Page 155 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 155
March\18,1982 Page 7 Feit's art has thematic unity Dan Trollinger ther alone or in combination and identical lithographs of a face adult contemplating suicide in childhood meeting old age sug- l these images provide the the- with glasses (a mask:), and a "Velvet Persuasslon" (#2). This qests death. Again she depicts At Western Maryland College in matic unity of the entire show dark, undefined head in ' the lithograph, with its straight black an Image that strikes archtypes I Gallery One Marilyn Feit is show- Often these objects used in con- background. "The Dream," #12, lines giving a hazy yet clear in the unconscious .. The other ing a series of works entitled junction with human figures are shows a series of faces of differ- impression, is the best work of work (#9), a lithograph on paper, "Collections." Her primary choice hard to discern and perceive, ent people and ages which now the show. tt'captures the intensity shows an old man and an old of medium is lithography, but her because they are obscured in a opens the realm of the uncon- and conflict within the woman woman on opposite sides of a I other works include pencil, pen, hodgepodge of images or by scious to the stages of life wher- whose face is incircled as if to window-a symbol of the past -ou on canvas, and lithography I combined with one or more other vagueness in a myriad" of lines. ein this dream is derived bring her into the foreground and a reflection of the present-- this is However, pur- done The image and conflict of child- while her hands are seen belqw, with melancholy faces. This final forms. stage of lile is depicted by Feit Her forte' is lithography and posely to heighten the symbolic hood is portrayed in #31. "Moth- outside the circle holding onto as one of loneliness, despair, and value of the theme ot the works This work of of a bridge. The the supports Illusion." erhood's she conveys her most effective as a whole. Marilyn Pelt's "Col- pen shows a large mother figure look of fear on her face, and the almost helplessness through the images in this form. Geometric lections" present an impression- with a child on her lap and a (act she is looking, conveys the remnants of life stored in an attic use of line of varied "quality" istic exploration of the conscious straight projectile which the child suicide mottt when combined and faces of age. defines the form of the objects psyche in dreams, introspections, has fixed his gaze on. This with the image 01 her grasping Although she displays a variety and. people portrayed in her and remnants of the stages of represents the Oedipal conflict of onto the bridge supports as if of styles in "Collections," Marilyn works of lithography and pen. life-childhood, adulthood, and the child within the Freudian she is holding onto her life. This Feit demonstrates her best ertis- Both show fine line quality and older aeurthood-and the crises context of this phallic image. This work potqnantly captures the tic expression through line, direction which tends to give related to each stage. phallic object and ensuing crisis depth of emotion of the moment whether in a lithograph or a pen facial expressions a distant or The inner side of the psyche is make a strong primal impression and the crisis at hand which is sketch. She uses line to convey fading-away look, as opposed to first touched at a superficial on the child's psyche which is brought our by the starkly can- depth of emotion as well as clear, concise images of color level-relative to primal impres- depicted in this work of art! trasting colors of black and images and feelings of a specific portraits. sions-by works number 3, 4, and This conflict of adolescence, white. The shapes and images moment. She also shows a She repeatedly uses dolls, play 12. Numbers 3 and 4 (vtntros- though not universal, represents are semi-positive in that although strong ability to convey mood horses, chairs, and children ei-- pectlon'' #1 and #2) are almost a struggle for identity of the childl they are very real, they are not through line as seen in "Velvet conclaefy pictured. Persuasslon." Nicholson an every man adulthood, is seen in these differ- scenes that she uses in her stage last The of life, The vagueness of images and older ent works: ·"Attic" (#16), "Retired of a particular work as it relates Collection" (#17), and "Guard- works add to the sense of depth F:!