Page 160 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Never again! Preppies examined Little EI implications alone are utterly in this respect, the way a story Preppies, In the 60's we had nauseating, The only thing worth can become exaggerated as it is drugs. In the 70's we had disco. mentioning concerning female retold is astounding. A girl could In the 80's we have disgusting Preppie apparel is it is about as conceivably leave a mixer with This is in reference to the answer attractive as most of the eatables one member of the football team to the Izod manufacturers' served-in Englar. on Friday and by Monday the dreams, Preppies. Now for any- Much more appalling is the alleqancrr is that she had made it one with serious icentity-prob- Preppie attitude. Their "Holier with the entire first string and the lems comes the guiding light in than thou" posture is almost as mascot the form of a small very expen- revolting as it is incorrect. It is The only solution to the spread sive alligator. This turns the focus sentiments such as these that of this plague is genocide, one to the next aspect of the Preppie brought the world !ruly wonderful effective method is to force the world. men like Adolf Hitler and reo- Preppies to purchase their cloth- Preppie attire. Besides the blooded American groups like ing only at K·Mart and Zayres, rather odd, preference towards the KKK causing them all to take their own Scholarships pink garments by the males, (as seem to limit themselves sex, Preppies lives course, this is the April's As conversationalists. Of to few Howard Stern would say, soowee the topics, big boy) the other distinct char- and climate, Fools issue so it should acteristic is the lack of socks with more specifically, who sleazed that all of the creceenm be said was from page 1 their docksloers. .The hygienic out witl) who over the weekend. completely in jest. (Right.) from page 1 dents studying ethics in' politics; majors Who Say they were trained the Nancy Reagan Cultural En- by Cuba to fight with the rebels dowment, for any pro'mising fu- in EI Salvador; the James watt- ture fashion designers willing to AFTER GRADUJtTION Anne Gorsuch "Scorched Earth" give the Flrsf Lady expensive MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST Aid Program, for environmental samples of their work; and, fi· l~E OFFL science- business majors; the AI nally, the Ronald Reagan Fund Haig "I'm in charge here" Loan, for Drama Students Just Passing for political science majors spe- Their Acting Classes." Cializing in crisis management; Said lobbyist Charles Smith, "I the Treasury Secretary Reagan would advise students to take Guaranteed Student Loan, a 40 advantage of these federal aid percent interest loan for any programs now, since there is the deserving students; the Richard possibility that many of them may Allen "Those are nice looking be thrown out after November watches" Memorial Grant, for stu- 1984." Dialects Wandering Logician room in every building, what Wild Bill, then? Our nations economic prob- It would save a lot of heat lems seem' out of hand and I feel Where would all of these sav· helpless in trying to solve the ings go? situation. To the college. Excuse me but I believe the Who would in turn pass the answer to our economic prcb- savings to Whom? lems is easily found and WMC is To us and our parents who pay the beginning. tlie costs of the college. Don't pay attention to those /" Well that is great! Please con- Correct, and what would they soldiers Mr. Sadat! Watch tinue and tell us how we are to do with the extra money? .solve the problem. Spend it! those jets i~ t~ During the winter I found my- Wrong, my liberal comrade, self in a room that was hot what would sensible people do enough to require us to open a with the savings? .J window. Can you suggest an- They would save and invest it. other way we could have cooled Correct, and since the ma;ority NAVY F·4's IN ACTION the room down? of Americans need to be lead by You could have turned the the hand in any action, our thermostat down. initiative will show the rest of the Correct, and besides cooling people what to do with their extra Take oft with the Navy ••• as a Naval Aviator or Naval Flight OUicer. few people will ever the room down what else woulc income. With this great increase You'll experience the challenges and responsibilities aircraft Ihis world has know. There's the thrill of flying the most sophisticated that have done? in revenue the banks and the to offer. there's the pride in knowing you're training with the best there is. It would have saved a little private sector will' be stimulated No graduate school can give you this kind 01 training. No other job can give heal. into economic growth and thus you this kind 01 experience ... this last. Starting sulcnes . $20,000· $40,000 after And if this w~re done in every the solution of America's eco- just four years. nomic problems can' be solved starting right here at WMC. more Mann. William Kreller r--------------.. t-----~-~-------...---~-=-------l from page 2 guy and as such could not go Pi Delta Alpha ': ~ HOU'SE OF LIQUORS " 1 the full term, Terry Rippen has six toes on wants a few : Carroll Plaza, Westminster 848-1314 :: his left foot. -: Special of the Week .., : And on a final note, Carole I I Burnet was seen before spring good men break, eating off of Bob Fasano's : Schlitz 12 bz cans $2.49 (6 pak) : plate ....and later, when she got Specializing in animal mutilation-ana beating up freshmen... I I ,_~ I I drunker was dancing on top of for over 50 years, the grill counter. 1 : P...... t Coupon 4/8/82 _ . : Have.l nice Thursday. ,
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