Page 149 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 149
The Swimmers Phoenix 8th In nation Chris Vaughn finished fourth at 1:56.57 in the Thursday, March 18, 1982 Westem Maryland College Volume I, Number' 20 Western Maryland scored 120 200-yard Medley relay. The BOO- yard freestyle SQuad of Sue Lapi- points and placed eighth in the dus, Maggie Schifiauer, Mary NCAA Division III women's swim- Teresa lUTZ, and Lynda Rennie finished the event in 8:23.12 and at the Uni- ming championships- Seniors prepare for 'PRIDE' versity on of March 11, 12, 13. at placed sixth individual efforts by Massachusetts Several Boston Western Maryland, one of the 44 WMC swimmers ended with high teams in the competition, repre- placings and cushion points to sented seven of the 160 qualified secure eighth place. In addition Helga Hein to solicit pledges. Those day picnic on Federal Hill. swimmers in the three-day meet. to her relay events, Mary Theresa As seniors embark Ofl the sec- students and January graduates Planning for this year's cam- Western Maryland's Denise LuTZ placed eighth in the 200- ond natt of their last semester at that cannot be reached person- paign began as early as last Frech swam in three individual yard. Individual Medley, ninth in Western Maryland, the Senior ally will be sent a letter that will year with the selection of the co- events and on flve relay teams, the 200-yard butterfly, and 13th PRIDE campaign will allow them enable them to pledge by mail. chairpersons. last semester, pre- while leading the Terrors in in the 200-yard freestyle. to unite once more in their role as Laurie and Sam have instituted liminary work was completed: points scored. She was second Lynda Rennie placed 23rd in seniors and to begin a new role a change in the program over planning the schedule for the in both the 100-yard and SO-yard the SO-yard freestyle in a time 9f as alumni. The campaign will kick last year's. organization. By in- campaign, ordering and organiz- breasrroke events and seventh in 26.52, in addition to her 17th off 00 March 29 and run through creasing the number of captains ing materials, and. soliciting a the 200-yard breastroke. Her place time of 57.08 in the 100- April 6. on each team from three to five, matching fund agreement. Since time of 1:09.99 in the middle- yard freestyle. Sue Lapidus This year, Senior PRIDE will the network of workers on each the start of this semester, the distance earned a new school clocked a 1:07.19 and a 15th once again employ a-pyramidal team has risen from nineteen to more specific preparations have record for the WMC junior. place in the 100-yard Individual organization to insure that each thirty-one. This change has given been accomplished, including The 400-yard freestyle relay Medley and a 2:25.93 to take senior on campus is contacted in more seniors the opportunity to appointing captains and agents, team of Denise Frech, lynda 17th place in the 200-yard back- person. The class of '82 has work on the campaign. Further- and arranging orientation meet- Rennie, Sue Lapidus, and Mary stroke. been divided into two teams: the more, it has decreased the num- ings and the Victory Celebration. Ttieresa LUTZ timed a 3:47.85 Williams College won the over- Golddiggers, who are led by co- ber of classmates each agent Next year's chairpersons have and took ninth place. The same all diving and swimming competi- chairperson Sam Crlcctuo. and must contact. also been selected. They are team broke school records in the tion with 402 points. Kenyon was the Greenbackers, headed by The campaign will begin with Shari Bullard and Bob Thomas. 400-yard Medley relay and the second with 303, Pamona-Pltzer Laurie Mather, also a co-chair- the Kick-off Party for the PRIDE laurie, Sam, and Ginny, along 200-yard freestyle relay with an was third (277), Smith was fourth person. laurie and Sam have workers, which will be held on with Ginny's secretary, Betsy eighth place in the shorter event (150), Gettysburg, the MAC team each chosen five captains from the Dining Porch on March 29. O'Brien, have all contributed and a fourth in the longer. champion, was fifth (139), Man- their respective halves of the During the week of the cam- many hours to make Senior Two other relay teams placed hattenville and Tufts tied for sixth class. Sam's captains include paign, the captains will report PRIDE a success again this year. welf and added considerably to (136), University of California at Toni Edwards, Randy Heck, their progress dally to laurie, Now, it is the seniors' opportunity the Western Maryland cause. San Diego and Western Marylanc;! Cnecka leinwall, Kim Maclean Sam, and Ginny Vlcek, Develop- to fulfill their role: so Please Sharon Rowley, Denise Frech, tied for eighth (120), and Franklin and Christina Mtreckl. laurie ment Coordinator of Senior (W)Rite In A Donation Everyone. lynda Rennie, and Lisa Kleven and Marshall was 10th (92) chose Carolyn Berry, Randy PRIDE. The PRIDE workers win Butzer, Usa DelPrete, Kelly Lies- hold their Victory Celebration on cheidt and Noot Mathias. as her May 8 at the Pride of Baltimore, Estimates too optimistic captains .. Each captain has ap-. which is docked in the Inner pointed five