Page 39 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 39
October 15, 1981 :1< ........ i 1'~ I Ill' The PhO&llix page 7 Pom-poms big at WMC ACROSS 6 Asian coin 1 Coterie 7 Sick 4 Month seal: Abbr. 9 Conjunction 8 Place of the CROSS 12Transgress 9 Time gone by Mary fabi~. Twenty-six regular and four alter- cheer the porn's as they perform 13Shore birds 10Burmese WORD nate performers are choosen. Unless They encourage the girls with ap- 14 Merry demon Before coming to WMC, many stu- a girl decides to quit the squad. she plause. whistles, and cat calls. In 15 Portuguese 11 Stain dents had probably never heard of a is a member of the squad lor the general, Ihey cheer on Ihe pom-pom coin 17 Apportions PUZZLE porn-porn squad. High schools often remainder of her years at WMC. squad as the porn-porn squad cheers 16Asian sea 19 Above have cheerleaders, majorettes. and The halftime performance at each on the football team. 17 Speck 20 Soak 18 Wall painting 21 Collect flag and rifle teams, but few seem to game is usually different. Although The pom-pom squad finishes out 20 Scale note 22 Canadian have pam-porn squads. So what is the routine to the song "Win Western" the year with a get together at 21 Sliver symbol peninsula FROM COLLEGE this group all about, an'f'Nay? Put Maryrand ': traditionally ends the Baughers. After a banquet at the 23 Moccasin 24 Emasculate PRESS SERVICE I· most simply, the porn-porn squad at show. the girls tf)( 10 add variety to restaurant, movies are shown, awards 24 Colonize 25 English W.M. C is a group of 26 girls who each performance by subslituting a are presented, and the girls vote for 28 Chart streetcar perform rousing routines to the music novel opening routine every week. All co-cecteos for the following year 30 Smashed 26 Monkey's kin of the pep band at halftime during the girls are encouraged to develop "According to Ms. Berry. the remark- 32 Old gold aHoy 27 Dropsy 38 Weld 49 Girl's name Baba 42 Negative 34 Shoshonesn 29 Stone 50 - the football games. And yet, accord- routines lor the various songs. Those able thing about the porn-pam squad 35 Identical 31 Devoured 45 Wine cups 52 exist ing to Carolyn Berry, co-captain of girls who do develop a routine are is the friendships and sense of 36 Slivers 33 Bishop's 46 Journey 53 Damp this year's squad, corn-corns is much responsible for teaching it, also. This cohesiveness that develops among 39 Mute - headdress 47 Opening 55 Bromine more than the brief show witnessed way, the performances don't become Ihe girls. By the end of the year one 40 Sofa 37 Seine 48 Time period symbol by WMC fans at horne football monotonous, and a sense of leader- develops friends on whom one knows 41 Electrified I= games. ship Js fostered in all the girls she can count 43 Sun god '.1H~."+-+-++- 1M IH n portk~ I"i The work behind the 10 minute The captains are very excited about 44L.atlncon- performance on the field begins this year's squad. There seems to be Junction months before the first football game a great deal of excitement among the 45 Appor1lon is ever played. In the spring. the girls. Practices, which take place 47 Wheel tooth music that will be used for the every weeknight for aoproxmately an Las! week's puzzle 50 Among performances is selected by the co- hour, are an enjoyable time for every- 51 Uncooked 54Umb captains. The band members then one. Despite all the fun the girls are 55 Fire learn the music and record it so that navinq. they are accomplishing IiW 56 Anger 2 Before ... the girls can use it when practicing much 57 Remuners- 3 Decorate ... their routines Another reason for excitement is the tion Tryouts for the porn-porn squad fact thai tne porn-porn squad has 58 Step part , take place shortly after school be- been approached about performing 59 Foodle gins. In order to insure both a strong at the home basketball games this DOWN 1 Weight of porn-porn squad and strong cheer- year. Berry feels this tsa definite sign India leading squad, tryouts for these two of success and acceptance of the activities are held at staggered inter- squad. Performing on the basketball vats. This type of scheduling allows court is a little mere demanding, but 'Mocaws girls to audition for both squads if also more rewarding. Because the 5Pilot'sneec:l I they