Page 172 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Page,8 10.../. April 8, 1982 Program delay holds up aid WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS) - In the senate, the analyst ex- Besides President Reagan's to demonstrate need. President and National Direct Student Congressmen and senators have pects the flow 01 alternative pro- budget, which proposes to end Reagan would require aU famifies Loans (NDSLs). proposed a variety of alternative posals to slow as soon as "the ...arious aid programs, dramatt- with incomes over $14,000 to The Pell-Stafford proposal asks federal student aid budgets in Republican leadership comes cally limit eligibility for others, show need. for $7.9 bulton for student aid in Ihe last few weeks, all of which close to a consensus." He ex- and cut funding for the remaining Domenici would also keep the 1983, compared to the $4.28 are more generous than Presi- pects that to happen by April, ones by as much as 20 percent, in-school interest subsidy the billion President Reagan wants to dent Ronald Reagan's aid pro- and has "reason to think they'!! Congress will soon debate aid president wants to abolish, but spend. posels unveiled in early February. reject the president's proposal." proposals from the House Educa- would require students to pay it the government is authorized Some officials now predict the In the House, the Education- tion-Labor Committee, from Sen. back to the government after to spend some $5.9 billion in the Reagan proposals will be de-- Labor Committee has already Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), Sen. Er- leaving school. 1982 fiscal year, which stretches feated. approved a student aid budget nest Hollings (D-S.C.), and one AU the alternative budgets, as from Oct. 1, 1981 through Sep- Several committees have al- that increases funding for all the written by senators Claiborne Pell opposed to the Reagan proposal, tember 20, 1982. ready taken some action, and major programs, including the (D-R.I.) and Robert Stafford (R- would include grad students in Sen. Stafford himself figures though few seem ready to ex- two President Reagan wants to VT.). the GSL program. Congress will ultimately decide to press-their will before April, more abolish altogether. The Domenici budget would The Hollings budget, according fund the programs for 1983 at alternative aid -budgets are ex- The committee, however, tradi- freeze aid programs at 1982 to a Hollings aide, would "con- about the same level as 1982. pected. tionally is more liberal in its levels. tinue current funding levels. Pe- "The ma_iority view in the Senate "Lordy, lordy," jokes Jan Ulja, funding than the Ways and Otherwise, it differs most from riod: No changes in the as I left D.C.," Stafford said at education analyst with the Senate Means Committee, which will the Reagan proposals in its vi- programs at all, except to allow the American Association of Budget Committee, "there'll prob- weigh the proposals before pass- sion of the Guranteed Student for inflation." School Administrators in New Or- ably be; a 101 more alternatives. ing them on to the full House for Loan (GSL) program. Hollings would allow a 7.4 teans in earty March, "was that (Proposing aid "budgets)" seems a vote. Domenict would make families percent increase in spending for domestic programs cut heavily in to be the latest fad in town." The House recommendations with incomes over $40,000 a Pell Grants, Supplemental Educa- fiscal 1982 oug_ht to be level- 'There are seven new ones are just one of five 1983 fiscal year ineligible for GSLs, -and tion Opportunity Grants (SEOGs), funded through fiscal 1983." every day," deadpans a Demo- year ~dgets now before Con- require famjlies with gross i[l- College Work-Study, State Stu- The student aid budget in fiscal cratic Senate budget analyst. gress. comes between S2S,()oo"S40,OOO dent Incentive Grants (SSIGs), 1981 was $6.38 billion. Aid delays hurt from page 5 Borja notes that "most of our "but we have more alternatives to students are eligible for the basic offer them. I expect that middle- (Pell) grant, and that won't income kids will take the hardest change. What will change is the rap." amount of money they receive, Martin contends that "poor stu- which is going down every year." dents and students who are Borja expects that many of the unfamiliar with how the financial students driven from school by aid system works are the most the delays "will be replaced, likely to become discouraged, often by people who can't find a and drop their plans. The longer job. This is kind of like survival of we have to wait, the more serious the fittest: the problem becomes." "It's sad to lose people. This is At Malcolm X College in inner- not always a great profession to city Chicago, aid Director Ramiro be in." ,-'----------------.--------,.--,.."1 : Carriage House Liquors - : 113 W. Main Street . 1 "at the Iorks.." 1 -I Special! 1 ,Busch 12 pk. $4.99 I I 1 - . I 1 coupon per student please! 1 Present Student ID . expires 4/14/82 J.--- -- -- - -~ _Will the, budget cuts terminate your college education? Millions of $$$ available to you now!!! 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