Page 86 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 86
P"B" 8 December 3, 1981 Islamic art· evident Comics slated Joe Olcott for WMC Show The WMC art department fijm series laclites, tumbling gently down, blend- idolize the subject of the painting ended last Wednesday with the ing the dome with the four walls instead of God. These paintings are Western Maryland College Activities Andy Scarpati is a Philadelphia showing of two films on Islamic art Pointed, turret-like minarets often also believed to impinge on the comic who has his own weekly show The first film, entitled "The Traditional stand around Ihe mosque like tall and power of God, the only Creator of life Office and Scarpau Comedy Produc- at John and Peter's Place, a night World of Islam: The Pattern of slender sentinels. The faithful are ~ost painting is didactic or instruc- tions will present a "Comedy Con- cert" Thursday evening Oecember 15 club in New Hope, Pa. Scarpati also Beauty," examined the various as- called to prayer five times a day by a tive: it teaches people about their in Alumni Hall at 8 p.m performs in colleges and clubs along cects of Islamic architecture, calligra- chanting crier up in the minaret religioo. Randy Heck and Karen Cook. co- the East Cost. Scarpati has a long list phy and painting Within the mosques, the anrosphere" The second film, "The Isfahan of chairpersons 01 the Concert and 01 comedians who perform in his Islamic, or Moslem, art is philosoph- is calm and relaxing, the harsh Shah Abbas," dealt with a city in Public Events Committee, arranged to shows, each with their own list of icatly based on two elements: the sunlight softly diffused by the pat- Persia (now Iran) that was rebuilt in bring the Comedy Concert to WMC television and night club credits . geometric (straight lines and angles), terned latticed windows. 1674 by a Persian king, Shah Abbas, Heck stated that he heard about the As a host of and a performer in the and the abstract (flowing curves). The Moslem architecture is found to serve as the capital of his king- show from people who had seen it at show, Scarpati will introduce comedi- first symbolizes the strict order and throughout the world: in North Africa, dom. The Shah constructed a huge Mt. St. Mary's College last year. Also, ans Bob Nelson and Joe Bolster who stability in the universe; the second, the Middle East, Southwest Asia, bazaar as well as a rectangular mall many different performers, including will each give their own original acts the open and unrestrained spaces of India, and Indonesia. The most fa- with fountains, gardens, colonnaded Scarpati and his comedians, sent in Nelson is described in a press re- the human spirit. These elements are mous and most beautiful Islamic pavitliona, shops, palaces and information and reviews concerning lease as an "outrageous comic-mad- not used separately. Rather, they are. building is the Taj Mahal in Agra, mosques. Although often cruel and I~ employed together to create a con- India. Built by the Mogul emperor ruthless against his opposition, Shah Office to be looked over and decided with his sensational energetic brand their acts to the College Activities man" who will "bring the house down I trasting beauty and harmony, where 1Shah Jehan as a mausoleum for his Abbas supported the arts and cul- of humor." Nelson's TV credits in- upon, staled Heck. Reviews included life springs and freely grows out of wife, this jewerec. white marble tomb ture. Metalwork, especially in brass, those written in the Bloomsburg State clude The Merv Griffin Show and The is the epitome of Islamic architecture. order. and weaving flourished. The SI1ah College 'newspaper' and the Susque- Tom Snyder Show This philosophy can best be seen: It has a square base, one main dome Bolster's credits include the televi- in Islamic architecture, especially in and several lesser ones, pattemed exported metal sculptures, silk car- hanna University newspaper .. All the sion game show "Make Me Laugh" pets and clothes, Persian rugs and reviews praised and applauded the the structure of mosques, the Moslem screens, abstract decorations, other textiles to the ever hungry art hilarious shows that were given and a Philadelphia based television places of worship. All mosques share arches, minarets, gardens, and"foun- markets of Europe. In the eighteenth Heck has also talked with the host show called "AM Philadelphia." certain characteristics, like the way tains century, however, the Afghans in- and producer of the show, Andy The many enttueasnc reviews and most Christian churches have stee- The film also examined Arabic cal- vaded, and Isfahan lost Its role as the Scarpati, who, in Heck's words, is a the impressive TV credits behind pies, pews, and pulpits. Each tigraphy, or decorative writing, an art country's cultural center. Neverthe- very "enthusiastic man with a lot of these three comedians seem to mosque has a square base (with one .Jorm in itself. The eight or nine styles less, many of the city's ancient energy" Heck himself is very confi- promise a hilarious, fun show for all wall facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia) that exist wary in appearance: some Islamic buildings still stand today as dent about the Comedy Concert, Ticket sales will be announced in and a dome on top. The geometric seem almost block-like while others a testil'1lOl'1Yto Moslem art and reli- expecting ilia be a good, entertain- WMC Today. Admission is free for base represents spirit and the neev- are thin and curling. The Koran and gion. ing show stu~ents and fa.