Page 164 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 164
Page 4 April 2, 1982 Nuclear disarmament IS necessary from page 2 there are plus production and and especially in their govern. that they exist and would proba- uenacort of any new missiles ments, an awareness of the un- Carroll County Nuclear Weapons gious leaders. The participation bly use what pressures were Quoting from ,th,e institute f~r precendented disaster which Freeze Committee want to en- of an informed citizenry makes available, to support the Freeze Defense and Disarmament' they are absolutely certain to courage public discussion. Don't our voices louder each day and effort. Soviet press has covered Studies, "No major additions bring on themselves unless there be convinced by our word alone' increases our hope. The future is in depth the European peace could be made to the interconti- is fundamental change in their check out the information availa- in our hands. movement, but recentty they nental missile and bomb force attitudes toward one another as ble. We would also ask that Carroll County Nuclear Weapons have become critical of similar without being detected." Simply well as in their concept of the concerned citizens listen with ~ Freeze Committee pacifist tendencies in Russian put, the potential gain by clan- future. The unleashed power ot- skepticism to those wtJo' sell war Randall Gibson 857·5289 _ youth. It might be noted that the destine production or deployment the-atom has changed everything preparation and nuclear arms Bemard& Alice Coleman 876-7469 Soviets have proposed several would be very small compared to except cu'r way of thinking." • bulle-up as the w.ay to' pe~c~ .cr Denise Barker848-3035 times since 1977 a halt to the the high risk of detection and The grave danger of not learn- security. It is heartening that lesley Gore 848-5863 nuclear wapons race. Apparently political -consequences. And fi- ing, or of learnfng too late, what mOre than 700 people in Carroll Jeanne Hammond 846-5299 some of their own citizens take nally, if the Soviets were found to Einsteiry rneant.. is why we must County have already signed the Charles Wallace 848-2703 them seriously. have broken the Freeze agree- face the' issue now. We of the Freeze petition, including- man.Y In any case, can we as a ment, the U.S. could jump back government, academic and reli: nation or as individuals ever into new production -knowing that justify not making a sincere effort the more than 30,000 nuclear .Dr, John praises foundation on this "ultimate cause," for fear devices that the U.S. now-has the other side will tum us down? deployed are an, already lmpos- by." We have a-democracy in Amer- ing over-kill "nuclear deterent." from page 1 fUH~s, also noted that the forty ica, perhaps only as long as the These are but two of the impor- dances. new members will have the nov- Dr. John remarked at the reo peoples' voices are clearly tant issues involved in the Freeze James Bidenour. told the- reo , elty at being the very first mem- ception that he was "qratefu!" for heard. proposal. No one ~olJld, suggest ceptlon that he was pleased with bers of what will be a permanent their support. He stated that the Another Question brought up that a workable nuclear weapons the creation of the Student Foun- addition to WMC. best thing about the Student by many people including ~ Mr. freeze is guaranteed by our ef- dation. He reminded the mem- As evidence of that perman- Foundation is that it is based on Pemmes is how can we trust the forts. or that it won', take vigi- bers that alumni support had ence. aU the officers. charter the concept of votunteertsm. Soviets? The essential answer to lance to maintain .. But surely we fallen drastically. It had gone members, and inductees were "This," he said, "implicitly refers that is, we don't have to. The have to try to make it work wh~n from 60 percent support to 30 asked to sign their names in a to the college's First Principles