Page 84 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 84
IEditorial The danger of cults The disturbing from page 1 Until you ··gef rid of these criminal activity, but legisla- must take blockages, tne Scientologists Each reliqicn nature of initiation care of us own members, person you have to be. "You tors. will not do anything _ the possibly because they are believe, you can't be which includes keeping them afraid of the cults. In the away [rom groups trying to are: trained not to think," ex- meantime, the average per- Spring break is upon us. When_ students return in convert them. The groups plained Koch. You are lead to son must combat the work- ten days it will also be time for hell week. Tlme for the' Koch mentioned were Chris- believe that "your mind is ings of the cults him or fraternities to "initiate" their pledges into their respec- nan Fellowhsipand Inner ves- your enemy." herself. tive chapters. According to the Student Handbook, sity. These qroups," though How do the cults work to One important thing to re- hazing is not permissible on campus. "Western not cults, work to convert stop a person's critical thtnk- member is that no one can Maryland College opposes hazing on college property unarmed and unsuspecting ing? Most cults use similar touch your body without your or by any college crqanization." people to Christian doctrine. techniques. Members are al- consent. For example if a cult The handbood continues, "The definition of haZing . How does a cult persuade? lowed only about 4 hours of member tries to pin a flower adopted for college use follows closely that adopted f One example is the recruit- sleep a day. Strenuous exer- on your shirt and ask you for by .the .College Fraternity Secretaries Association. ment technique used by the cises and games result in money, you can have the Hazinq IS any action taken or situation created.> followers of the Church of bodily exhaustion. In these person arrested for assult and intentionally whether on or off college premises, to Scientology. A Scientologist games there are not set rules, battery. produce menial or physical discomfort, embarrassment asks you to fill out a form with so that the players are kept' in The only hope for a person or harrassment. . 200 questions on it. The first a constant state of confusion fresh out of a cult is depro- Such activities and situations include paddling in question asks "Did you ever Members are required to gramming. The idea of depro- any form; creation of excess fatigue, physical and say something you felt sorry attend four to five hour long gramming is to "reawaken psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scaven- for saying the foltowing day?" lectures. A usual topic of a that brain" and get him angry, ger hunts. road trips or other similar activities; wearlnq, "If you answer 'no,' you're in lecture is "WHat is the mean- emotional, and in touch with publicly. apparel that is conspicuous· and not normally big trouble," explained Koch. ing of your life?" The lecture reality. This process, however, In good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoo- "If you answer 'yes,' you're in ttselt -ts usually nothing but ia- very expensive. nery; morally. degrading or humiliating games and big trouble. If you don't an- nonsense bombarded at Anyone interested in more activities: kidnappings; and late work sessions that swer at all, you're in trouble." member's ears. The purpose? information about the cults: interfere with scholastic activities." When they decide that you To manipulate their brains at There are three booklets filled With that in mind, this is what is currently posted need help you find that they the conscious and subcon- with articles and data about on the bulletin board of one of the fraternity sections. have a plan to "help" you all scious levels. Music and the cults. These were donated BEAT SOME ASS! worked out. The Sclentolo- chanting serve to keep the by MOllyKoch and the Jewish Countdown to hell week gist's main aim is to try to mind "perpetually numb. No Student Union. Inquire at the 12. 10. 9. 8•... "change established patterns protien is allowed in the food school library. ~- Narks will get their asses beat! A joke? Here. are some eyewitness accounts of ~~Ib~~~:r~f;~ ~~~ unclear New plays what occured last Spring during nell week. Some ing. Members are isolated from offered pledges were stripped Gown to their jock straps, then To do this, they use eome- outside ev_ents (no newspa- they crawled on the floor in a prone position wherever thing similar to a lie detec!or.... pers or television). Members from pg. 3 thev were told to; all the time being paddled and, In You hold onto two metal poles thrive on anticipatory learning, ogy to serve the coUege mar- some Instances, having hot wax poured on their bare hooked up_to a meter with a thus life is a string of "tomor- ket and ther overwhelmtnq flesh. Is'this what the administration has in mind for needle that swings back and