Page 165 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Preacher charter The gone for 1 year Greg Elba Phoenix reinstated, On Tuesday, March 30, the The Student Affairs office has Student Affairs office suspended made it clear that it will do the fraternity charter of Della Pi ev~ing possible to end haz- Alpha. This came in response to ing at Western Maryland. Dean Thursday, April 8, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 24 what Dean Mowbray described as Mowbray stated there is no doubt by all the Pride voyage neors end a clear violation of Western Mary- in his mind that this is only one land's anti-hazing policy by the incident and that hazing veta- fraternity, (generally known as tions are committed the Preachers). fraternities. He then said .that Helga Hein cards, everyone viewed a slide- they left the "stage" amidst rous- The incident occurred on Mon- either hazing is going to go 01 tape presentation coordinated by ing applause. The evening con- day, March 29. A Preacher the fraternities are. The Senior PRIDE campaign Usa Segal. The show presented cluded with the serving of pledge was taken to the Carroll On Tuesday night, March 30, got off to an enthusiastic start scenes highlighting four years of refreshments. County Hospital because of overĀ· after revoking the Preacher's with its Kick-Off Meeting on academic, social and athletic Although the campaign was still consumption of alcohol. Dean charter, Dean Mowbray warned March 29. The Meeting for all the memories. This slide show can in progress at press time, final Mowbray described the student's the leaders of the other fraterni- PRIDE worKers was held on the also be seen at the Senior Sen- condition upon arrival at the ties that anyone else caught in Dining POfch. doff Parties, April 13 and 15. hospital as "serious." The inci- violation of school policy would Among the highlights of the The PRIDE workers then offi- dent occurred off campus which be. dealt with severely. evening was a speech by Mr. F. cially initiated the campaign by is also against pledge activity On Friday, April 2, four 'mem- Kale Mathias, President of the signing their own pledge 'cards rules. bers of the Alpha Gamma Tau Board of Trustees. Mr. Mathias as a symbol of their personal Dean Mowbray went on to say fraternity were arrested and expressed his support fat and pride and dedication to Western that he would not even consider charged with destruction of pub- pride in Western Maryland, the Maryland. an application for reinstatement lic property and possession of college he feels is "the best in Another highlight of the eve- by the Preachers for one year. At drug paraphernalia. The alleged the country." Furthermore, Mr. ning was the performance of the that time the fraternity would arrests were the result of the theft Mathias announced that the PRIDE theme song, "You Gatta have to show "good reason" why of a State Highway Administration Board of Trustees would match Have PRIDE." The performers 'they should be permitted to be road sign. every dollar pledged during the included Ginny Vlcek and Gary PRIDE campaign. To offer addi- Smallwood of the Development If you need assistance tional encouragement to the Office, Laurie Mather and Sam PRIDE workers, Mr. Mathias con- Cricchio, Campaign Chairper- results will be forthcoming in a the Security department cluded his speech by contribut- sons, Laurie Slasman and Usa future edition. One can also ing a $100 bill 10 the Campaign. alumnus is only a call away: Following the distribution of the DelPrete, Their and song raised Fred the check results in the showcase by Smyth. the catetena. where progress has captains' and agents' pledge enthusiasm still another notch as. been POSted daity Weekdays:B:30 a.m.-4:30p.m. Ext. 202 Senate fights for student aid Weeknights and Sat. &- Sun 4:30p.m.-12 mid. Ext. 618, Ext. 260 or 848-2722 tions until Congress voted on the Kent State similarily sends stu- aid cutbacks the administration dents a "letter that gives them a (CPS) - This is normally All Week 12mid.-B:OO a.m. Ext. 61Bor 848-2722 season when students apply the had proposed. U.S. Dept. of theoretical computation to of what for No one at the they receive. expect can aid for the next school year. But Education was available to com- Central State University in Okla- Ruark reads this year, they're not finding any- ment on this year's delay in homa, among many others, gives new rules for award- thing out. publishing assur- students slmllarily-thin Congressional debate ing Peu, Grants and ad- and Guaranteed Consequently, ances. aid Coun- in implement- poetry at WMC ministration delays of aid until late Student Loans. how much they have selor Diana Franklin spends federal aid' programs ing may also has yet to The department much of her time soothing appli- stall the awarding tell colleges cants the Supple- Education thrown the 1982-83 college plans mental a lot of questions. Dan Wilson summer or early faU, and have to distribute under Opportunity with "Students are coming in to us We're of as many as rour million stu- Grant, College Work-Study and trying to ease their minds. There Gibbons Ruark, reknowned and published poet from the dents into limbo, aid officers say National Direct Student Loan pro- are definitely, gOing to be cuts, University of Delaware where he is an associate professor, gave a "No one is in a position right grams for next school year. but we don't want students to very enjoyable poetry reading in McDaniel Lounge last Thursday now to make commitments to the In the past, the government panic, thinking that they'll have to afternoon. students," says Dallas Martin of told campus aid officers amounts drop out of school," she says. Reading to a full house, Ruark selected many poems from his the National Association of Flnan- and rules in early March. Franklin believes most students new and second published book collection of poems, Reeds. ctal Aid Administrators in Wash- The resultant "delay this year is can avoid that fate, but a Univer- As James Whitehead endorsed in the back of Ruark's new ington, D.C. _ going to be incredible," predicts sity of Miami (Fla.) student who book, and I can only agree, "He writes of friendship and family, of Aid officers across the country Idaho Aid Director Harry Davey asked to be identified only as travel and the darkness that we have all recognized in solitude." don't yet know how much money For the first lime in its history, Harvey isn't sure. Here is one of the selections that Ruark read from Reeds about they'll have for students next fall, Idaho gives students only "finan- "They (campus aid officials) a type of an imagining we all may have delved into: or they'll be allowed to award it cial aid plans" instead of commit- say they can put something to- The Deer Who to until Congress and the admin- ments. gether for me, but they can't tell _Never Comes istration make up their minds The plans tel! students "we can me about it until the fall, and they We have never seen him, though our lone house Some even suspect the admin- only meet the student's need if say I shouldn't count on it any- Rises from the water he would come to. istration, aware it may not get the we have the money. It's a small way," he says. "What am I We would be standin motionless in the window, cuts it asked for from Congress, comfort for these people. You supposed to do if I wait until fall LooI:;atioo See, he is lifting his beautiful wild head, they feel they are not going to cpportlmityGTants $278,400 lifting his secret eyes to our window. get the, cuts they asked for, will CblJ:e;jew;:>rk- S)97,50O' sarneas '82+7.4% But he is never there. I take your lead be willing to just delay the sys- StOOy $484,000- We close our eyes and watch for his move. tem as long as possible in order StateStLrlmt Gnnts $67,540 $76,800 Same"s '82+ 7.4% Incentive Ruarks first published book of poems, A Program For Survival to save money" (University Press of Virginia), was a National Arts Council Selection in Last March, Secretary of Edu- ~tiona.lDir""t StudentInanS 1971. He has arso- been published in literary journals across the cation Terrel Bell imposed an country. Ruark now lives in Newark, Delaware with his wife and two unprecedented temporary freeze '=:ntee
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