Page 153 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 153
March 18, 1982 P. Hartman revises preacher Image Bill Byrne marked by persecution, conflict gioos aspects of the Appalachian and allentatlon." - culture. In the Appalachian literature of The inspiration for this project Hartman adds new dimensions his day, the mountain preacher grew from a conversation Hart- to the mountain preachers' "rep- was depicted as narrow, harsh, man had with a colleague during utation of 'being the meanest of condemnatory, and distrustful of a recent visit to .Appalachia. the mean-a poor, illiterate, igno- all education and ideas not con- Cratis Williams, having com- rant and awkward set of enthusi- tained in the Bible. Western pleted a review of Appalachia asts." Maryland College assiciate pro- literature from its beginnings to . Hartman maintains that the fessor of philosophy and religious the mid-twentieth century, ex- ministers of the Separate Baptist studies, Dr. Robert H. Hartman pressed fascination with this liter- movement spread among people might dispute' this one-sided ature's portrayal of the mountain other churches could not reach: characterization. ' preacher. "It is very possible that they In "Origins of the Mountain Since many of the manuscripts would have remained outside Preacher," published in the fall, and other sources Hartman used religion altogether. Their leaders 1981 issue of Appalachian Heri- to research the article were un- were their spokesman and there tage, Hartman traces the oligins available outside the Appalchian was not a lain! otexclusfvenesa in of the mountain preacher in order region, he spent lime last Janu- their organization. Opportunity to gain insight into his develop- ary and this past summer at t.he was provided for men from the ment, his role, his person. University of Kentucky, Lexing- untutored ranks to provide' lead- Dr. Robert H. Hartman disputes one-sided - The key," Hartman wrote, "lies ton. Hartman hopes to expand ership, and mls- was something of in the history of the people from upon this article and publish a a social revolution in itself." portrayal of Appalachian preacher which he sprang, a history series of studies relat~ to r~~- Hartman concludes that "the 'sincerity of his religion and the faculty since 1969. A former both Watertower leaks 'theology reflected of mountain the se- heartfelt appeal of his preach- Methodist pastor, he is a member vere conditions ing." life the and a desire to preserve a way Hartman received his Ph.O of Association American the Philosophical Baltimore and At mid-life point of life and faith against unwanted from Western Maryland' College in odist Church. of the United Meth· University Northwestern Conference his abortcomlnqs intrusions. 1968 and has been a member of If so else were the were notable, the Phonathon searches WMC Corey N. Mann recess. What has happened to recess? Or Robin Levitt who had When my five-year-old Sanyo· the great idea 10 try to suck peas clock radio went off the other r: through her straw. I realized that for volunteers day, I did not pun out the plug we don't get straws at lunch and go back to sleep .as I usually anymore either. feered to work on the Phooathon, By now you're saying to yoUr- do. Well of course not, Itlfl radio Someone_fOkt me a .day br so but -tbere's still Jots of places self, how can I get involved in station was playing a commercial ago that a past Biology major How would you like to win available for anyone who wants this terrific fund raiser? Simply for the circus. Ilistened to "ladies from WMC could not find a job pizzas, stationery. hair cuts, 10 get involved. sign up at the Information Desk and gentlmen, children of all and was thinking about going records, or gift certificates at • Are you interested in working, for one of the eight nights the ages, The Greatest Show on into the army.·1 thought·-I would stores around town? These are but a little nervous because Phonathon will be running - April Earth." Wr:N/ yea, I though, the work in a Pizza Hut before that. only some of the many prizes to you've never seen in a phona- 18-22 and April 26-29, Have any greatest, well I have always More good news. be awarded to students who than before? That's okay -- there questions or need some more hated the circus, I hate every- I called home only to tell my volunteer for the Phonathon. The will be training sessions each information? Contact Checka thing about it except the cherry mother that I was failing my two students whose names appear in night to familiarize the callers Leinwal ext. 317, Matt Baker ext snowcones and that's a different classes and she reminded me the phone have already volun- with the operation. 344, Caryl Connor ext. 331. point all together. Every year my that I had four on my schedule. mother would let my brother, my Man am I in trouble! sister and myself stay home from All my friends from home are Checka Leinwall school so we could all go to the either married, dead or in jail. circus. I did not see much in- it They might as well be because I then and don't now. So why was have not heard from any of them I lying in bed listening to a circus in two years. advertisement? Well I really was And the list is endless. The not listening, I was stunned. stone bleachers are gone, The Siunned that I had come to the weekends are shorter, 83 days intense realization that I was parties are really 79 days parties, experiencing a mid-life crises. things seem less bohemian. Now I don't need any of yoU Penthouse, Forum sections are a Winslow pseudoscientists to tell lot shorter, Tech costs over six me that I'm not forty years old dollars a case, my tape deck ate and as such can't possibly be my Willie Nelson tape and I only having a mid-life crisis, because, got two complete sets of socks 1am the one in bed trying to sluff our of the dryer the last time I did my Botony book in my mouth out my laundry. of anxiety. But hey, 1 realized that it was I remembered how funny ev- Saturday. I did not have to go to eryone thought I was when, in class. 1 flipped on Bugs Bunny, first grade, I put a salad bowl on pulled the covers under my chin my head and had to stay in for and smiled, Man~ am I living. SketCh by Linda BOyer Gertner rates 'Rebecca Orenstein ton, D.C. - . 'j WMC student Theresa Germer She was accompanied by sang in the division for junior Amanda Dailey, a piano student Relax eVI women in the M.D.·D.C. Chapter of Dr. Arleen Heggemeier. tber- in Student Auditions of the National ese, a voice student of Julia T. Wedding Photography Association of Teachers of Sing- Hitchcock, was rated 90, 90 and - Live Ente ing, held on Saturday, March 13 88. Mrs. Hitchcock was a judge Stud;o, 848-3040 11510 ReistE!j at Catt)ollc University in Washing- for the graduate women division. Hom,,, 848-2148
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