Page 169 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Sadler awarded scholarship ACROSS· 5ct*-mIII for exceptional cadets 4 Gt-.- phIIoe- e Emmet CROSS 1 HWt: Mw. 7 Abound opMr II Mountain 1M... nymph 12 Weight Of 9 Before: PrefIJI WORD Ron Kyle year as the Operations Officer. India 10 Ventllat. As part of the award, Cadet 13~ llExlsted PUZZLE Every year more' than 300 cor- Sadler wit! attend a four day v.aeI ,. Slmll..... 111W-*ed on leges and universities select their conference in Lexington, Virginia, 14 1n6et 20 N.Y. Metl 15Australian top Army ROTC Cadet to receive from the 13-16 of April. The m..up!w m8neger the George C. Marshall Award. conference will be attended by 17 SeeuwI 22 Bound FROM COLLEGE The winners ere selected on the all the other winners and they will 19CoIn 23 ElM PRESS SERVICE basis of their excellence in mili- hear speeches from such .nota- 21 0ef1lCe 24 Flows 26 lIIumlnlted 22 Crest 01 tary studies and for their-demon- bles as John O'Marsh, Secretary leathen 27 Build stration of superior leadership. of the Army; General Edward C.- 25 ApportIOn. 211Prophets The winner from Western Mary- Meyer, Army Chief of Staff; and 29 Near 31 Ardent 44 Bardl not. 48 80. 30 W.rd 34 l8bor 01'9· land College this year-is Cadet Major General Robert A. Sullivan, 32 Dreadful 311H........ 48 english 52 0Ip0$It 53 CrlVat Major Nan Sadler. Cadet Sadler, Deputy Chief of Staff for ROTC, 33 Greek lett... 39 Soak. up Itreat"'" 55 o.c.y a sociology major from Towson, among others. The chairman of 35 VtsIon 41 AthletIC 50 MI)' fty 51 Beverage Maryland, was chosen because it this conference will be General 37.Golf mound group 51 Guido's high 59 Compua pt was felt that her outstanding Andrew J. Goodpaster (US Army, :~==- ".:,,..,...._ r-n "".,,.:,.. __ :,,...;..., leadership attributes reflect those Bet.). former Superintendent of 42 Credit (abbr.) ~>-l-4 • ..++++ I.r+-H that were displayed in the military the U.S. Military Academy at Library of Congress, and the 438 .. 45ChooMt career of the late General West Point. Department of the Army Head- 47Veue4 George C. Marshall. She" has The conference will consist of a quarters in Washington: 41 Hind Plrt displayed continuous excellence series of briefings dealing with Cadet Sadler will be commis- 50 DInner """" during her four years in ROTC at issues of national security. The sioned as a Second Lieutenant in s4Shrewd WMC. In her junior year Cadet discussion group leaders will the Quartermaster Corps in May 57F1ubbertree Sadler served as the Battalion represent the Army War College, of this year, and will receive her SII8lemlsh Sergeant Major and in her senior the Senior Service Schools, the initial training at FI. Lee, VA. eo Pedal digit 81 Man's nlCk- Senate Lab dangerous? _:_. 82~~;:I duck. ~'_I."jl.r!-'''''_ MGr .. lett ... "~8use of their age and stage fights - OOWN BETHESDA, MD (CPS) - Biol- of development, may be more llnqul,.. ogy lab, according to the Con- sensitive than the general popu- from page 1 2 Zodiac sign sumer Product Safety lation to the irritant, allergic and and can't afford to go? It'll be too 3 Hobo • Schemed Commission, may be hazardous sensitization effects, and may be late to get in a cheaper school" to your health. at a higher risk of developing "If I could find a job now, I The commission, in a new cancer from exposure to formal- would, and tell school to screw Lauman Last week's report, says formaldehyde levels dehyde." off for a few years." Director performs in 26 high school and college The commission says it will now "No matter what happens," puzzle biology labs it surveyed were work: with science teachers and summarizes Miami aid high enough "to cause adverse - lab technicians to form guidelines Ron Hammond, "everyone will health effects" on the students for keeping ventilation adequate suffer the effects of uncertainty." and faculty members who work in and even lessening the amount "Kids from low-income families The music department at West- .. AW I .. A I III Jt A .. the labs. of formaldehyde use to preserve are in the most precarious spot," ern Maryland College will present ODE IRATE aASHE' AJtA .. OTATO "Students," the report adds, lab specimens observes Kent State's Johnson, Gail Laumann in her junior voice continued to page 8 recital on Tuesday, April 13, in E II I TEE ICJtIIlIlAGE L I Jt 0 If LOT Last chance!! Gallery levine Recital Hall at 4 p.m. by E T SIT .. LET • E D A Y HE LA Jt She selections sing will COli songs folk phone call anywhere in the contl- Handel, Mozart, and Frang, and T Jt t: t: DO Jt TEl I a group of English Your .Jast chance to get in- nental United States. (one minute One and comtemporary American vclved in Phonathon '82 is rapidly per each $1000 raised). Each songs. She will be accompanied approaching. Friday, April 9 is caller will also be invited to a free . Opening at the piano by professor Arleen the last day to sign up. How pizza party on Thursday, ·April 29 Heggemeier. Miss Laumann is , , Mrs. I--------~-----t would you like to win such fabu- on the dining porch. So show the daughter of Sr., of Westmin- , , Mr. and lous prizes as dinner for two at your school spirit, GET IN- Edward Kenney G.w. Laumann, the , . Maria's, a $25 gift certificate at VOlVED! Sign up at the informa- ster. She is employed at , the Hub, or even a $75 gift tion desk or contact Checka Fairhaven Health Care Center, Ld!pN/shtSped,,(t I certificate at Leggett's. In addi- Leinwall, Ext. 318, Matt Baker, 7 p.rn. Tuesday and is active in the Winfield and 8 p.m.-" p.m. ~ tion to these great prizes, every Ext. 344 or Caryl Connor, Ext Community Volunteer Are Com- caller will be allowed a free 331. pany. Math Free! . Checka Leinwall Quiz Cheeseburger When you bay a Answer to last puule: No ar- :~g::;:7~ ~~:,e t ~erals 1-9 l Quarter Pounder Congratulations to Dave Claw- I son, who won a free shirt from I the WMC College Sto,e! : (with tbls coup~n) This week's puule: Arrange I . eight 8's so that when added ,You Deserlle A, they will equal 1000. r B rea. " r d I 0 a7 Please submit all answe's to I f-A. ' ,I BOx 577 by 9:00 a.m. Monday, I I April 10, along with your name, room number, and extension. A I I ,drawing from the correct re- I I I ·sponses received will determine I ..... 1. ';:'..::i. :;-;-;m--";,-'-,r;,,,-;,~.'7--":---:-- __ -.,-~ lon~~nf~~~~iS week: SURPRISE!: wes~~~~~tJ~~burg 1 I oJ. . "<:i! :'i¥ 1:1 I . *:_sppnsored by I Cash value 1/10 of one cent I SketChbyLinda~t2t ,(:1 !,;.} '{d 1~';"(11- . ~ .. ,q ·'J\..'O'" I 1""8 ... !!"'.... t - I i~ .,:_ .... ""......__ "__" ...,.....j;.#'j -;l(1J;.~.:"i!~~~'~:;~';;';-'~llh~~rl..;;I:.J,!:,~~.:~·~~~~~:~_-_-"'J'~'~~~~~~~.a~"~.a~.,.,-..:... .• b" . "._ •
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