Page 166 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 166
,The Phoenix Letters to the Editor Hey WMC! Where is your pride? Dear Editor: such an incident of hazing hap. is about. It is also a time of fun Well, Hell Week, excuse, Pledge Period, is over. The campus When I awoke yesterday morn- pening, the administrators and and a time where each frat has can now recover from a week 01 good natured fun, all in the spirit of ing and heard that an incident at the fraternity involved continue to its own individual activities. togetherness and brotherhood. WMC ~ad bee.n mentione? Ion cover it up. The administrators at I do not believe this week And, once agaln, the campus will suffer for it. the radio and IS now an Issue this school appear to be trying to should be taken away from any Media coverage of our private linle event was outstanding this with the press, I found it hard to hold on to this school's reputa- fraternity. It is part of that fratemi- year, as the Baltimore press and television news, backed up the usual believe. What I now find even tion. One cannot deny that this tie's brotherhood and strength- Carroll County TImes coverage. harder to believe is that this school is not at the same level it ens its bonds. I don't think it's But what was all the fuss about After all no one was really hurt. exposure to many people outside was a few years ago. However; is necessary to place restrictions Not much. Well, at least no one has been killed yet Hopefully that is of the college community does covering up something. to look on the activities or make them not what it will take to bring about a change of mentality on this not motivate more actions in the better worth a person's life? publicly known unless they in- campus. But that could not happen here. Maybe in Calfomia ...or the college community. This college Hazing is supposed" to be volve breaking college requla- MidwesLor Towson ...but not here. We are running out 01 running continues to ignore and' cover up against college regulations al- tions or threaten personal safety. room. a very important issue that re- ready, yet it goes on which just Normally, I would thinK college Every system has ils faults, mistakes made in ~e interest of gards safety of lives. If personal gives an example of how well males have enough maturity and brotherhOod should be overlooked. Individuals losing their last meal in safety is not even among the regulations are enforced in this responsibility to know the limits. the bathroom are merely experiencing a new found sense of pride. priorities of a campus commu- school. It is the administrators' However. there is a group of Students fearfully hiding behind locked doors, are simply participating nity, I hesitate to ask what is. jobs to make and enforce regula- males at WMC who don't. I call in an activity based on trust. All of them, including the one in the I am a member of WMC com- tions which are for the best of the them a group because they do hospital, are rejoicing in a profound outpouring to togetherness and munity who would normally sup- college community. However, the not appear to understand the comraderie. port its activities and actions; administration has repeatedly definition of brotherhood. This newspaper could be simplistic and lake the easy way out. however, I have lost faith in this made rules concerning issues or Delta Pi Alpha appear to be a merely slating that we support the regulations set up by the college, college's administration and distributed a penalty that has group of guys who have to and leave it at that. Such regulations are only broken, however, when many of its students. I would not been ignored. or gotten around. continually prove themselves to hospitals or the police become involved. Short of such events, the usually voice my opinion on an Even now the Preachers don't be tough through their actions. students, the administration, the college community sees nothing. issue, believing everyone has a seem to take their penalty of loss It's a shame because alttiouqh Everytime any student witnesses a violation of any campus right to his own opinion however, of their charter as anything too many of them are nice guys, they regulation, and does not at least speak to the perpatrator, he this is not true when personal serious. I have to ask how can a degrade themselves by thelr-ac- contributes and gives tacit approval to such behavior. And everytime safety is involved. I feel no pride, college survive and grow if it is tions in trying to uphold an image the administration reduces a punishment to a wdst-stap. it both at the present moment in being a based on a weak administration. not even worth upholding. Hell encourages misbehavior, and discourages self·poIicing efforts by the student at WMC and don't see As a result of the actions of week to them seems to be a time students. how anyone can. To know that one fraternity on campus all fra- they have to prove they're tough Certainly, some fraternities are more guilty than others. But all, members of this campus threat- ternities are made to look bad. I and worthy of being a 'preacher'. through their activities, encourage those who attempt to be the ened someone's safety disgusts think these fraternities should ex- What happened to trust and "baddest" to new heights of low. Ultimately, someone will go too far. me. press their feelings toward the brotherhood? Any argument is ridiculous. People are being hurt and the I am not saying the college matter. AJI of the frats are suffer- I think it's time the administra- reputation of this college is being soiled. This might not make any community as a whole is at fault. lng because of one. And I won- tors and members of the WMC difference to you now, but wait.until you graduate and try