corporate executive, Kurt Leintz Field Artillery Sidney Myer Friedberg, changed his work from space bachelor of arts degrees and William McCullen Field Artillery chairman and chief executive technology to marine engi- another 73 students will re- officer of Fair Lanes, Inc., will neering and transportation ceive master of education, be awarded the honorary systems and is an advocate science and liberal arts de- Doctor of Humane Letters of the importance of this na- grees during the college's (l.H.D.) degree. He received lion's shipbuilding and man- 113th comme~.e.n;e~t.
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