agents, who in turn Harbor. Photographs and a for- have been assigned four or five mal ceremony will take place on CPS classmates to contact in person the ship itself, followed by a "Changes occurred from No- University .. "Some of our regulars just aren't hiring, and some of the of the job prospects Thompson speaks for Forecasts term's graduates are vember (when the Endicott num- recruiters have had to call and to who set up dates this to the first bers were gathered) interview quarter of this year that were not- turning out to have been "exces- sively optimistic," placement offi- anticipated," Lindquist explains. cancel." at WMC tonight cers around the country report. A hiring blames on rocky economic in they can see daylight again," she "I tell them to come back when changes He the significant number of companies plans that promised to hire this spring times in the retailing, metals and adds have cancelled their plans, leav- oil industries. Such reports contradict most of Beth White ing to terms with the inevitable ing extraordinarily long student "The basic metals industries the student job market predic- Ernest Thompson, author of the _fact of death. Set in Golden lines at many placement centers. are usually heavy recruiters, and tions made just last fall. award winning On Golden Pond Pond, Maine, the movie portrays The placement officers add the tt"ley are barely holding their own The Endicott Report predicted will, appear at Western Mary!and Norman Thayer a witty man who only reason the number of on- this year," Lindquist observes. accelerated campus recruiting in today, March 1.8. Two showmgs is convinced that he will die campus interviews is keeping "The oil industry, which has had many industries, with average of On Golden Pond will be soon. The main action of the-plot close to earlier predictions is a enormous growth the last few starting salaries rising nine per- presented at Carroll Theatre at 2 is the conflict of Norman with his boom in college hiring by de- years, has had to pull back this cent. The College Placement and 5 p.m. After the first show- daughter and the attempts of fense-related industries. year in response to falling gas Council's survey of 551 recruiters ing, Mr. Thomspon will conduct a Ethel Thayer to console her bus- "Competition (among students) prices. They are traditionally also uncovered widespread cor- brief question and answer ses- band and bridge the gap be- is up and recruitment (by compa- heavy recruiters, and it has porate expectations of increased sian at Carroll Theatre. At 7:30 tween Norman and his daughter nies) is down," says Ava Sellers, caught many by surprise." coliege hiring, The annual Michi- p.m. a reception will be held in Though tickets for the reception placement director at Vanderbilt. Virginia Benfield, manager of gan State survey of 428 bust- the understage of Alumnl .HaJJ, are no longer available, tickets "Lines are forming two hours college recruiting for Texaco, nesses, however, cautioned that and from 8:30 to 9:30, Mr. fer the showings of the movie before sign-ups begin," adds Inc., confirms that "last year, no "pockets of prosperity" would Thompson will give an informal may still be available at the William Mitchell, who directs one in the industry expected the balance out hiring declines in talk and answer questions on Decker Center information desk placement services at Cal State- economy to be this bad." some industries Mainstage. The cost of the tickets are $2 for Sacramento. 'The recruiters are She anticipates "our hiring will It's turning out differently. Hir- On Golden Pond is a humorous students, faculty, staff and senior having a ball." fall short of our protections" ing of even highly-prized engi- play which contains the serious citizens; $4 for the general pub- A record 50 percent of Yale's But she says Texaco, for one, neering majors is merely "holding theme of two elderly people com- uc. 1982 grads signed up for cam- is "just leveling off at a more steady," according to Johns pus interviews this spring. predictable rate of hiring." Hopkins placement head Sharon Ernest lbomJ*)ll - ThUrNly, March 18 ........., optimism from industry this time," auto The contlnuinq have also de- Baughan. Baughan does caution think there problems of the "I excessive was that "it's too early to make statis- industry 2:00-4:00 p.m. First showing of On Golden Pond at Carroll Theatre. summarizes Victor Lindquist, who pressed campus recruiting, es- tical comparisons" to last year. 4:00-4:30 p.m. Ouestion and Answer Session with Ernest Thompson~at Carroll helps administer the influential pecially in the midwest Generally, the placement offi- Theatre cers credit defense-related in- American "Some of our regulars are tied 5:00-7:00 p.rn. Second ShOwing of On Golden Pond at Carroll Theatre Endicott Report on hiring plans to the automotive industry, and dustries' recruiting with keeping campus business' 7:30-8:30 p.m. Reception in U~derstage 8:30-9:30 p.m. Informal talk; OuestiOO& Answer Session, Mainslage. and who is placement director at that has been a probtem." says Northwestern Pat Markle of Westem Kentucky continued on page 4
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