Page 48 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page 8 Sha-na-na brings back 50's menacing as I could. but I actually so you could become a physicist ·'We were innovative in that even of the simplicity, and some Some people know John Bauman looked unmenacing. To top if off. I because that's what everybody though we were looking back musi- on the energy of early rock. as a mild-mannered graduate of sang bass" needed in order to fight the Russians cally. we were among the first of what 'Today's rock seems 10 be Columbia university, a classically- The group itself started as an There was humor in the posturing, then became a revival of stage snows a bourgeois recreation of trained pianist who studied at the outgrowth of the Columbia University boredom and supposed simplicity of like Alice Cooper and David Bowie" roll. There is no more wO,k"co-,o'"". Julliard School 01 Music. Kingsmen, because "you can't revive the ·50s" What does a person famous for element. What's going on But, since 1970, Bauman has been anything but the '50s. Face it, sit-ins Sha-Na-Na revived not only the playing old songs thinK about music how lacks the energy and wearing black Chino pants. a black T- during the .60s were not that funny sound of the .50s. but the idea that now and in the future? the beginning of rock i shirt, greased-back hair, and working When you were incollege in the '60s performers should entertain have a prediction, but I'm There's less 10 rebel "I don't under the assumed name of Bowzer your hair was long, the campus had "About 10 years ago. most record- not that fond of what's going on right Back then. you had a '''"'eoO",,',,_ lor the 1950s rock revival group, sna- just been overthrown and you were ing artists really could not perform at this second." Bauman said. "rve kind repressive society, but Na-Na running in and out of buildings not ali..· Bauman said. '·There was no lots of freedom, a lot less to "Bowzer was created from my knowing what would happen next. It performance value to live shows of lest track of what's, happening in a lot more outlets for closet in 1970,'· Bauman said in an had been a turbulent decade with When we started our act, most of fne the music world. but it seems to me about that there is some~hal of a recycling interview for "Erlanger"s Rock Clas- tremendous progress but tremendous other groups were just standing sics to co-ne" radio series, spon- and sometimes frightening changes around on stage playing their hils to sored by Jos. Schlitz Brewing There was also temendous social audiences that were very stoned and WMC Company consciousness casual "I approached my character as an "The .50s were very funny socially. I "That's why Sha-Na-Na was so entertainer would, eno figured thad mean, you couldn't even believe you successful. because our first and from page 1 to be funny because I was funny were alive," he said in his Bowzer foremost consideration was putting looking to start with at 6·2" and (27 voice- "You were a nice kid \"'ith a on a dynamic stage show, which was non-traditional coming to WMC, but pounds. So I wore all black to look as crew cut just trying to get into college unheard of at the time." we never bothered to consider it as expandable," said Mrs. Elwell. "Be- fore MTF was started, we didn't even Rock band 'born' at WMC know Now'that the non-traditional market . Unlike in B real corporation how many there were" is being researched, methods will be _ sells goods, the WMC Marketing thought of to attract more of _them Force will have no legislative Fidy KIlO The heavy metallormat for Christian _When the band is ready for con- This may mean mentioning the non- Said Dr. Griswold, "we A heavy-metal rock band that spe- music is intentional. According to certs, which should be in twO months. traditional status more often in bra- anyone to do anything. We cializes in Christian music? Second Carlson, "we didn't want to be classi- they do not plan to charge audi- chures and recruitment sessions offer suggestions" Birth, which means to be "reborn". is fied in the stereotype of most Chris- ences. Says Carlson, "we don1 be- The final, but not least in any way, All members of MTF, such a group. tian music, which is pretty mellow" lieve people should have to pay to sub-committee is the cone of Training interviewed, stated that a The heavy-metal Christiantrio con- Actually, the idea of using heavy hear the gospel" - headed by WMC presidential assist- goal for the organization, sists of WMC's own students: Jeff metal bands to spread "The Gospel:' He stated that this is an example he ant Mrs. Beard. If the marketing end, is a self-audit. By Carlson on guitar and lead vocals, Ed is not a unique one. Jeff stated thai is following from Christian folk singer philosophy is going to be applied to will really be able to t Copland on bass, and Chip Coffin on there are many such groups already. Keith Green. the entire school, then it will require its full duties, it will be in drums. He named a group Resurrection Second Birth was approached by a the efforts of more than the 20 start of next year's Long Range Plan Previous musical inffuences of the which is quite popular in Christian sorority to perform at a dance, but member MTF. Therefore. it will be the And a reasonable expectation for group are primarily rock and jazz circles, as a contemporary influence. they were tumed down. Carlson clari- Training sub-committee's duty to de- the MTF once it gets going? Mrs Chip's inffuences are jazz percussion As 01 now, Second Birth is in its fied that the group is not a dance vise methods that the entire faculty Elwell only said, "The MTF does not Ed, wtlo used to play in a secular rehearsal stage. Jeff sees that its band, but a concert band 10 be and staff can be taught to use lorsee any really major changes, only band, has Steppenwolf as a heavy possible that an exira quitarist or watched marketing principles on their own. some re-empha~izing of old areas, metal influence. He also lists Genesis keyboard player may be added As for image, Carfson said, "we just As Dr. Seidel said. "we've always and new emj:)8MIsin new areas.'· Perhaps, then will WMC be able ~ and Crack the Sky as influences Keyboards would give us a great want our audience to have fun. been a non profit organization. This is "cope with the slope." Jeff's is the Canadian trio RUSH, in deal of versatility. "In the meantime, why it is so hard for us to suddenly However, we want to generate some I addition to what he calls, "various Second Birth is rehearsing covers of thought. We want the people to think think in terms 01 corporate market- Parties ing.' songs by Long Norman, Phil Keagey, about their relationship to God. and and aeeurrectcn. also what the relationship should be " As 01 now, open MTF meetings are ~~~g used to indoctrinate the col- from page 2 Once a month, a hired economics stumuli. return to the party for from page 1 consultant, Dennis Johnson, visits the collection of data. It is, after Student govemment President Clay- percent," he adds. "It's obvious the school. Johnson belongs to a firm duty to model the liberal I ton Lewis agrees. ·We already cut stale's using a lot of thai money fat that specializes in marketing, espe- by being a well-rounded iii cially as it applies to educational Witl:! this in mind. you out all the fat from our budget. and purposes and sources other than institutions. He was sought out by the heel and make your way there's simply nothing else left" education .. Lewis says the $33 million cut will The state legislature two years ago :~=r:re~~:t~~~ D;~ J~~~r a~~v~; ,;th;:e.;,;he:;.'":;.';:.o.:;o',;;,e:.;":.;'h.;;e.;;o;:.'".="::;:.;.: close the university's departments of voted to absorb tuition payments into forestry, architecture and urban de- the state's general fund, instead of Economics instructor, Dr. Seidel. was Class election results sign, education, and speech reserving them to fund higher educa- also presidential appointed. His duty is 10 instruct the MTF in the marketing ::=:==-_'..;'An_"...;. __ .;;;.;.__weot_"..;.p_,_, .. tion philosophy. In fact all the members of Sophmore Class Beth Piscora -e-Ireasurer W('!oitlninster (;olrl and Silver Exchange' fresh~n Class DON7 SELL FOR LESS Michael Kline· President Wan! a pan-time job that dceso'r hun YOUTgt;!des' Or JEWELRY. WATCHES • DIAMONDS campus liCe! 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