Page 168 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 168
April a, 1982 J --_Entertainment """""'-....... .......__ 'Silent Rage' makes bad noise Fidy Kuo movie fan. This guy is the late The local police force, headed killed anymore because his body ..unappealing. No style at all. Saturday' night kung-fu double by Sheriff Dan (Chuck Norris) is indestructible "Silent Rage" is what you will feature fanatic in for his weekly arrived on the scene and gunned Viola'. Frankenstein's monster! Being at one time-the Profes- Association be feeling after having relin- fix of broken necks, karate Kirby down. However, this Soon, Kirby is on a happy-go- sional Karate Norris is .about world as champion, quished four dollars and two chops, and blood-curdling battle doesn't happen until after our lucky killing spree of anyone who competent a fighter as you can hours of your lime to this blun- screams. (Always know where killer has had the opportunity to gets in his way including his dering gimmick of a movie. But, your exits are when sealed with show' his incredible strength' psychiatrist (perhaps. a malprac- find. Yet, most of. the fight scenes are seemingly' unchoreographed. what else is a Phoenix Staff writer an audience like this.) breaking off his handcuffs. kick- tice suit would have been easier.) They're clumsy and brutal supposed to do on a Saturday As said, the film can be treated ing out the door of a police The music score provided by "knock- down, drag-outs." He night other than study for his on two levels, horror and martial cruiser. and giving Mr. Karate Peter Bernstein and William Gol- genius Slate & Local Govt. Politics class arts. Horror wise, "Silent Rage" is himself (Norre , a thrashing denberg should receive some lacks the kinectic his flying spin of Lee with Bruce which he's failing anyway? a direct rip off from "Halloween" Two obligatory "mad scien- notice. The forboding electroni- The film is a careful and calcu- and "Frankenstein." No great tists," surgeons who try. to save kicks or the humorous grace 01 some rated hype. Through infusing two matter though. For a film to Kirby are impressed with his clzeo score does add killer me- Jackie Chan with his first-escap- as our dumb tension elements of two genres of film, establish itself within a genre, it ~ physical strength. After he ex- thodically performs the boring ing dodges something about there's Still, the producers trope to draw in has to imitate the other's styles. if pires, the would be Dr. Franken- stalk and slaughter scenes. two kinds of audiences. The first not the entire plots themselves" steins brandish Mitogen 35 on The martial arts is provided by seeing this man who's old enough to be my father (Norris is is the horror movie fan. This is The obligatory "mad killer" is their "perfect subject." . Chuck Norris. "I want to be an the .kind who needs an occa- John Kirb (Brian Lippy) as an The experimental serum sup- actor in the cinematic hero genre 43), take on a whole motorcycle at the local bar and grill. gang sional dose of terror, blood, and axe-wielding psychopath. "I'm posedly phenomenally acceler- like Clint Eastwood or Charles He leaves the place the only one severed limbs to give their other- losing it," he informs his psychia- ates the rate the body Bronson." I heard him sayan standing up, and that's im- wise soporose existences the trist over the phone before taking recuperates itself. Several injec- T.V. in San Francisco. Dream on. mensely satisfying. (is it father- shock of life ...or death out his frustrations on the Ian- tions later, Kirby is alive again Chucky. Lacking the cool outlaw figure affection?) "Hit him, Dad!" The other is the martial arts dlady and her husband. Not only that, but he can't be gumption of Eastwood or the In the end, the madkiller goes Pulling no punches charismatic intensity of Bruce after Norris. And talk about en- him grunt .Cheese and literature Lee, we hear and "Yup." words durance (not to mention stunt like, "Uh-Huh" Norris men pay!) Kirby gets thrown out comes across as the lumber jack at the end of the bar who pulls a 6th story window, hit by a Chris Beyers them in huge cheese piles. The example, is not actually cheese. out the plug on the juke box as truck, set on fire, and finally piles are transported to huge but a loose conglomeration of it's playing your favorite song. thrown down a well. "Is it over?" In the entire history of recorded cheese processing plants were soybeans. plastic, and indian his doting girffriend asks. language, whether the medium impurities are removed and the rubber. But millions eat it every And. then he says. "make