Page 104 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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lMPII ... 1r Page 2 Dr. Lal gives college New addition to ROTC staff his parting thoughts Ronald Kyle to~n., and knew the area well; R. Glass Major is the Patrick be a good "latest addition to the WMC ~he felt this would family; also, 'place for his staff and the ROTC depart- Dear Editor: ment. Major Glass, who has being a war buff, especially the the Civil War in particular, t shall be grateful if you will allow me the use of your been in the Army for 16 years location was very conducive. columns to address the college community & the -larger now, graduated from Wichita He is looking forward to State University in Wichita, Westminster area on my behalf & on my family's behalf. Kansas, with a BA in History, teaching the MSIl's. He says We have been here for over three months and, just as class of '67. He was a Distin- that he is really pleased to be we were beginning to get intO the thick of things, Karma a part of the ROTC program, guished Military Graduate, re- requires that we return to our home, which i$ Calcutta in ceived a Regular Army and feels that it is one of the India. Commission, and was' best programs he's heardof in But MacDaniel House in Westminster was a home branched in the Corp of Engi- a long time. He notes that one between big difference ROTC away from home, & hundreds of acts of kindness & affection neers. He attended the Offi- now and when he was going made it very speciasl for us. As my students in Philisophy & cer Basic Course, which was through is the' adventure train- literature classes know only too welt. I stress the value of then followed by Ranger ing. Now cadets attend Air- the "pure act", the spontaneous deed of goodwill that is School. He was transferred to borne School, Air Assault Fort Carson, Colorado, where done joyfully &, mysteriously, remains unremembered by its he served as an' Engineer Afterwards, he applied for School, and Ranger School. doer. Platoon Leader and Company ROTC duty here at Western Outside, he and his wife We have been the happy & grateful recipients of many Commander. Afterwards, he Maryland. The Army is as- help train Boy Scout Leaders. pure acts in Westminster. We are a small Indian family & we attended Flight School and signing officers such as Major H2 is married, and has two have begun to feel that we are members of a larger family: was sent to the First Air Glas to ROTC units in order to children, a boy and a girl. provide expertise on the Army the extended Western Maryland College community. We Cavalry Division in Vietnam. Reserve and National Guard. When asked why he remained in the years, all' these Army remember specially the extraordinary friendship & hospitality During his wartime tour he WMC was his first choice of Fie summed it all up when he provided to us when my son Ananda (who is pursuing his eamed the bronze star and ROTC detachments for sev, said, "my heart and soul are Ph.D. in Drama in the wilds of Illinois in Illinois University!) 12 air medals. erat reasons: he was looking with the army." Who could came over to stay with us for a week with his wife Swati & He then attended the Engi- for a small school, a small ask for more? daughter Svasti. neer Officer Advanced Course, followed by duty as a The Novel prize-winning poet Rabindranath Tagore, JOB. who was also from Calcutta, has a poem in "Gitanjali" in Command Pilot in Fort Leav- enworth, Kansas. Later, while OPENINGS which he says: "You have given me shelter in homes not my earning an MA in Manage- I own. You have brought the distant near, & made a brother ment at night school, he Working for the Beachcomber of the stranger." His poem was conceived as a thanksgiving served with a Reserve Com- to God. ponent Advisory Group at Fort ADVERTISING - Position available for work through So is this letter. We are all grateful, & if any member of Sheridan, Alabama. the fall. I the College family comes to Calcutta - and we hope that In 1975, Major Glass was PRODUCTION - Page production and darkroom many do, and soon - our address is: one of many officers asked to' camera operator. army the P. Lal I Mrs. Shyarnasree Lal leave to peacetime in to Army bring He- it TYPESElTlNG - Must type accurately in the 60 wprrr Professor levels. He down range. stayed l Calcutta 700045 Gardens are: 46-8325 and 42-2683. serve and and in 1980 returned to Apply in person at the Beachcomber active 162192 Lake Guard National units, the "When Tagore Our says phone numbers you, then alien there is none, As active duty at Personnel Reserve Newspaper, 3316 Coastal Hwy., one knows Components and Ocean City, Md. 21842 then door is shut." Administrative Center, St. In Calcutta, when someone departs, we don't say Louis, Missouri. (301) 289·6834 "Goodbye", we say "Esho", "Please come again." We are leaving, but please come. From the Editor, Though I have only been editor for a few issues, I do feel as though I've had a great deal to do with The Phoenix for a long while (years even). As a senior I will remember, with regret, what Visiting Professor could have been accomplished Spring Semester 1983 with The Phoenix existing as a . coverage of WMC's unique col- lege campus. I will also remem- it has things the ber The accomplished good and I hope it con- in to improve continues sistently Phoenix quality and style. But only with MARIA'S the care of a devoted staff will The college newspaper Editor.. . Teresa Norman this hope be realized. opens Carry Out & Restauranl Associate Editor. ........ Greg Elba up variety of valuable career- experiences that a stu- Photo Editor Martin Schulman related should take advantage of. 532 Bahimore Blvd. & RI. 140 dent Copy Editor Chris Soto Virtually every major at WMC Westminster Layout Artist. . , Paige Buchter could benefit from the experience Phone 848·5666 or 876-2611 Staff Writers Steven Rossman of putting together the college Joe Olcott newspaper. English, business, Jeff Frazer economics, political science, art, the new communi- and especially Ron Kyle cations major are only a few. It's OPEN 7 D.AYS worth the effort. (It also looks Business Manager.... . Deb Armsworthy very good on a resume.) Apply Published by and for the students of Western Maryland COllege your skills and accomplish some- The opinions expressed in nus publication do not necessamv thing that you'll be proud of. reflect those of the staff or administration. To all of the 1983 WMC gradu- TO AVOID WAitiNG CALL ating class; congratulations and We welcome comments and/or suggestions Please address , ' good luck! ~1·5666 or 176·2611 mail to The Phoenix, Box western Maryland coae.s, Sincerely, AND WE WILL HAVE YOUR Westminster, Md. 21157 Teresa Norman ORDER READY F Member of the ASSOCiated Collegiate Press
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