to find a job They are, however, if they sit der if that one should be called a community do something to show or apply to a graduate school. Trust and togetherness have nothing to back and do nothing about it fraternity. Fraternity is suppos- that this school still has pride left. do with hospitals and the police. Don" moan out-of Paranoia. that the which seems to be the norm at edly brotherhood; I find it hard to Something should be done about administration is out to get the students. This time the hole is of the this school. What will it take for believe that it is a brotherly act to a minority of students who are J students' own digging. up for renewal students to voice their opinions threaten someone's personal giving this school a bad name And what is the nature of this hole. Suspension, in February 1983. This sanction merely stops authorized activity, it and administrators to take defi- safety. Pledge week, better and bad publicity. I like to be proud of the college I go to and close nite action? Isn't 'rowson is supposed known as hellweek does nothing to the unauthorized ones. The groups still exist. The enough or do we need a death to provide a time where new fee! safe there - How about administration has told them that they cannot have their clubroom, resulting from hazing right here brothers learn to trust their broth- YOU? and cannot sponsor .events. They can go on with any illegal activities on our own campus? Yet, with ers and learn what brotherhood Name Withheld by Bequest- they like· as long as they don't get caught. Avoid hospitals and the police, and there should be no problems. And in February ,1983, the charter, in all probability, will be Dear Editor: caused, the good reputation of It is time for us to stop being returned. In time for Hell week . On. we mean Pledge Period. Once again The Preachers WMC has been marred due to intimidated by the Preachers, have made newspaper head- the actions of a few. Many par- and allowing the lack of policy by lines, and once again the aamfn- ents who take an active interest the administration to continue. tstraton has allowed them to in their child's future may have Only through student, professor, "The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything escape virtually unharmed. Alter second thoughts about sending parent and alumni pressure are save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled all, what can reyoking the charter their child here. Most parents do we going to make any change in catastrophes." A" quote by Daniel Berrigan? Jane Fonda? Some for one year do to change the not want to place their children in the policy controlled by the au- European peace-marcher perhaps? Not quite: it was said decades fraternity? How much longer can an atmosphere that may be thority figures of our college. ago by Albert Einstein who, along with other scientists that developed ~~o:s Ih~~d~~tsc;~tinbua~~ ;~~ ,.h:::arm::;:::'u::.,.:::'O~':::he:::m::.. ..:;L~or"'"~Ke;;::",e and researched the power of the atom, recognized the horrible Phoenix possibilities of nuclear war. Another such scientist was Robert Preachers record has been The Oppenheimer, the leader of the Manhattan Project that built the marred with VIolations of rules, nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during WWU, who said: "If atomic vandalism and mutilation, but bombs are to\ be added as new weapons to the arserels. of a warring they are still recognized by the world ...then the time will come when mankind will curse the names of administration as a fraternity. It is Editor ... .Robert Holt los Alamos and Hiroshima ...The people of this world must unite, or they will perish." ~::efO~~~~rit~ ~i~tufe~esl~~t :i~ Managing Editor.. . Teresa Norman The citizens of each country in the world must stop those in bring about a more stringent ~:~s E~~ti~~~' :." .::::'.:R~~:~~~ power who let the number of nuclear weapons forever spiral upwards without trying to limit them. "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ~~~'y students do not want to Photo Editor... . Andy Chang ethical infants," stated the late General Omar Bradley. "If we continue get involved in problems like this Photo lab.. . Carlos Ortega to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant because they have to live on ~~s:~s~~.:" ~i~~~ ~~~~ may prove to be our executioner." People, then, must get involved in campus, and are afraid of what Judy Mitnick government, expressing their views and lending their judgement. They involvement may do to their repu- Proofreading Beth Piskora, Chris Soto must try to bring about peace among nations If they do not, then the poorer people of the world will be made :~~. ~h:~c:e~I!~: t~~;i~ Business Manager... M~~~~~h~~P&~~e~ to do without basic necessities, so that their respective nations can The majority of students on cam- . continually develop their capability to destroy. As President Dwight pus have parents that are paying ~:p~~~~~er.. . :·:·.·A7i~:n~~~~~:~~~ Eisenhower once said, "every gun that is made, every warship the bill. If more parents and Michele Everett launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from alumni were informed of what has Published by and for the students of Western Maryland those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the .sweat of its laborers, the genius of its SCientists, the ~~~~:~~~~~~~i~E~ ~~:~~£:e~~E1:~~s::;~~~e~~:e~i,:~~~~,~~:;~;::r::: hopes of its children." the purse strings. all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, PU~~i~~':::I~~t!:~~~~e~: :: ..... _w.,,..'_ns,.,te_r..,.M_d...,..2'.,.'_57,.,.,.,.... ..... ...,.._::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:I ,.. .', ,'" ,,', .", ,., ." .",",
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