Page 13 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 13
Septomber 24. 1981 page 5 New face, for History Cowan: 'techno-woman' will explore the theory that household Andi Yob technology has led to the rise 01 the Helga Heln the 60's. Development of Modern Dr. Chase expects thai his teaching Dr. Ruth Schwartz Cowan, associate women's movement as well as the The history department has added America, and American Foreign Pol- responsibililes will require much of professor of history, at the University diverse interests of women in the a new face. to its faculty this year. Dr icy. He will also be conducting a his time this year. However, he plans of New York, will be presenting a technological working world. William Chase, a visiting assistant January Term study 01the American "an on-foot exploration of Carroll lecture on the role 01 technology on Dr. Cowan has written extensively professor in history. comes to West- law school, an appropriate course County" in his free time. He is living the lives of women in society tonight on the correlation of biological and em Maryland after having taught at since much of Dr. Chase's scholar- on a farm about 10 miles south of the at 9:00 and tomorrow at 12:30 in the political theory and the connection two large universities. For the last two ship has revolved around the role of college. and hopes he will have the Forum. between technological and social years, Dr. Chase taught et Texas the American law school in American opportunity to explore the country Topics to be entertained at the change with regard to the history of t. Tech University in west Texas. Prior socie~. backroads and cornfields. lecture include a look at the attitudes women in America. Her interests in- Wg;o;a Commonwealth Uo;,e,,;~;o party excep Ion concerning women in technology to volve the development of household to that, he worked for one year at the progressive role of technology in technology in the United Statesand its Richmond the home. The lecture will follow the impact on American housewives. Although Dr. Chase's teaching ex- historical sex role of women and the Ruth Schwartz Cowan served as council. This decision was made after stereotypes in which they fall with the chairperson on the History of Science ~~i:n~~lik:asW~~:~n ~a;l!t~t~~iO~: ~::: ~r:~x.cePtions. t~ almost last year's misuse of the cafeteria aid 01 a slide presentation. Society Council as well as the Com- pointed out that his own academic f!Jery rule. In ~hls case, It I,SHome- during a social function. Dr. Cowan will deal with technology mittee on Women.To date she acts on training took place at liberal arts cO,:"lng. De~plte last year s ruling Early this semester, the Student and its role concerning time periods the executive council of the Society Government Association asked Mow- before and after industrialization. She for the History of Technology. - ~!~IS601~:~e C::~ ~:er~~:~e~~7~ ~~c,~~~::bl~a~~~~:~ .a~;rtpaO!,e~h~~ bray if Homecoming could be an AB. degree in 1967. He also studied year s Homecoming acnvtnes Willtake exception to the rule. Members at Harvard law School from 1967-70; place there. argued that the forum alone could not Our Desk Lamps however he didin't pursue law as a . At one 0: last s~ring's adminislra.- accommodate the large homecoming career. 'He explained that he is live council m~,etlngs,. the council crowds or the two bands which are Are Light On interested in "the broad view of life, determined t~at the dining hall ISnot traditionally featured. and lawyers have to lake a very the appropfl8te. place for dances Council members reviewed and dis- Your Budget! narrow view of human life." In 1978, because there IS already a .'~cility cuss the issue with S.G.A. president, Dr. Chase earned his Ph.D. nom (t~e forum) fo~dances. In addition to Teresa Baker, and permission to use Put your studies in the right Harvard University, where he was a thiS, such acmwtes put an unn~es,~ the cafeteria y.'as granted. However, light with the very latest in graduate teaching fellow. sa:t burden on the food services, "Homecoming is the only exception decorative arid efficient lamps. Dr. Chase commented that with his said Dean Mow_!lray,member of the to the rule," stresses Mowbray ChOose from hi-intensity, fluores- background in liberal arts oriented cent and incandescent desk lamps, schools. he feels at home at Western Westminster 'Pawn Outlet plus, wall, bed or table mounted Maryland. He furthermore noted that styles. Prices start as low as 6.95. he is looking forward to this year largest Selection in the Area! because students at a liberal arts SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, college truly want to learn about their world in a broad sense. This will be a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY change from the large universities' where students with exclusively ori- ented technical majors often did not discern the value of history, and took 71 West Main Street II Phone;S76·3086 ::;~~e~~i~;~es only because they • Westminster, Md 876-1630 The courses Dr. Chase will be OpenWeekdovSI0109;~IOIOS MosIeIcordOOdChoice WehonorVioa. teaching this_y~ar in~liJde America in ~ BACK TO SCHOOL SALE. 1 This Year's Hottest Preppy Look GIFTS -- CARDS -- T-SHIRTS -- STATIONERY GIFT WRAP -- STICKERS BUnONS -- BAGS Get Acquainted Offer , Buy Any 3 Cards From 1 Recycled Paper Company Get A 4th Card Free p,,,,_ent StudenVFaculty/Staff f.D. ~~~ expires 1011 Frames In Sizes And Colors To Fit All Open 10-5 Daily \ <, Ellen Willis 61Y2 E. 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