Page 163 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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April 2, 1982 1M PhoMb: - Page 1 Students and residents join. quest from page 1 made the Nuclear Freeze an ture (February 25, Carroll County pleted petitions are delivered to Navy veteran who saw action in the county Freeze Committee, issue in their lives. "Hopefully. Public library), and the Elderdice her office. Also. she is asked to VVW II. Their strategy has been to peti- they'll discuss it among them- Peace Week. Co-chairperson of support Bin HR-43 Freeze Reso- "rve always been peaceful," he tion at shopping centers and selves and take it .home to dis- that activity, Reverend Charles lution. The Slate senatoris called said "and I'm probably more so outside stores. cuss with their parents," said Wallace, said that town resident regularly to support Bill SAR-39. now today." - "So far, I've fell very good, Belt. response was pretty good. How- Co-chairpersons Bud and Alice Committee membership is ex- about it," stated co-chairperson The Freeze Committee mem- ever, he would have preferred Coleman stated that the commit- pected to grow from 30 to 50 Bud Coleman, "The highs have bers argue that no organized that more students came also. tee got started' around the begin- people pretty soon. The strateqy outweighed the lows. The people effort· has coalesced against Entire organizations within Car- ninq of the year. It was after is 10 continue their efforts until have been quite responsive." them. However, Belt noted that roll County have been listed as attending a 'Peace Coalition in 1983 and "something gives." So far, 700 signatures have the Guidance Department of supporters .of the corrmlttee's . Baltimore. There, the Maryland "For the next election," said been gathered county wide. Ac- Westminster High has not ap- efforts: MallY of them. are reli- Peace Council 'formed a Nuclear Bud, "we'd like the Nuclear cording to the Cole mans, these proved of the committee's actlvi- gious organizations. - Arms Freeze Task Force. The Freeze to be a major campaign include the three county conmls- ties. The reason, he offered is Editorial commentaries are an- Cotemane- took the initiative to issue." sioners and the Mayor of West- that they were ex-military person- other means of raising the issue. represent the task force in Carroll As for the future of their cause, minster. nel. The Colemans believe that On March 16 in the Carroll County. he said that he is quite optimistic. "I even convinced my boss and the single largest opposition to County Times, an editorial by Said Bud, "We've always had "This issue is neither liberal or his wife to sign," prided- Bud the Nuclear Freeze is the U.S. committee member Donald Gib- an interest in peace issues It's rural or urban. _ Coleman. - Armed Forces. son was printed. The main points pecially since our 'two children conservative. of world survival. We an issue Of course, not everyone signs Oppenheim stated that oppoel- of the editorial were: Evidence of are now in college." We're con- think people will see it our- way. the' petition readily, or at all. tion on campus has come mostly Soviet opinion to join In a Mutual cemed for their future." How can they think otherwise?" However, Oppenheim said that. from individuals, They usuany Nuclear Freeze (economic and Two years ag9, the Colemans The Carroll County Freeze \ "just raising the issue is lrnpor- stop by at the tables t? qu~sti~ pacifist); verjfoanon (certainty of were involved in anti-draft activi- Committee meets bi-weekly in the tant. People are just uninformed." them. She added that training In success); and the goals of the ties. Duiing the Vietnam War era, basement of Big Baker Chapel at Wayne Belt, a science instruc- committee workshops helps them Freeze Committee. they participated in peace 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. All tor at Westminster High, said that answer the kinds of questions Primarily, the gains ,made by marches, interested persons who wish to he isn't allowed to actively ceu- they may pose. the Freeze committee have been Depsite involvement in current become involved may contact tion his students." But, he said Other efforts to raise citizen aimed at Congresswoman Bev- pacifist activities. it should be the Colemans or Kim Oppen- that he was glad that he just consciousness have been a tee- erly .Byron. Each month, com- noteCf that Bud Coleman is a heim. Ccndidctes Speck tours and hard work we man- picnics, floats, parties and am Houlihan for cuses and approval of the other Stuart SuI. aged to find the energy for a currently going through the final officers. great party at the Pit. stages of the Junior-Senior Ban- Sophomore Class 4. Regular meetings should be r am an Economics/8usiness quet and would like to see them President held monthly. to ensure that the Dear Members of Administration major and have through. We still need to earn a class knows what is happening the Class of 1983: been selected to Who's Who little more money for this event. I ',At the beginning of our and new ideas can be brought I am Stuart Suls and am run- Among Students in Colleges' and have set up a Coke sale to raise sophomore year back at WMC,' up to share with others. ning for the Office of Senior Universities. I also work well with this money. My office ends be- think our class should co-spon- 5. Also conforming with the Class President. I am your cur- the administration getting our fore these. events- but I think I sor a mixer with the incoming past, the Homecoming float shall rent Junior Class President and points and wants across. For have shown You I can handle the freshman class in order to get be presented as the work of only have been involved with the these reasons I believe I possess job. I would appreciate your vote both classes off on a good start. our class, the booth at May Day class since our freshman year as the necessary Qualifications jo for me for Senior Class President 2. Also during the course otthe Fair shall be included and also secretary and as Vice-President make our Senior year the most so I may continue with my plans. year, the sophomore class the annual Sophomore class pic- of our sophomore year. prosperous and enjoyable ever. I promise you I. will get the job should at least have two or three nlc near the end of the Spring The governing of our class I would like to see our class done! well-planned mixers. Semester in 1983. Junior year has been the hardest continue to share happy experi- Thank you for your vote, 3. Cla~~ ::!~~Sa!l~~~:~ing~ Brendan HoulihBn but most rewarding. It began last ences, such as Follies, through Stu Suls continued to page 4 year on May Day during which our Senior year. I have planned Junior Class President u"~iool~i:-""..lII"'''';''' ''';''';;'"I we ran the cookout with hotdogs and hamburgers. This was a huge success. That spring our • "A - class also sponsored the Spring Dance held in the Forum and was one of, the best decorated ever. In the fall of this year we all got together, built a prize-winning ,b~.'CMcm ... float and - put in a spectacular Homecoming Dance. Shortly after . ~~. Commen.fuble Cuisine we sponsored Parents' Day and over 300 parents attended, mek- ~) ~) 7': Washington Rd. at 'Green St., ing the day a huge class suc- cess. Westminster 848·1441 Second semester I brought the class into close cooperation with a newly formed organization, the Westminster Pawn Broker'S Outlet Student Foundation. This has helped improve the image of both our class and our scrcct. Westminster Gold&' Silver Exchange Another major event occuring this semester was Junior Follies. This was the best ever produced "Buying, selling, and trading ... at Western Maryland College and over 600 students saw the pro-- Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Stereos, ductions along with 100 of our parents and faculty. The signifi· Anything of Value!" cance of this event goes even further. Over 100 Juniors partici- • 73 west Main Street Westminster pated in the 'Follies and for the Phone: 876·]086 ~~... __ .,_" first time a close bond was "<; .•..., __ ,"O.... _~, .,..,...'_.<....._. ....... formed between the members of
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