wish. girls are so close to the 'audience, Judging. and selection are ~one .by greater precision is required. In close the cectens and several senior girls proximity, however, the audience is Blood Drive bobby's hobby lobby who have been on the squad .for more aware and appreciative of the I more than one year. After being intricacies of the routine. Forum taught a routine, girls are judged on The porn-pam squad receives reo- that routine plus kicks and marching ognition from another group on cam- family hobby center I maneuvers. From start to finish, the pus as well. Carolyn calls these folks audition takes approxsnatety 10 min- the rag squad. The rag squad is a 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ~ utes. group of loyal friends who faithfully fealurini dungeolJ.l and drajOIJ.l I Pbone'848-43SO 65 East Main St. Westminster. Md. 21157 No mail can be bad news 10% discount with I.D. Rich Harfst . putting that first class mail (letters) in cookie crumbs rattle around. One of the greatest pleasures on the boxes" For those of YOu'who feel you do campus may be the simple act of The post office employees should rot get enough mail. just write 24-hour Service CI!L _.. getting letters. Anyone near the post be quite happy, as they handle some Chances are you'll get something by Appointment ~lWer office during the mid-fTlOfning. after 1350 to 1400"ieners each day. It is a back. And if you do not. just think. Safe • Coovenient • Earonical IT . class rush can tell you that. The ;load thing that they try to "handle tHings could have been worse. ·A'...... ._,_ 1.I!i familiar cries ranging from "aw mait the way we would have our own As Jon Van Hoven said, "I have the IJ:U!OAV.ILi.l!i geeze, nothing again." to "00 boy, I mail handled" emptiest mail box on campus, all I • Bualnesa • 81gtaMtng I got a lol!", also tell the story 40 packages that come in each day is 285 for those who leel like rectify- :~=~-:=tons.~ ~ -..\, They also handle the apcroxmeteiy get is air molecules." His box number A random sample. of persons checking their meuboxes brought Some of the items can be quite ing the situation :=111 these responses interesting. Every now and then, at If you write, write soon. We get to I~ Thanksgiving time, pumpkins are New Jersey resident Shawn Arm- I • strong said that he receives mail "at sent. Then, of course, there are the send our mail out for '8 cents until ,~?~ November t. Then, the cost of send- least three times a week," including "big, thick letters from my girlfriend" .- packages where you can hear the ..... ing a letter will be 20 cents. --. He typifies the person wno receives many letters: someone who lives far '['lie '['reat Sfiop from the college, with a boy/girlfriend, who writes a lot Randy Bennett is quite the oppo- site "rve been home a lot, so Itley don't Deli Style Sandwiches ~J, ~ eo';:~r write me," he said He also does not write many letters, f'" ~ which is a major mistake in receiving Ice Cream Sundaes Salad Bar letters. As they say, ''you have to w-ne-tem to get 'em" 6 W_ Main Street at Railroad Tracks Canoll Plaza Shcppine Center Sandwiches ,,~Z~~:i~: t~:,,~~~r~h:~s~:~~,: ~==================~ C~ Ahead for Tak~ut Orders 876·3550 But...even if you write, you are not SAL'S PIZZA & SUB SHOP guaranteed letters back. ThaI is what freshman Diane Perry was complain- Mon.-Wed. 5-11:30 p.m. ing about when she joked, "Guess 22 W. Main St., Westminster, Md. 21157 wtlat I got today, AIR MAIL.." Sopho- 10% Discount more Ron Lutgen noted that other Show Student ID people are "busy too." Still, people With College 1.0. who write get a lot more letters in return Sunday: Free large drink with any food order for 10% Discount The happiness that a letter can give Mon.-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-ll :00 p.m. Call ahead is not limited to the recipient or sender only. Irene Young. the super- Fri.-Sat. 11:00 a,m.-1 :00 a.m. for take out visor of the campus post office. said. -Sundays 4:00 p.m.-11 :00 p.m 848·5276 expires 10/31 "One _o~_~~r_~~e~~e~~.p~~~s~~e~~~s_,-.-•.•-.•.-,.c-••-.•:-•••-.•.-•••-..-.....-.-.- ••-.-.,-.- •.-•.•-.•-v_-',-.-..-.-••--'-~_-_-.~-.~"~L~..~y~•••~....... .1..__ .............. ..-===".,..,==,;,..,::;....m=;...,,d.
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