_,dy Kuo happy, he might as well make his Neither image is presented here. ian" (#9). The first two are pencil to a part of the overall Marcy happy. So, he moves into They are presented as a sullen sketches of an attic scene with theme. "Remnants of Life" might At what place does a man lose that duplex with wall-to-wall car- and grim people single-minded remnants of previous years scat- be a more apt title for this exhibit control and take the journey across the border that divides his ~:i~c~~rd~ a~~~:~~~~ i~ ~:~~~~r °abj~~~V~i~oa~=es~e!~: :~d i:~u~~~~gceCn~~~~ i:i~~~~~1 :~uhs ~~:sOfi~~~ ~~~chu:ca~n~ patience from his age? T.he killing charge account for her at the for their poverty and desperation. head of a doll on it. Marilyn Feit's expresses these images artisti- of a son by an army Weapons experiment was where George C. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~n! ~d::~:~~~~~~Ih~nAC:~:~:~sl~ivit~~ t~:e,~~~:~~ rS:.:y.::.m=bo;;:~t:.;io::.:n.. o;:f.,-'.:.Os::.:t,--;:,,-~al:,-IY_--.,-,..,-,"7''-;'' Scott crossed it in a movie simply the bills pile up and Charlie has can Dream" of the duplex with titled "Rage." The murder of his wife and rape ~:~y ~~~~a~th=ep~:~ if~~e~ ::i~~i~~a~lai~~~~gba~~:ard~ M~~~~~~~""""'i"'''!'!''''''''i'''''!!!''''i''';''''''' of -hls daughter by hoods was They're into turning bribe profits Perhaps, this portrayal is a little where Charles Bronson crossed by allowing some of the .illegal unfair. It seems that every Ameri- it in "Death Wish." This is not aliens to get through. Soon, can shown, except Charlie, is a unlike setting some water over Charlie is "on the take" also. banal idiot who goes to barbecue I~:i",_~~.ill~~L_j~-(~~:;t~~~ heat and letting it boil over. Why? Charlie just doesn't care parties on Saturday afternoon, or J- In the case of "The Border," anymore. is a cigar-smoking slob. At any the water is set over the fire, but just as it comes to a boil, the heBU;o~~n~n: hse~s~r~~~a~~~ ~~~~en~~ ~~;e~es:~:rsallh~: ~--.--''-I----'r---t heat is set back and the water just simmers. Too bad. A fine ~~n~:~~! ~~sw::~':. ~~~~S!I~~~ ~~;;~~ri~~;~~t t:is~xC~~Si:rh h--'--,---Lf ~-rII--'--L actor like Jack Nicholson should worth bringing it out. Then, one sides of the border, material on be allowed to heat up and boil day he drives- across the borde], one side, spirituat on the other. 1--1--=_j_---,-+-.l1r---,-_~-jf.;':i"",_j__-r-'-c-I over for the ben9fit of his viewing and sees a beautiful 16 year old Under the relentless EI Paso audience. In "The Border", Jack Nichol- ~~Xi~:~y~ir~;IP:~:UI~~~'I~~s:~~ ~~~~:.n~sd~s~~:~;s~~;rt:n~ ~~~i:~ h,-1[t':fl:-,4:-\,j,I-~f__J'--tRlTf--,~ :l.h-_J_--I son is Charlie Smith, a U.S. obsession. He finds himself con- the corrupt system, he slowly through ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Immigration officer in EI Paso, tinually returning to try to find her. becomes a pillar of race. A! this Texas. His job is to catch illegal Later, as he champions her et- point Nicholson is admirable to aliens sneaking across the Mexi- can border and send them back. forts to come across the border, watch as he peers shades and starts to grit his teeth bored No longer he changes. Charlie is a very bored man. It and cynical, Charlie becomes a down on his cigarette. Findinq seems that as soon as he sends semi-idealist. Maria forced into prostitution stolen U;!~~~====~~~~===~=~ in them all, they return. Charlie is illegal course, Of there are also a very cynical man. He's not aliens (vwet-backs") shown in the order 10 buy back her baby, Charlie explodes. 'Til throw I getting any younger and his waistline isn't what it used to be. :~7';te:;'gr~;~:ba:~e~bbin~':; ;~:rl~lace into the street!" he The Dramatic Arts dept. & IDS He's hitting forty, and he realizes that his whole lile hasn't :::O;se~;~U~br:~:~e~i~ss~~_ oll;~:rsb~ob~e~~~ '~~~il~~o~.~'~~~ presents amounted to much except a beer search of American .inued on page 8 Charlie Chaplin Equality.'" c in the evening a a t.v. dinner r-----~-~,-------..-""-""~"';...----.,--·l . "cooked by his wife, Marcy (Val- erine Perrine). Of course he is : HOUSE OF LIQUORS 1 in married. So, why should he be bored and cynical? Wouldn't Carroll Plaza. Westminster 848-1314 r "Modern Times", marriage to a greedy air-headed :1 A social satire on the world of the 30's: automation, assembly twit whose idea of the "American .: Special of the Week... :. lines, unemployment and political crises. Dream" is a duplex with wall-to- wall carpeting and a swimming : Old German Beer : Tuesday, March 30 pool in the backyard be anything by bliss? Uke the average middle 1 NR 12 oz 6 pk 1.39 :1 aged. burnout, Charlie just : .. pires at 3 & 7:30 p.m. doesn't car anymore. He figures l!~~~~~ ~:~~:JL- ~A;I~u~m~n~i~H~a~II~--------~ that if he's never going to be /
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