Page 80 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 80
Page 4 . March 10, 1983 Bob Heckman crosse team. ranked 8th and 4th respec- "I want to see all 'the play- The team has been condi- tively in tne pre-season poll. ers become better people, tioning since back in Novem- The team finished last sea- because if they 'become bet- ber in preparation for this son with an 8-2 record and ter people they become bet- year's schedule, which has were eleventh in the division ter lacrosse prayers and been upped to 15 games three national rankings. The winning will take care of. it- compared to last year's ten. team lost virtually all of the self." That's just one of many The new additions include starting defense and attack goals of second year head Hampden - Sydney, ranked from last year including the coach, Mike Williams and the 10th in the nation last year, fifth leading scorer in the Western Maryland men's la- Ohio Weslyan and Salisbury nation and honorable mention ali-American, Eric Swaub. Hopefully the losses will be balanced by freshman and the strength of this year's mid-field. Headed by senior captain, Brian Loftus, a sec- ond team all conference se- lection last year and senior captain, Jeff Kuzumchak, this years middies are deep and ·experienced. The rest of the returning midfielders· are greatly imoroveo and in ex- cellent condition. The versant- defense was i well and should be very effec- ity should create many by graduation. Gone are Pete tive in the goal. opportunities all over the field. Schmitt, Bill Jackson, an all If the defense and attack The question is how well will conference selection, and mature quickly, the potential the inexperienced attack be Dave Milchling who has re- for a great season is there. able to capitalize on the op- turned as a defensive coach. The home opener against The portunities. Freshmen attack- Back from last year are Jamie Hampden - Sydney here on men Ron Gavlin and Mark Degrafft, Gregg Lowery, and Wednesday March 16 should Carter have looked good in Mike Jackson. Freshmen who provide a good test. The team practice this far. They will be have locked impressive thus ~reatly appreciates the sup- a key come game time along far are Cole Younger, Steve port it has received -in the with returning attackmen Stan Bailey, Tom Durkan and Steve past and with seven games in ..-- 1 r,~~ be Sunday MARCH 13 6:30 '" Rosenberg. The defense will Murray and John Clark. Scott S. Bair Stadium, this senior captain, led by year, it is looking forward to I Chuck Nolan and junior Ben an excitino season. Price, both have been playing Phoenix stafr meeting ~. ~ LOCUST WINES' 10 East Main .. 848-1910 Lowest "Jug" Prices in Town ($ Frisco Family Pub ~ DAILY SPECIALS <:ff'! Arm~iha~ga~~;~~ern~~~~la~~7~~~\,~':\:efor the job right now, with Army ROTC. MONDAY - TUESDAY - you~?J~~:~~l~;~~rlr~: ~:hcl~~g been doing a lot more of it SPAGHETn &. MEAT SAUCE TWO FRBE SODAS WITH In fRet.last year alone nearly 7.000 you develop your leadership and manage- ·WITH 2 SLICES GARUC EACH PIZZA OF EQUAL SMALL, college grads chose to begin their future as rnent ability BREAD 11.00 -ONLY SIZE - OR LARGE MEDIUM Arm{Vh~~C~~e wanted the opportunity futu;~~i.~hc:o~~~g~r~~hi;~~~~:her WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY- ~:~t\':~f1Fs~~~l~'l~~~~~~~~~~~~.and manage- fina~a~h~~cxt time you're thinking abo'ut STROMBOLI AT Others were impressedwith theamount job possibilities.think abouttheone mote rFRENCH FRIES 112 PRICE of responsibility we give our officersstarting recent collegegraduates chose last year than ONLY4OC: out. And stillmore liked the idea of serving any other SUNDAY - $1.00 OFF ALL LARGE PIZZAS their counn-, around the \\ orld For more information, contact the Pro- 50¢ OFF ALL MEDIUM OR SMALL PIZZAS Interested J Then \ ou can start prepanng fessor of Military Science on your campus AT WESTERN MARYLAND, AT ARMY ROTC. SEE CAPTAIN MIKE MAULDIN ~~:A~~~::'Y~'~~~BEALL 'OU CAN BE 876-3550 EXTENSION 620/621 •
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