Page 167 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 167
April 8, 1982 _1'i Page 3 Introspection Intolerable acts must be corrected couraging a minor to consume display of irresponsibility and feel place at present on this campus to point out the injustices 01 this Last week an incident oc- alcohol, leaving him in a helpless that we have the right, as stu- are intolerable and must be ter- situation. We are hoping for a just curred, involving one of our fra- state, and lacking a sense of cents. to expect more from our minated. resolution to be reached, but ternities, which compels us as a forethought as to the possibility administrators. What will it take Having 10 confront the adminis- more importantly we hope for all Christian Fellowship to verbalize of serious consequences of such before they wise up? No one tration and fellow students is those involved to learn of the our protest, a protest against the an action demonstrate this. The wants to see a death. Our posi- neither a pleasant nor easy task. sanctity of human life, which is a irresponsibility on the part of both fraternity's irresponsibility causes tion is that fraternities are not Much prayer and thought has gift from God who has created us the fraternity and the college us to question their understand- inherently wrong, in fact their gone into this statement, having in His own image. administration. ing of adulthood, that it is a purpose is quite commendable, come to the conclusion that as Western Maryland The purpose of a fraternity, as priviJedge to be earned, not a but the hazing practices taking followers of Christ, we are called Christian Fellowship we understand it, is to serve both gift. is Watertower leaks the local and college communi- Unfortunately, the fraternity ties, and to establish a "brother- not the only one guilty of this to deal Easter weaknesses hood" among its members, misunderstanding. The adminis- based on trust and shared expe- tration has promote_d the same riences. One of these experi- mentality by failing out . . . ences Is the traditional pledge the just punishment that these (Hell) week, a time when pledges actions warrant. They seem to Corey N. Mann know different with a few across Catalano's yard and rode my earn their' right to be brothers ignore the fact that these actions my braces. I went home crying bike up to Aifanna Hatmakers' and prove their loyalty. For the violate one of the "F,irst Princi- Every Easter weekend for the and forgot that my family was house. On the way I was almost "brothers," it is a period in which ples" of WMC, which is to "place last six years I have gone fishing, having a picnic at the park. the to show themselves worthy of the the student at the center of a and I see no reason, for this Anyway, I went to my room to do hit by a bus and dropped it got flower and on the street pledges trust. We cannot see' humane environment. .. " This weekend to be any different. But how recent events have even most certainly is not being hon- before I discovered the sheer homework or something. (It never squashed by my back wheel. So I went home. what mattered you at that did approached this standard. En- ored. We are angered by such a pleasure to be had lying in the age as long as you were alone). Then all the sudden all my with a up. My Grand- showed More to editor cool mud hoping six just pack of Later, my mother came home, I relatives gave me a quarter, but to hClClk a Teen. just mother ran from my room only to meet Coelacanth, I was another spanking be- snotty-nose kid, like every one up with they a good spent the last when she tried to give me a kiss cause had matter alto- that was a different Dear Editor: and "faculty knowledge We are else running around some field seven hours combing the coun- gether. I said no, then ran into Prompted by recent and past tired of hearing rumors that may looking for colored, plaster Easter tryside for me. All I could think of my room before she could get occurences involvjng violence on unnecessarily harm people. And eggs. Don't get me wrong: I've was that I was-wow-----a missing the quarter back this campus, people of a cur- we want the wishy-washy pam- got nothing against the traditional person. I did not get to watch We had a big dinner. My rently circulating petition feel that pering of guilty parties remedied. Easter egg roll, It's just that I had Ben Hur on the television that brother always makes me laugh the administration of WMC shoutd A solution 10 the incident should a very traumatic experience a night but I had had enough and this was no exception. He assume a firm stand on such also be made by the administra- few years back. violence lor one day. was eating mashed potatoes with issues. A factual statement tion. It was something like this. I was The next day was Easler Sun- his fingers when no one but me should be made by the adminis- Lisa DiStefano standing on a line-not behind day and my memaw got me all was looking. I really could not tration and publicized for student it-on it, getting ready to run out duded up in a green plaid suit help it. I got "the giggles and had there and snatch up on an those with a bow tie and took me 10 to stand in the corner in the on 'j'-'Y" PLEASE c"t ""t The eggs. 1 had my eye on a pink church. I was fidgeting the whole silting room, though nothing hap- one but a big teenager time and Nanny had to take me pushed haz..;r}J before. Someot>e_ reaJjy ')etJ me down and beat me to it. I was outside, boy was she mad, but pened to my brother. Believe you me, I went to bed so mad about that, so when I not nearly as. mad as when that night just ready to go to I saw Cheryl Disney with a whole Charles and I got the giggles on school the next day .. Happy basket-full, I felt that she had to the ride home. Whew. Easter people. share. Her mother had to let me I picked a dafodill from Mrs. Points for review Aid cuts promote militarization limited economic resources from ing financial aid source. Have Ann Karn getting an education. you noticed the increased Army Many people are aware that The President's proposals will and ROTC ads since the threat- President Reagan has proposed also result in using our educa- ened cuts were announced? The massive budget cuts in the area tional institutions to further militar- military has taken full advantage of financial aid to college stu- ize our already heavily militaristic of the bind students are in. dents. However many people are society. Socialization into the mili- Reagan's proposals serve the not aware of one effect these tary has been institutionalized in military very well. They also serve cuts will have and increase in the our schools in the form of ROTC. the interests of military related militarization of our society. ROTC has increased its enroll- research. The Progressive Stu- If President Reagan's propos- ment from 33,000 in 1973 to dent Network, University of Mas- als go into effect, student aid for 65,000 students today. With the sachusetts, notes that part of The_Phoenix ... next year would be 50 percent prospect of cut financial aid, Reagan's educational policy is to below current aid. Pell Grants many students are forced into continued to page 4 staff will take a break would be cut 40 percent and joining ROTC as the only remain- Work-Study programs would be next week. look for the cut 30 percent. Aeagan's.propos- Westminster Pawn Broker's Outlet elitist in that they next issue on Rpril 22. als are many mlntorttles. women will prohibit and other exploited people. with Westminster Gold & Silver Exchange Part-time evenings ii~E8 "Buying: selling, and trading ... to work in pizza shop Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Stereos, Freshman or Sophomore JCPenney to make pizzas Anything of Value!" - Good pay 73 West Main Street Westminster Eldersburg need transport CATALOG PHONE WESTMINSTER STORE PHONE Call evenings 848-5100 MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m 848-7766 Phone: 876-3086 .... - -653-2{}37-- __ ."I.J.C.PenI)eYCQn)~"y.t"c __ .
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