Page 46 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 46
page 6 October 22, 1981 Terrors crush Moravian Fielder races to endzone Sydney Deeds dence," emphasized head coach MOo day, and 39 yards in the air. Bob good game with fine blocking coming burg this week and coach Moles- Scott Bair Stadiumwas finally chris- lesworth Upshaw, Wayne Keen, and Mark from Gary Forte.and good receptions worth feels confident about the teneo with a win on Saturdayamid all The Terrorsobviously came to show Jordan contributed 3.2. and 1 quart- from. tightend Bob DeBeer," slated outcome, "We've had a tough time the Homecoming Festivities an~ tail- the home crowd their talents in spite erback sacks respectively while Keen coach Moleswcrtl'1 playing up there in the past but I gate cernes. as the Green 'terrors of the key injuries to bOth offensive also had 2 fumble recoveries. Deren- The game and the crowd quieted think we'll be able to overcome it. .rorcec all over Moravian24-3. and defensivestarters.Coming back siva tackles were spread all around down considerably when the Terrors They've been faced with some key In spite 01 his intercepted pass on from a shoulder seperation, tailback the field with Steve James leading the began substituting freely with the 2nd Injuries and recently and fortunately the tst play of the game, quarterback John Uebel scored the Terrors' first team with 17, followed by Eric Walker team offense who could put no points lor us they don't have the.depth that Jim Selfridge had an impressive day touchdown on a 7 yard run in and the with 9 and Tom Knieriem with 7 on the board as quarterback Paul He have," stated coach Molesworth. piling up 166 -yards in Ihe air-Io score was '7-0 after Rich Johnsons' Westem Maryland seemed to be in Wallin had 3 passes picked off and. receivers Frank Connell. Bob DeBeer point after. Moravian was unable to total control 01 the game through the Johnson. Western Maryland connn- Cross Country only 1 completion for 9 yards to Rich and Dan Reider; and also rushing for mount any kind of drive throughout 3rd quarter scoring 17 unanswered 45 yards of his own. "I felt Jim played the first 3 quarters as the defense put points. 1st on a 73 yard Selfridge to ued to substitute however, and with endures his best game this year, he called his on a display of their own, holding Dan Fielder pass with point after the second team defense own plays and threw with confi- Moravian to t44 yards rushing on the good, next a 30 yard field goal from in,Moravian was able to put its only Shawn Armstrong field goal from Jim Roberts to put the Finally Selfridge tallied his own mark MIDDLE ATlANTIC STATES COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC CONFERENCE I Rich Johnson made the score t7-O points on the board with a 34 yard When thlnklng of cross country, !l_TAnsncs FOR October 19. 1981 on an B yard run which made the final score at 24-3 many people think of close to 20 FOO= Pdnta Overt.II PoInt8 score 24-0. "Offensively we had a The Green Terrors travel to Muhlen- runners dashing over hiU and dale ~':er ~ ~~ 1~ 11; .; ~ ~ ~ 1.~ 17~ ~ MIDOLE ATLANT1C CONFERENCE REPORT F9R October 19, 1981 with smiles on their faces. Running is most . physically and one of the ~~. i ~:~ 1: :~: ~:: 1~ i~ ~ER W L T PCT LEA~~E AWL T PVT OVFERAL~ mentally exhausting sports, especially W. MO. 0 750 71 48 3 1 700 92 69 SOUTHERN DIVISION WEST SECTJON ... 13 , for this year'_r.crew. The 1981 Terror runners have very little experience, Getzys. 0 600 108 89 4 0 667 128 106 W_. ~ 3 0 1 875 10 3 555 J,Hop. 0 600 78 68 3 0.600 78 68 Dickinson _ 3 1 0 750 10 7 19 11 especially slQj:e the teams consist of meter runners, plus and _ Leb.Vai 0 500 50 58 2 0 400 64 89 F&M 2 1 0 667 5 4. .791 23 10 400 300 UI$in.Is I 300 30 59 t :300 30 59 Gatysb. 1 1 0 500 11' 3 550 " 14 some very good distance runners ~. 0.250 57 99· 1 200 64 113 MuhIenb. 2 2 0 .500 '9 9 24 ta Before this season started, coach Moravian I .100 40 93 0 4 1 100 40 93 Moravian 0 2 1 .166 2 5 450 27 17 .Rick Carpenter knew his men and Dicklneon 0 000 5 143 0 5 0.000 5 143 ......,. 01<.4 0 000 1 18 000 5 35 women's teams would "be in the hole lebo Val. ...... TS FflWlkIin & t.4arshall38, Albright 23 Widener 31, Dickinson 0 Moravian 4, Albrigh! 0 Franklin & hAaIshaIlt, Dickinson 0 :~erly~~ ~~ft~th;~~tl~~~ 0eIaw&re ValleY 54; fDU.Madison 1 Johns Hopkins 21, Ursinus 7 W. Maryland 1. Johns Hopkinst (Ot) WIdener 3, Lebanon Valley 2 into place. That was the case in their Juniata 38, Wilkes 0 Muhlenbef'g24. LebanonValley 17 W. Maryl8fld 2. Muhlenberg 1 Getzysoorg I, Wash. & Lee I (ot) meet against Alvemia and Massial1, Susquehanna 40, St. Francis 0 Western Maryland24, Moravian 3 Moravian 2. Drew 1 (01) 2 Mt St. Mary's4, Gettysburg 0 0 ;which was Jeered in a double duel F & M 2, Lebanon Valley 4, Muhlenberg Dickinson Swarthmore 16;·Gettys.burg 7 Lycoming22, Upsala 14 meet fashion. Sparked by a courageous run by junior Dwight Eichelberger who has been hobbled by an injured knee, the men beat Alvernia 15-46 and lost a tough 25-30 decision to Messiah Leading the way for the men was senior Dan Wilson, Maturing from last season, Dan has been running spec- tacular and competitive races. The number two and three runners have been shifting back and forth between junior Joe Hedrick and freshman Paul Boneau For the women, Mary Lynn Schwab has led the team effectively through six meets. Mary tee-teo the women across the finish !iM>··to a 17-44 victory over Messiah: Following the sophomore upstart were Tracy Sarra- tem. Sue Stevenson, Stephany Op- dahl, Captain Bent Killingstad, Diane Perry, and Bonnie Schwab, all run- ning brilliant races After putting on their best perform- ance of the season, the cross country teams are lOoking on to bigger and better reasons. including improVed records (the men are 4:8 and the women are 3-3). Look forward to wins over Elizabethtown, and to over.500 seasons. Mark my words. Come out and give some encouragement aod respect to these dedicated on Friday when the Terrors will lace Dickinson and Baltimore in a double duel meet.
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