rows," which may last. for desire on the.....cart- of the acceptable hell week activities..? forth. The "tester" says weeks, months, or years. As a college market to get first The IFe allows freshmen to join the fraternities after "mother," the needle jumps. member obeys and conforms crack at new and noteworthy their first semester. It is nothing less than a crime to There is your problem. You to the rigors of cult society, plays. allow the Greek organizations of Western Maryland to are "taught" to feel no erne- his personality changes. For more information about exploit the overwhelmlnq desire of these young men to tion when you hear the word As Mally Koch said, "Little Broadway Play Publishing be accepted into the fraternal system. To say such mother mentioned. Over a by little, inch by inch, day by Inc.,. or to obtain the com- garbage as, "It's always been that wav." is not onlv a period of time, the words day, you're whittled down," pany's brochure of new offer- cooout. it's inexcusable. father, brother, grandmother, until you are unable to think or ings 'write to: The Phoenix, as the collective voice of the student and so on, are eliminated make any kind of personal Broadway Play Publishing body, calls for firm and resolute action by Jeanne from your emotional register. decision. Inc. . , H!gbee, associate dean of student affairs, in dealing The Scientologists help you What can be done? Koch 249 West 29th Street With the hazing activities during the forthcoming week. do this. Negative experiences has called for investigations NEW York, New York 10001 This is the first time Dean Higbee must handle hell are considered "blockaqes." into the cults based on their or call: (212) 563-3820 week. For the sake of humanity and the reputation of the school, let us pray she can prevent the cruel and unjust actions made in the name of "initiation." A new look at aid for the elderly '-Chris Beyers out putting one ounce of work nuclear arsenal so high that As a budding man of let· The ters, I don't often praise Con- back into the system. They every kid in America could have a tactical nuclear rnis- think just because they get Phoenix gress •• what, with all those old, we •. us working people - slle. With all this money, we could forge a materialistic liberals running around help- ;im~hO~~ ~~Pt~~ ~~~~r~~~ nlrvfiana. ing minorities and other sub- versive groups •• but when an umbilical cord, lt's . time we Come to think Q,f it, old organization makes a good get up the courage to say people on this earth do noth- Eduor Robert Holt move, I think it should be "Sorry Gramps, no dole. Get ing but sit around, using up Associate Editor _... Greg Elba' commended. Thus, kudos go off your ninety-year-old duff our valuable resources of air, Managing Editor Teresa Norman to Congress for cutting social and get a job!" And why water, ano dog food. Why not ASSistantEditor: . Chris Beyers security benefits for\ the el- shouldn't we say this? They rid ourselves of this oldster Features Editor. Steve Rossman derly. Instead of picking on said the same thing to us rash once and for all? We News Editor .David ~ogdanskl defenseless institutions (l.e., when we were in high school! wouldn't have to be nasty But why stop here? Giving Copy Editor. ·· ··..·..· · ·· ·..·..···..·· ·..·..··..-Cnrls Soto Big Business) when it cuts its aid to the elderly only encour· about it. Next winter, we could just leave the old pea· budget, Congress has taken Sports Editor ..· Bruce Mable th~ brave step of hitting the ages people to get old and pie outside for a ·while. After a Photo Editor Martin Schulman notorious elderly. burden society. I say we cut few days, we could just take Business M?nager Deb Armsworthy Too long, this country has off these bums without If red the over·sixty·five popsickles Publish~ by and for the .studentsof WesternMarylandCollege been saddled with the loathe· cent. Not only will this show and dump them into trash bins. No muss; no mess. some burden of caring for its the old folks that we mean ~~c~Pr:~~s o~~~~e~:~ ~~~~~j~~t~~~~~~ndo not necessarily elderly. Rnally, somebody has business, but it will leave If my suggestions are imple- We welcome commentsandlor suggestions.Please~ddress all recognized that the biggest more money for us. We. can mented, one day this fair mail t? The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College. freeloaders in This Great finally buy all the great stuff earth will no longer be laden Westmlnste~,Md. 21157. Country Of Ours are the mass we wanted but could never with old people nobody really of paraSites liberals euphe· afford •• food processors, likes very much anyway. We mistically call "senior citi- Guccl shoes, video games, can all live fast, die young, ill; Member of the Associated Collegiate pre~s zens." Let's face it .. these new .cars and more! Further· and be happy all the time. geezers take, take, take, with- more, we could build up our
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