Page 87 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Phoenix Thursday, December 10, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 12 WMC dance group debuts at Alumni Hall Mary Fabie dents in the performance group were department, began on a trial basis A novel experience on the stage of not required to audition for member- Hopefully. the success of Monday Alumni Hall was a presentation by the ship in the group. Ms. Robinson's night's performance will ensure the Western Maryland College Dance only mandate for retention of rnerrs continuance ot the group here on Performance Group this past Mon- bership in the group is attendance at campus. Ms. Robinson encourages oay rehearsals, which were held on Friday any interested student to rehearse Eighteen WMC students and a afternoons with the g'roup next semester. These professional dance company. from Students also worked-out on Mon· rehearsals will be in preparation for a Baltimore, Naked Feet. danced at the day and Wednesday afternoons for spring dance performance, the sec- performance which began at 7:30 approximately 1-1'12 hours. These ond of its kind p.m. and lasted approximately thirty Monday and Wednesday rehearsals Another excellent opportunity for minutes. The Western Maryland Col- were conducted by sophomore, involvement in the group is during lege Dance Performance Group Susan Maginnis. Ms. Robinson's job Jan term. A class in modern dance presented a program consisting 01 at Goucher' College permitted her to techniques will be otlered on.Fridays two group pieces choreographed by be on campus only on Friday after- at 3:45 p.rn. Once again, these Debra Robinson noons. Ms. Maginnis assumed a role rehearsals are open to any interested These pieces were "Ave Maria" by 01 leadership in the group in Robin- snoer-ts Pavarotti and "Spaced Revolvers" son's absence Ms. Robinson feels that one of the from "Start Me Up" by the Rolling The students in the group have had main benefits of Monday night's per Stones. The professional company a variety of training and, despite the lormance is the fact that the audi- performed two duets. "tocerta." cho- fact that few are highly trained, Ms ence, as well as the student reographed by Robin Williams, and Robinson is pleased with the group's performers, were allowed a glimpse Dance group entertains at Alumni Hall "Suspension," choreographed by overall performance. The students are of the diversity that dancing can Diana Cuman-Walters, were executed "dedicated and energetic and have provide. in front of an audience of approxi- definitely shown progress since, the mately 200 people group's inception in September The Western Maryland College The Dance Performance Group has Dance Performance Group, formed at Video machines sacked been together since September under the direction of Debra Bcbin- the beginning of the semester under son, a member of Naked Feet Stu- the auspices at the dramatic art Fidy Kuo panel, the back of the machine was are patrolling the rest of the campus "Tile weird thing about it," said A $500 reward is being offered for pried open with a crow bar. The Fasano about both thefts, "was that estimated cost of the missing panel is Jones elected chairman - information leading to the arrest and valued at $1,800. As to what the thief no point of entry could be found" conviction of the person or persons who removed the video-game panel or thieves, did with the video panel, There is no sign of forced entry from the "Cobra" machine and "is anyone's guess," Fasano. anywhere Bill Byme investigated by this governmental money Irom two other game ma- At about the same time the video- As to how the thief, or thieves, WMC professor of chemistry, Dr. body chines panel was removed. the "Battle entered the College Center. Fasano Donald E. Jones, was recently The purpose of the Society The thefts occurred in the Decker Zone" game machine was also pried said it is possible that they were elected Chairman of the Middle Atlan- tee on Chemical Education is to, in College Center game room in two open. Since the machine had just hiding somewhere in it before closing tic Councilors 01the American Cneml- Jones' wards, "deal with all aspects separate incidents. The first was been checked for money, there time and came out later. He revealed cal Society for 1981-1983. He has related to chemical education." The during the week of November 16-20. wasn't that much left to take." said a "possible hiding place" in The also been appointed to a one year committee is involved with a myriad The video game panel belonging to Fasano. The "Battle Zone" machine Forum position with the Society Committee 01projects related to improvements in the "Cobra" machine was removed. now has a padlock like the other II is the boiler room whose entrance on Chemical Education of the Ameri- the quality of chemical education According to Robert Fasano, direc- game machines in the game room. way is in a storage closet there. The boiler room entrance has no lock on it can Chemical Society The activities this year include the tor of campus security, "whoever did The second theft occurred early to keep people out. And, because of Dr. Jones has been associated with planning ot a symposium in honor of it knew what he was doing ,. Tuesday morning, November 23. An· this nationally based organization of the great 19th century chemist Jo- He pointed out that the video panel other video game machine, not identi- the large size of the boiler room. chemists for almost 20 years. The seph Priestly and the allocation of was not ripped out, but carefully fied. was also pried open and security guards have a difficult time Middle Atlant:c Councilors are reo $25.000 in research grants unattached. To gain access to the pilfered. Again, the machine ccinbox searching lor people hiding inside it. For both thefts, it was campus sponsible for guiding policies and had just been emptied, so not much custodians who discovered them first establishing procedures for this re- WMC accepted in MLA money could be taken, in the morning. They contacted the Both thefts occurred after the gion'S chapter of the American Decker College Center was closed at Student Affairs Office and in turn they Jones will play an important role in program association midnight. So, when asked who was notified Dean Mowbray Chemical Society, As chairman, leading the discussion of issues to be Drew University on duty those evenings, Dean Mow- According to Mowbray, the police bray responded, "it doesn't matter Laura Cole Dr. Del Palmer, head of the com- who was on duty. No one was here" have been called and have done The Phoenix WMC has been accepted as a full parative literature and dramatic art Campus security does periodically their own investigation. He added that member of the Association of Gradu- departments and M.LA advisor, check the Collge Center 'during the he did not know the outcome of their Wishes ate Liberal Studies Programs stressed the need for the M.L.A. night However, most of the time they investigation and what will result of it The general purpose of the gradu· program ate liberal studies program at schools "At one time. only the M.Ed. was Happy like WMC is to offer students a offered at Western Maryland Col- SGA News graduate degree that is interdiscipli- Palmer said. "The M.L.A., lege," nary in nature and non-professional in started in 1975, provides flexibility. It Holidays intent. The programs adhere to the provides another option for teachers, as well as a special liberal arts values of liberal art education at the graduate level and therefore offer program for people 01 any profes- In other business discussed at the to WMC students trom different educational sion Approximately 100 graduate stu- tution is considered nu'U and void, SGA Senate meeling, there was con- The referendum for the new Consti- ~rn expressed abo.ut the forr~ing of backgrounds and professions an al- Students ternative to the usual specialized dents enroll in the M.L.A. program according to SGA President Theresa the All-Greek Council. Baker said that the council will be discussed at the Baker The controversy arose when each year. Class requirements in- graduate programs. Charter members of the Association clude courses in humanities, cultural students complained tnat having to next Student Personnel Subcommittee of the Long Range Planning Commtn- put their 10 numbers on the ballot Faculty include Wesleyan University. John heritage, comtemporary society and violated the secret ballot. A new tee. The subcommittee will meet in a creative process as well as electives, Hopkins University. St. John's College at Annapolis, Southern Methodist Uni- totaling 30 credit hours. Courses are referendum will take place next se- closed session with certain invited faculty. administrators and students. Staff versity, Hollins College. Dartmouth offered in all departments covering a mester diverse area of study College, Georgetown University, and
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