some- "It's over." he replies. Boy was thing of it and I'll shove that beer be poetry, prose, journalism, or different flavors are added. After day, imagining themselves to be bottle up your nose!" Totally I glad about that as I got out whateVer, there has been re- an aging period, the cheese is eating cheese, but really eating from under the seat. markably little written on the topic kneaded, cut and packaged. Ex- industrial waste. Another com- bit of This curious of cheeses, is in part explained cess cheese is drained off and mon fallacy is that 'cheese is Art exhibit' is a made into fondue. knowledge J rarefy sexy, violent, or in any way of cheese. Most people know the cure for rickets. This not .are entirely true. In fact, when resen by cheeses the tact that kinds There are many different sauce, with pastrami, horseradish controversial-that is, the types of major varieties--cheddar, moza- -and ouons. cheese is actually a Karen Lambert ground can be credited to studies in Baltimore and abroad, things authors like to write about reua. swiss, et cetera. But there major cause of rickets. Artist E. Carey Kenney will including the Maryland institute, and the public likes to read. is a vast amount of cheese that is Personally, I lind cheese quite display some of his paintings in College of Art: Johns Hopkins None-the-tess. cheese is a fact-of rarely tasted. There is the tangy appealing. Sitting there in your an exhibit from Tuesday. April 13 University: Loyola College; and in life, and should be dealt with in a Venezuuelan Beaver cheese. the grocer's dairy refrigerator. the to Friday. April 30 in Gallery One Florence, Italy. He also studied serious manner. Too often, young sharp Samurai "Iemula" from comstible winks at you gaily from of the Fine Arts building at with painters Robert Brackman people growing up have had to Japan, the Slicky Brazillian its brightly-colored cellophane, Western' MarYland College. Ex- and Jerry Farnsworth gel their information about smgma (always the epicurean's as if to say "try me." Once home, hibit hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 Mr. Kenney's work can be seen cheeses in dingy back alleys or delight) and the strong Polish the cheese brightens up any p.m. weekly. The opening will be throughout Maryland including sullry cheese shops. Matyr cheese. Admitably. these room with its disarming physical 00 April 13 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Slate House. the Baltimore Firstly, it must be realized that cheeses are difficult to find, and appearance, its sebne odor. its in Gallery One. Court House, the Children's Hos- cheese is a dairy product. It is many can only be obtained sublime appearance. After a Presently, Mr. Kenney is the pital, and in many educational grown on tremendous cheese through mail order or the black while, it turns a delightful green Director of the. Tuttle Gallery and institutions and private homes. farms in Wyoming and western market. color. artist in residence at McDonough In ttle past, Mr. Kenney has Kansas. Once the cheese trees Many unfortunate, false rumors I hope I've opened the public School. He has taught exten- received many awards and hon- reach maturity, wetbacks i the have been around about eye about cheeses and that I've . sively at colleges and schools in ors from organizations such as cheese cheese. ' for opened up a whole new arm of Baltimore. Artists' Equity and the Baltimore literature. Mr. Kenney's educational back- Watercolor Society. Aid cuts from page 3 The Phoenix 848-71-16 'C~-srnodci"l _.. ..,.Ams1.lni"l University's resources to military -counted cross stilcb 'nftdWpoint " ...solidify the relationship of the research the end and development. the By wants for next year of the Reagan administration will have 20% Oiscoonl for Class boosted the amount of money 1982-83 thai universities receive for mili- tary related research and devel- HOUSE OF LIQUORS opment from $451 million to $639 academic year: 42% a million, increase from - Carroll Plaza, Westminster 848-1314 1980." Reagan's proposals to cut fi· Editor _ 5pecial of ~e Week... nancial aid should be denounced as the elitist attempt they are. It Business Manager Heineken12 oz. N.R. $~.99 6pk should also be recognized that Submit acptlcetlon to these racist and sexist proposals =~~za~~;ca:oo~:;:! Dr: Kerth-Richvvine. English Dept, to the increasing also contribute expires~ _ c_._ ..• -. ,.>~1418~) h L b~-April 15. 1982; 1 :, r'.: .;..___. ..... _-...._..z· . mil.. -, ted .. -..;;;,. ..... .J'~~ .... ~ ._. __ .::" __ ._r._---~ Ing ry lo::na researc.
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