of means of verification are already we _understand what Albert Ein- percent support. However, he register. Said tne Student Poun- citizenship." in place. Our highly accurate stein meant when he said, "We expressed his confidence that dation president, Suls, "the book Privately, he commented, "The satellites are able to monitor must never relax our efforts to the foundation will find good will be a permanent addition and Foundation? t think it's a great idea." where and how many missiles arouse in the people of the world ways to help create additional will be added to as the years go Special musical teaching to be held ACROSS 3 Damp 1 Anima.'s 1001 -4 Location she received an "Emmy" award stone is $3 per session or $5 for 4 European 5 Guarded CROSS Internationally acclaimed pian- for their NET videtape of all the country 6 Cooled leva infor- 9 Knock ist Marilyn Neeley will conduct Beethoven Violin and Piano Son- both sessions. For further Hegge- 12 Poem 7 Possessive WORD mation, pronoon Arleen contact I two teaching sessions tor West- atas. meier at ext. 551. 13 Angry a Tidy 9Ch-eer ~ ern Maryland piano students on The fee for attending the ses- 14 Macaw 10 Exist PUZZLE and local College 15 vegetable school high f70bis Saturday, April 3 at 9 a.m. and 2 19 Seines 110anceslep 16 Emmel p.m. in levine Hall. Rixey lebherz for Senio~ Class President 21 Thallium 18 Viscous Mrs. Nee!y. currently a profes- from page 3 symbol 20 Weighl 01 FROM COLLEGE India sor of music at the University of Members of the Junior Class. 22 Send forth 22 Choose PRESS SERVICE 25 Lamprey As. Jr. Class Vice President, Maryland Baltimore County, has I would like to take this oppor- have become familiar with the I 27 Metal 23 Engine performed throughout the United tunity to thank you for your 31 Land parcel 24 Pronoun States, Europe, Mexico and responsibilities of the different 32 Football 26 Freed when I ran tor Jr. Class action Western Canada. Proclaimed support President. This year I am offices. I feel that if I am elected 34 Latin COn- 28 Sun god . 40 Cargo unit 50 Number 41 Pronoun 29 leers Vice 51 Unusual "Womal1 of the Year in Music" by running for Sr. Class President, president, I would be in the best junction 30 Approaches 44 Number 52 Pigeon pea class to- the Los Angeles Times, she has and once again I am asking for position to bring our 35 Perch 32 Yellow ocher 466act8fiOlo- 54 Speck gist's wire appeared as a soloist with over your votes. gether. As Sr. Class President, 36 Cove Abbr .• 33lnl8ne 48 Urn 55 Time period 35 Squandered 56 Encountered 37 Slate: 100 symphony orchestras. In ad- Jr. Follies brought many 6f us and with your help, I would do . 38 Finished 39 Pronoun 49 P8fmlt 59 Chinese mile dition, along with her conductor- together. I would like to see this the best I could to make our 41 Pronoun violinist husband Robert Gerte, senior year our most .enjoyable 42 Maple, e.g. bond grow stronger and spread and memorable year at W~C. 43 CliCk beetle r!""-- ii,P';;;jih't ~;,!- ~--:-;among all the members ot our Sincerely, 44 Girrsnick- name . 8 pm.-" p.m. I class during our senior year. Aixey Lebherz 45 Negative I 47 Church part Free! . I I I 49 Plundered 53 Kind 01 blcy- ,~ 58 Vendltlons Cheeseburger 1 57 Goal 60 Native meta' I 61 Spread tor WltIlD ,oa ba, • I- drying I 62 Slur 63 Make lace Qaarter Poaader I I I DOWN lWeaSEII I """d I -Carroll Plaza ShoppinR Center '- 2 Fuss (with thla CCla~D) : IYoUDese,.lIe AJ Monday & Wednesday: r a,.e" rod.;, I $1 Off a pitcher of beer bobby's hobby lobby l~ I Tuesday- & Thursday: family hobby center : . I $1 Off all large pizzas ,__ ""'_ II Westminster' Eldersburg i Reisterstowl1' I ~U Ahead for Takeout Orde';'" expires ~ ~350 6; £ast St. Westminsler. Md. 211-;7 : Ca-s~_value 1/10 of one cent I L;;__~~~,'!~'!!.81_,-""d .........__ 8_7_6_...3_5.;5.;0__ ..... -,. __ 3_12_5_/8_2_04 L~ __ ,,_..,.,._IO_% ......d_I._C_O..~_D_t_w1_th_I,_D_, ..J
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