Page 156 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 156
Page 8 March 18, 1982 Lcridlrrw.reflects back ACROSS 10 Mature CROSS 9 Touch 1 Sunburn 4 Skid on earlier days at WMC 12-Baba 11 Cliek beetle ' WORD 16 Number 9 Cushion 18 Eagle's nest 20 Flounder 13 Lubricated 14 Time gone by 22 Conducts Joe Olcott 15 Confidence 23 l1em of prep- PUZZLE vacation was penalized by the (mainly women) were bouseo off- 17 Tidier erty When Elizabeth laidlaw, the deans (as opposed to today's campus. Today, students can 19 Want 24 Manuscripl association dean of students, practice where the matter is choose from these buildings as 21 Compass pt. (abbr.) came to Western Maryland Col- strictly between student and. in- well as Whiteford and Rouzer 22Crippled 26 Buillighters FROM COLLEGE 28 zece's 25 Rodent lege in 1966, things were very structor.) (both built in '68), the apartments 27 Mature beloved PRESS SERVICE different than they are today. For Academics have changed ('72), Chandler House (which 31 Worm 29 Throb fnsterce, she points out, there somewhat also. Students had 10 was once a French language 32 Toilsome 30 Ancient char- iot 34 While wasn't any dean or associate take four semesters of physical house), and some residences on 35 Permit 32 Bulgarian dean of students; instead, there education jmd they could not lest this side of Pennsylvania Avenue 36 Fish eggs- cOin· 41 Above 51 Hurried was the dean of men and the· '(the college owns about 50 per- 37 Place 01 the 33 Land 44 Peer Gynl"s, 52 Obscure mother seat: Abbr. measure dean of women, for each group cent of Ihese houses.) 38 Rendered 35 liquid 46 Girl"s name 54 Mild expletive lived under a different set of rules Women's housing selections 41 Employ measure 48 Eons 55 Be in debt back then. back then were by numbered 42 L.lilsland 39 French article 49 Torrid 56 Aeeent Less than two decades ago, slips 01 paper, which didn't work 43 The urial • 40 Greek. letter 50 Native metal 59 Cooled ieve 44tmil.ted women here were not allowed to too well since they "would trade' 45 Or.1 pause smoke in public. They had to numbers and sell them and steal 47 Poems comply with a dress code by them," said Dean Laidlaw. The 495hocking 5351.,. wearing skirts (althOugh this rule men's method, on the other 57 Moulhs was waived Sometimes in snowy hand, was by grades: "the higher _ 58 Crown weather so they could wear the grade point average, the 60 Reverence pants). Women be in by better the chance to getting a 61 Number 62Collec:t 10:15 p.m. on weekdays and particular room." 63Morning- midnight on weekends, with late With the installment of Dr. John DOWN permisalone granted a certain in 1972, equal regulations began 1 Chinese pagoda number of times for each -stu- to be established lor all students, 2 Highmoun- dent. Quiet hours (which Dean "not one set for men and one set lain laidlaw said was largely self- for women." This liberalization of 3 Nothing enforced by the women) went Elizabeth Laidlaw policy, especially for women, 4'Any 5 Fr", from-T to 10 p.m. at night, and out of it. And "there was no such didn't come overnight though; it pre- In-
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