Page 82 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 82
Page 6 March 10, 1983 May. day' marathon The Western Maryland College Band will present its Spring Concert on Wednesday, March-16 at 8 p.m. in Baker Westminster, Md. - The Phi Memorial Chapel. Delta Theta Fraternity of West- Registration is $6.00 and all Oonterence men's and The program, under the direction of Carl Dietrich, ern Maryland College and entrants will receive a T-shirt, women's track and field associate professor of music, will include: "The Swedish Natural Ught are sponsoring headband, and free beer (mi- championships. The festivities Folk March" by Rhoads; "Marriage of Figaro Overtune" by the Natural Light May Day nors will receive free altemate begin at 9:30 a.m. with the Mozart; "Selections from E.T." by Williams;, "First Suite in E 10K cross country race on beverage) .. Prizes will be start of the race, so bring the Flat" by Holst;' "Finlandia" .ov Sibelius: and "Uberty Bell Saturday, May 7, for the ben- awarded to the tst, 2nd, and whole family. March" by SoUSb. The concert is free of charge. . efit of deaf-blind students en- 3rd place' finishers in the male Application forms are avail- rolled in the master's program and female open divisions, as able at the following locations: Fleet Feet, Westminster; well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Internationally acclaimed pianist Marilyn Neeley will at Western Maryland College. place finishers in the various Sports Hut, Hanover; GalJau- present two piano master class sessions at 9 a.m. and 2-, The race will begin at 9:30 age divisions. Registration det College and at the Mary- p.m. on Saturday, March 12 in Levine Hall on-ins Western a.m. at Baker Memorial packets can be picked up on land School for the Deaf of Maryland College campus. ChapE:lt on the campus of the day of the race between Columbia and Frederick. Proclaimed "Woman of the Year" recently by the Los Western Maryland, .and cover 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. at Baker -Fcr additional information paved and Angeles Times and "Outstanding Artist of the Year" ,by the the challenging and rolling Memorial Chapel. calJ Phi Delta Theta at 648- cinder roads, Citizen Journal, Columbus, Ohio, 'Neeley has performed In addition, Western Mary- 9775 or from Baltimore 876- from' coast to coast in the United States and throughout country hills of the Westmin- land College is holding its. 8530. Europe, 'Mexico and Canada. She has been a soloist with ster area, including the infa- annual May·Day carnival, and over 100 symphony orchestras and was chosen as soloist mous "Cardiac Hill." hosting the Middle Atlantic for the premiere performance of the Vaughan-Williams Piano conductor-violinist Robert Gerte, have won an Emmy Award Betrayal play's this weekend in Alumni Concerto at Carnegie Hall. Neeley and husband, renowned for their NET videotape of all the Beethoven Violin and Piano Sonatas. Sandra Carlson for male dominance, much in trio backwards in time, from The cost of the sessions is $3 per session or $5 for Betrayal, by Harold Pinter, the same way as a game of effect to cause, thus allowing both sessions. For further information, contact Arleen will be presented by Western chess would be played; and the audience to analyze the Heggemeier at 848-7000, ext. 551 Mar),land Cclleqe's Depart- Emma, played by Stacey Pfei- affair of Jerry and Emma and ment of Dramatic Art on fer, becomes their subjected the resulting multiple betray- March 10, 11, 12, and 13 at pawn. The intensity of the -als which tangle the lives ot Auditions will be held 'for Western Maryland College's 8:15 p.m. on the Understage play is rounded out by a the characters. Theatre on the Hill on Sunday afternoon, March 13. I)f Alumni Hall. fourth character, played by T. E. Kalern of Time, aptly Interested actors/singers are to prepare a one-minute Directed by visiting asso- Alan Robert Starner, Who pro- summed up the reaction of an' monologue and one song. Please bring sheet music in the professor of dramatic vides comic relief "wlth an analytical audience to the re- correct key or a tape. There will beno a cappella singing. I elate Betrayal Italian waiter part. versed progression of plot art, Harvey Doster, An accompanist will be provided but will not transpose depicts the triangular relation- The set itself compliments with the question "who knew music. ship involving Robert and his the male contest theme. In what when?" Does the be- Theatre on the Hill opens this July with three smash-hit wife, Emma, and Robert's order to emphasize the game- trayal come from knowing? musicals, Cabaret, Once Upon A Mattress, and a Rogers best friend, Jerry. Through the like competition between From not knowing? These and Hart rnusciat revue entitled Sing for You Supper. course ot the play, the three Jerry and Robert, the set, questions deeply affect the Conducting the auditions and returning again this characters betray not only designed by Ira Domser, has characters in the ambiguous season to direct Western Maryland College's Theatre on the each .other, but also them- distinct game board qualities. Betrayal. Hill will be Diane Malone of Falls Church, Virginia. Ms. selves both physically and Over all, however, the set Admission is $1 for stu- Malone has worked in theatre all over the country and mentally with the most pro- remains basic and simple, dents, campus, and senior overseas as well. Her experience includes directing, set ncunceq betrayal being that just as the characters th~m- citizens and $2 for the gen- designing, and acting professionally" For more informalidn between Jerry, played by Rob selves appear basic and sun- era! public. Tickets may be on the free March 13 auditions, or to register for a specific McQuay, and Robert, played pie although the hidden reserved by calling 848-7000 audition time, Call 648-7000, Ext. 599, or from Baltimore, by Frank Evans. aggression 876-2055. ext. 599. - ext. 5~. Jerry and R",o",be",rt=-==", Pinter's Frank Silva wil! present his senior recital Friday, March 11, at 8 p.m. in Levine Hall. Mr. Silva, a woodwind major, is a student of Mr. Richard Spittel 'and Mr. Lloyd Weinberg. Selections on bassoon include: a Vivaldi concerto with string accompaniment; a solo .by Phillips; and and a Joplin "rag", arranged for woodwind quintet. Selections on saxophone include a sonata by Jacobi; a Dixieland medley; and a modern jazz piece (the last two detections will be performed , with a combo). \ r-----------~~ for graduation,' weddings . PHOTOGRAPHY Pro-preacher- : HOUSE Traditional • Double Exposures • Mistys OF :, from page 2 administration must deal with. system suffer, the essence of I ucUORS ~.". ~.\ WMC liberalism and diversity I If the decision the adminlstra- tion makes is based- on pre- will become ever more dulled. I conceptions about the Delta It is up to the Preachers not I Carroll Plaza, Pi Alpha fraternity, then no to bankrupt the trust be- I decision has been made, only stowed on them. I Westminster k~ a reinforcement of old preju- Desmond Walton I , ~d~ic~e~~N~o~t~on~,y~w~'~"~th~e_G~r~ee~k .~: 848-1314 Carriage House Liquors t Goebel's. t , $1.59 ...Ask About OUf FREE LIMOUSINE SERVICE 113 W. Main Street , "at the forks" .. , : 6 pk. 12 oz. cans ~ROLL'S- Stroh's or Stroh light , I ~HOTOGRAPHY 24 pak only $8099 , A DMsion 04 CO'TOIl'slimousine, Inc Ipresent coupon Gall (301) 861.8025 ~---------------~~=-~~ L ~~r:.s_~~.:.83 ---~~------------------~------~~ present I.D. expires~ FINKSBURG. MARYLAND
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