Page 85 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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March 17 New plays offered , with Jane Alexander, Shirley New York, NY...February 14, Knight and Tony Roberts last 1983....Frustrated drama teach- season and BALLOON by ers and pertorming arts devo- Karen Sunde which opens at tees take heed. A new play the CSC Repertory inNEW' publishing and licensing com- York this month'. pany, Broadway Play Publish- Broadway Play Publishing, ing, Inc., whose goal is to the first new play publishing bring the latest voices in and licensing corporation in contemporary theatre to the 25 years, is also the first to be college/university market,"will fully computerized. Gould in- publish its first list of available tends to use this unique com- scripts later this month. puter operation to match his The company, founded by material to the particular artis- Kip Gould, intends to provide tic and budgeting needs of college programs ,with the the colleges he works with. opportunity to avoid the big Well aware of the .econcrracs brash Broadway type enter- of producing in the 1980's tainment traditionally offered and of the f}ever ending Lecture- by such publishing giants as money crunch at the aca- Samuel French, and Tams- demic level he notes,-"Many Internationally-known fiu- Witmark, in favor of more drama departments by ne- manitarian Dr. Margaret Zas- adventurous works from the cessity - have to scale down senhaus Vv:illspeak about her Off, and Off-Off Broadway the size of their productions. experiences in Nazi Germany theatres in New York and the- With our computer, we can 7o(r~f\\/ on Thursday, March 17, at regional theatres across the tell them exactly what small 7:30 p.m. in McDaniel country. cast, one set plays are avella- Lounge. Her address, titled Gould, who was formerly ble, if necessary, such as "Resisting the Third Reich," is associated_ with Samuel James Edward Luczak's sponsored by the History de- French, Inc. recognized long SOME RAIN, and Daniel Ther- partment. ago that "colleges and.uruver- riault's BATIERY and others." ~~/~,{ ; ____..!..-.Jif!i~/) ~ A native German, Or. Zas- aities are tired of doing the' In adottlon to offering works senhaus was nominated for 11,356th version of 'West Side by new up and coming au- the Nobel Peace Prize for her Story'. They want something thors, Gould has taken on work with refugees, political more up and daring such prestigious playwrights prisoners and survivors of the than that." He and his asso- as Obie Award-winner Megan Nazi concentration camps, elates, who represent a wide Terry (4 of her plays are in Her best-selling autobiogra- range of theatre professionals Broadway. Play Publishing phy, Walls, tells of her own and academicians, have fer-_ Inc.'s first catalogue) and survival. . reted out numerous works of Charles Marowitz's adaptation Dr. Zassenhaus is a practic- lasting merit by authors des- of Shakespeare's classics, ing physician, currently re- tined to become tomorrow's widely acclaimed for their sides in Baltimore. The lecture rmtst.ers...",,,; ,. ""..,..,0 ....." unique- accessibility to Ameri- is free and the public ........ His list of plays already can audiences. includes such important Gould feels strongly that his works as John Hopkins' LOS- company's strengths lie in the lNG TIME, presented to wide quality of its play list, its critical acclaim at the presti-' ability to use modern technol- gious Manhattan Theatre Clue back to 2 HOUSE OF LIQUORS Carroll Plaza, Westm.inster Old Milwaukee Old Milwaukee Light If you have at least !U.49 six' pack two years of college left, you can spend six weeks at 848-1314 .......................... '\. expires 3m ' .. our Anny ROTC Basic present coupon' ~: Camp thissummer and earn approximately $600. can~~rifth~R(Jftri_yOu Year Program this fall and receive up to $l,(XXl a year. =':'::,:::":,=, But the big payoff 876-15SO happens on graduation day . ....w DAILY SPECIALS '" That's when you receive MONDAY· TUESDAY· an officer's commission, So $et your body in 'I" ; shape (not to mention your WEDNESDAY - bank account). ....n .. ;...s;::_hor For more information, Enroll in Al'ffiY ROTC. fn:
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