~ulty ens. The Inner surface of the dome is other sacred books are written in often decorated with star or sunburst calligraphy, and verses from these pattems, emanating from the center .books often acorns the inside and and shimmering down the walls. The outside surfaces of religious build- The actor's motivation: outsides of !he domes are arrayed in ings. This StyliZed type of writing is white, blue, glittering gold, earthen- often blended with abstract art on brown, and other COlors. Inside tne . wens and towers, making it difficult to Enjoyment mosque, under the dome, many ten what is writing and what is not. appreciation small, sometimes multicolored and Islamic religion prohibits any lifa-like mirrored arches that gradually be- representation of living things, lor come larger, make the transition from eeee are believed to separate the ,Stev~ fross_man the circular roof to the square rocnoe- viewer from God by spiritUally enten- Waiting for Godot was an exciting that the next summer (and other say before I finiSh my true tale. My ncn. These arches seem to hang gling a person in a painting's mood and stimulating play for me 10 be in. I summers to come) I auditioned for other reason fOl' acting upon the unsupported from the dome like ste- and emotion, making him or her made new and funny friends (how community theatre plays in aencens- stage is 10 please the audience. I town Alurn exhibits art funny they'll never know) and ra-' My main part lor three years run- have always felt that when the audi- ceived kind comments from the stu- ence laughs and applauds, I have dents and teachers. (thanks for your kindness.) ning was being in the chorus. Then I done my job properly Acting is a two way street; I work rested for two summers and when I Artist Ellen Elmes, a lormer WMC art played as an Artist-in-the-Schools in However, contrary to popular auditioned again, they liked me so for the audience and the audience student, will display her wOO<:on Tazewell County, Va., has hosted thought, I did not just pop into much, they gave me back my old wOO<:sforme. And for as long as the Tuesday, Dec. 1 through Friday, Dec. many one-woman shows, won several theatre. I may be a new lace to chorus parts again audience is entertained, I will enjoy 11, in the Fine Arts Building at prestigious awards, and taught 12 WMC, but I've been involved with the 'Mlile my leet were still aChing, I pursuing my hobby. W~t~~~~~ ~il:r Ms. Elmes ::ar:, ~~:; ~n~~ary :g~r:rt:v:n~=' t~~e:,:e of :!~~d r~~: ~~h~ W::iC~~an: e-- ..., uses her mountain environment as The official opening for the exhibit To make a very long story short, I dramas they performed. It was a impetus to create watercolor paint- will be on Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 7 will start from the beginning. I was happy time for me. ings, acrylics, collages, and draw- p.m. to 9 p.m. The public is invited born...pardon me. It was my mother acted in a play it was to obtain more Math Quiz Why do I act in plays? When I first ings. Her favorite settings and and the show is free of charge. who got me to try out for the camp subjects include seasonal land- Gallery One is open weekdays from play when I was eleven. self-confidence (although at the time I scapes, flowers, and people-old and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For further informa- The camp play was "Fiddler on the didn't know this). Now I do "it" for young, miners, and farmers lion, contact College Activities, ext Roof" and I got the part of Motel. I sheer enjoyment Answer to last week's puzzle: 13 ~B_I_eO_E_,~__,._~__ i'_'~"~_~_tlY~~~~~-~-~~,_. _,~~_d_W_'_h~ ••g_'M_I_tiw~_iO_~_'_I_Pla_Y.-_Tho_ffi_i,_oo_e_~_ffi_~i_Og_'_~_,_e~IO 10 dimes, 5 Quarters, and 7 nickles, haif-dollars equal $6.40. ~ '~ , Westminster 'Pawn' Outlet Frank SUva,who each won a cheese- Congratulations to Keith Arnold and burger and drink at the pub. ?~ <,7~ -"PJ, SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, people who also submitted correct '- Congratulations also to the following answers: Denise Frech, Linda Block, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY Terry Darn, Brian Keinlflge, Wayne Reese, Neil Rutman, Adam Wright, Miller, Jim Rapp, Ron Hash, Debby 11West Main Street II helga hein. Virginia Macleay, Carrie Neely, John HaYt"ll:ins,Margaret Pow- , CarroU Plaza Shoppina Cente~. Westminster, Md. Phol"lc;876·3086 ell, Matt Baker, Aaron Davis. / -' This_week's puzzle is: Bring this ad in an n~,ceive: I,' ,__ .. Walerlilies on a lake double in area 59 e~ 24 ",,"
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