Page 162 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 162
The Phoenix Letters to the Editor .- Personal viewpoint Make-..your vote count class officers sponsored actually care delivery systems, denial ed- successful in raising funds and ucation and the occupational Disarm now times during the school year that class spirit, at all? there any roles of dental professional. The Dear Editor: or were is one of the few activities Next Monday student spends two weeks in our such as these often Questions students are given an dpportunity raise thoughts concerning the re- Denial School where lectures, and topics such as observations On behalf 01 the Carroll County teet on the "sever decision On to act in support 01 their class in election of last year's officers. dental spe- Nuclear Weapons Freeze Com- an issue of such global import- electing responsible and efficient let's hope they raise them this in our dental clinics, preparation, academic cialities, mittee I would like to respond to ance, what country could remain class and student body officers. year, so that we can elect ener- basic requirements. a letter by Frank Rammes printed unaffected against the united tide Placing your ballot in these elec- getic and efficient officers who admissions oral health care delivery science, in the Carroll County Times on of international pressure? Another tions shows your support 01 your will work hard for us. March 11. First, however, I want reason for the Soviets \0 accept class. Eric D'Antonio systems, and manual dexterity to applaud the Times for their the Freeze is economic. I. under- Even . though' most students, .Claee of '85 technique are presented. The effective presentatioo and sup- -stand that in recent years the when asked. say they'll vote, third week the students are as- port of the Freeze campaign via Russian people have bequn to when Mondayrous around, many. signed in their home area to a -a; recent article, editorial. and voice some dissatisfaction due to will be 'tied up in the matters of Special opportunity practicing alumnus where direct through the presentation of views the marginal level of consumer the day, unintentionally forget- exposure-to the occupational role in letters to the Editor. Public goods available. And now _the ting. Selecting good officers is of the dental professional in de- discussion on the issue of contin- economic crunch 00 the con- important if we want the work of Dear Editor: livery is provided. ued nuclear wapons build-up is sumer sector due to world eco- the class and student ~dy to be Enclosed is a copy of a letter The major thrust of the program indeed a major objective of the nomic woes and increased well done., which I received yesterday. I is' to present to the student an Freeze campaign. military expenditures has· i~- At the end of next year, we hope you will print it along with overview of denial education, the let us address Mr. Rammes' creased dramatically. Surely should be able to say we are my comments here as a service occupational role of the dentist concern on whether the Soviets there' are elements-in Soviet Gov- proud of our class projects such to the campus community. A and the academic planning and would accept the Freeze. For ernment which would be glad 10 as Homecoming and sponsored career in dentistry is, potentially preparation necessary to the ap- several reasons, if the U.S. put meet con~umer demands if it. Mixers. Once the year has. past, quite' rewarding to one's soul as plication' process. This experi- forth an honest nuclear weapons were. politically feasible. We know it's over. Our class will have wen as to one's pocketbook, and ence will provide the student wIth freeze proposal, the Soviets very little about the specific pres- either done good things which furthermore the career is reeustl- an early indepth look at a career would have to give it serious sures available to the Russian brought us closer as a class. cally within reach of many West- in dentistry. consideration. Of course, they citizen or the --\less militaristic while adding to the treasury. or ern Maryland students. Transportation and lunch ex- could not be forced to accept it, elements of Soviet government. we'll have done nothing. let me emphasize that one penses must tie provided by the but the pressure of world opinion, However, we can be fairly certain You can make your choice for need not be a science major to student. The daily schedule is which would surely be in our • continued on page4 which type of class you want on enter the field, though certain from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. The third favor, would h~~ significant ef- Monday. Make a decision to vote science couses are required. week schedule is determined by and support your class. Make a- Any student who wants dentistry the assigned dentist . and the he (she) thinks who and can student. RONALD REAGAN MAY BE note of who has publicity posters in maintain a 3.2 average in a solid Any student who is in good around, has articles of who academic at your insti- standing liberal arts program should talk to UNWILLING To RETREAT, today's paper and of who makes me about it. tution and who you feel has a BuT1:, WILUAM J. FARQUHAR, his or her way around campus to The first step is to make an desire to pursue a career in AM WILLING To RETREAT' get to know their class. appointment with me by calling dentistry andlor in the health Louise Nemshick Mrs. Bowersox in the Biology professions, is eligible to apply. Class of '85 office, extension 400. To. be considered for "Operation J Pick the right candidate Wilbur l. long, Sincerely, complete Career" a student the must Dental Chairman en- return and Committee for the closed application with one letter Health Professionals of recommendation from a sci- Dear Editor: ence department faculty mem- On April 5, 1982, Western ber by Friday, April 16, 1982. Maryland College students will We hope that students from vote in order to elect both class Western Maryland College will and student body officers. It is Dear Dr. long: participate. We look forward to essential that all WMC students The University of Maryland at meeting and working with them. take the time to vote so that our Baltimore Dental School is offer- If you have any questions, opinions may be voiced and ing a three week summer experi- please do not hesitate to contact dealt with properly. ence "Operation Dental Career", me (301) 528-7472. Before voting on Monday, it for undergraduate students who Thanking you again for your may be a good idea to ask may be interested in dentistry as assistance and cooperation. a career. The program will be Sincerely, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ourselves with the performance "held from Wednesday, June 2, (Mrs.) W.G. Spruill whether pleased or not we are of ,.: the officers presently in office. 1982 10 Wednesday, June 23, Assistant To The Dean The Did these officers was represent last us 1982 Dental Career," is "Operation or competently, the Phoenix election just a popularity which cootest? an academic/clinical to oral health experience Were the your exposing activities students Editor. . Robert Hott Managing Editor les Martin News Editor Greg Elbo Sports Editor ······ Rob McQuay Photo Editor Andy Chang Photo Lab .Carlos Ortega Ad Artists. . Cindy Wilcox Paste-up Jeff Frazer Judy Mitnick Proofreading Beth Piskora, Chris Soto Melanie Clippinger Business Manager Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager Jeannirfe Railey Typist ;t\,Iice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157.
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