Page 79 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 79
Page 3 us! IFC, Higbee deny charter David Bogdanski One thing that has always amazed me about WMC l is that while this,is a small school in which a majority of frOm page 1 the IFC convened. We felt the students know each other; it is also a school where deserve a chance to redeem that the Preachers didn't de: themselves. At the JFC meet- ~serve to be reinstated be- rumors run rampant. The demented mind of one ing the Preachers were told - cause they did not follow the individual can spark the flame that ends in the total they didn't show they really stipulations laid down by the defamation of a person's character. wanted to be a fraternity, but Dean last year." Antonelli also You would think that the administration and the how could they when they said there is a good deal of students themselves would want to stop false rumors, were given no guidelines to animosity between the two but this is not the case. The only way that a person show such a thing." (After the fraternities, and the Bache- finds out anything around here is through the usually decision was made, Higbee lor's don't think the Preachers unreliable source of rumors. This is a terrible practice requested the IFC to lay down could work with the and indeed. Why doesn't the administration and the written criteria for the Preach- do not represent the students work together to inform everyone of precisely ers to- follow to be reinstated Dean Mowbray gave what happens on campus so that we can stop the when they are permitted to parting advice to the Preach- vicious spread of rumors? What do they have to ·hide? apply again.) ers. "The Preachers should The question is: How can the truth be known? Well, Scott Antonelli, president of take a positive look at them- no matter how_you look at it, this paper is a very Alpha 'Gamma Tau, stated, selves and what -they want to powerful source of lnforminq the campus- We have all "The Bachelor's made our accomplish." bitched about it, but yet we aU read it. decision as a group before My advice is for every student to get off their - apathetic bottoms and help this school by making us an informed campus community. Many things happen each week both good and bad, but the only way people find out about them are through rumors. Would it not be better that facts are put down in black and white and known by all. This would destroy the rumors, and at the same time let the truth be known, and make this a better paper. We are always looking for articles, -so the last thing anyone should think is that ttjelr article or 'Ietter to the editor will not get published. Face it, we need your help. So if you have something to say, or are bitter about something, or just want to set the facts straight, don't just think about it, talk to us. I've always got some time to listen to someone, anyone' who has something to say about this school, or any facet of it. I would even help gather your thoughts, if you just take the small amount 'of time and effort. We all would like to know what really happens on campus, but The Phoenix staff can not do the job alone. Take the time; it will make you feel a lot better, and it will make the campus feel a lot better. Help us ?urtail the spread _of rumors. Jones serves of Chemical Education. - .~- ACS Board E. Jones, profes- Or. Donald sor of chemistry at Western College, was invited Maryland to serve as a member of the Task Force for the American Wedding Photography Chemical Society (ACS) Study Portraits • 848-2148 examination of a 1965 ·study ~aq~iiEi~F"1 The new study is a fresh entitled the Westheimer Re- I I "port, which studied the oppor- . ~ - tunities and needs in chemistry. Changes in chemi- Nows the time to think about cal science, technology and your college nng Not J~stany education that have occured "ng-a 14K Gold College Ring Irom since 1965 have prompted ArtCarved The karat gold jewelry this new study. that's designed and handcrafted for The new study is divided lasting value _ into two parts: the first, by the And now an ArtCarved 14K Gold - National Academy of Sci- DATE: March 14- & 15 College Ring ismoreaffordablethanyou I enees, will deal with all as- think. Choose from an entire collection of pects of chemical science 14K Gold ArlCarved College Rings and' and technology; and the sec- TIME: 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. save $25, This offer is for a limited time ond, in which Dr. Jones will only, so come in and see all the grea~ participate, by the Arrencan ArtCarved styles with the custom options Chemical Society, wilt deal PLACE:Bookstore Lobby that can let you have the ring of your with chemical education. choice, the way you want tt. So graduate The ACS Board of Directors, in style. Graduate to .gold! ' who provided financial sup- port for the study of chemical Deposit Required education, authorized the MasterCard or Visa Accepted special Task Force, consisting ~ • • of 18 to 24 members, to serve . ~~ as the central focus for the study. - Nott;ng else feels hke,..1 gold 0
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