Page 154 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 154
Page 6 March 18, 1982 Heavy metal rock gr~ats Greg Elba ACIDC • Back In Black Van Halin • One. Women. and best. however they are all fantas- The Jim Carroll Band • Due to the unusually response tic. (Anyone who puts such After the death of their lead Children First, Fair Warming Catholic Boy to my last musical literary maater- groups as the Bee Gees, Barry singer Bon Scott from an over- POSSibly the hottest H.M. band A child basketball star in New piece (the top music choices of Manilow, or Kenny Rogers as dose of alcohol, the band discov- performing today, Van Haten has York City who later became a 1981 for which I was nearly their favorites should not bother ered another screamer, Brian everything. Most notably, Eddie heroine addict, Jim Carroll kicked lynched and/or castrated), I have reading any further). Johnson, and emerged from the Van Helen who is so great on the his addiction and began an out- decided to give my adoring pub- MIchoeI Schenkor-Group studio with their best album ever. gullar mere words cannot suffi- standing group. Rock and roll lic (aU three of you) a new list. Schenker, boy-wonder and ex- It has sold over five million ciently describe his massive tal- from someone who went through Since you will be residing at axeman for UFO, put together his copies to date, which means ents. AU three of these albums hell and survived t'l talk about it. home in a few days you might own band and the result was a someone else liked it besides are outstanding. Highlights: Side Highlight: Side one track five get the urge to go to your local gut-wrenching heavy metal mas- yours truly. Highlight: a tie be- one, track four titled "Ain't Talk- titled "People Who Died" wax dealer (that's a record shop terpiece. An LP so hot it'll burn tween Side one, track one titled ing Bout Love"/Side one, track to you hosers who didn't know your fingers when you remove it "Hells Bells" and Side two, track two tilled "Everybody Wants Lou Reed • that records are made from a from your turntable. Highlight: one titled "Back in Black." Some"lSide one track one titled Rock and Roll Animal wax by-product) in search of new Side one, track one titled "Armed "Unchained. " Reed has always been one of listening material. So without fur- and Ready." Ted Nugent· boys. His ther ado I present What are in my Doubte 'Llve Gonzo Led Zeppelin • (Unthlod) rock's premier life's bad sleazier side, lyrics depict . opinion, ten of the greatest heavy UFO· S1rangero In the Night Terrible Ted has been stomp- Led Zeppelin held the top spot but it is a life he knows about. A double-live album featuring metal albums currentty available. (you guessed il) Michael ing the rock and roll battlefields in heavy metal for years, this is This live set of Reed and his These are not definitely the ten Schenker on lead guitar. Power for nearly two decades, maintain- their most acclaimed disk. Very band at their finest, in facl his Math Quiz riffs abound set. throughout this fan- ing his sheer lunacy is not drug hard rock, Jimmy Page is phe- two guitarists are so great on this nomenal on the double neck axe. LP that Reed nearly gets put in related. out This live set brings Side tastlc live Highlight: three, track one titled "lights his best, it is not for weak hearts. Highlight: Side one track four - F Out" Highlight: "Great White Buffalo." titled "Stairway to Heaven." continued on page 8 Answer to last week's puzzle: . Zero feel (the poles are touch" U sO~~~=':~n~:~eeC;~,?p:~ ncommon Women very ordinary j09.) at Maria's, and to Wayne Reese, Jeff Kiley, Tom Zimmer, Wende Reeser, Lauren Ruberg, Matt Jody Morrison Just her presence in these matically presenting the Qualities lines or distinct facial expressions Riner, Vincent Uv, I Ponton, Jeff Friedman, who also Uncommon Women and Orh. scenes, without any spoken lines, and distinctions of their part. and actions were missed seat de- and Jessica The costumes used were very had an awesome Robyn effect. upon where your pending submitted correct answers. ers, directed by Tim Weinfeld, Quick did a merveloue job per- effective and suited each charac- was. The music used. was en;oy- This week's puzzle: arrange the excellently presented an insight traying the -catatcnic freshman, ter perfectly. Susie Friend's able and appropriate, but in numerals one through nine so into the past and present lives of Carter. Robyn had very few lines, (Susan Udy) bright pink and some scenes really drowned out that when added they will equal nine women. The play takes yet really expanded her charac- green preppy outfit made her an the actresses' voices. 1,000. place in a restaurant in New York ter with the use of facial expres- even more intolerable person, as The props and furniture move- "" Prize for this week's puzzle: A City in 1978 and six years earlier sions and body language. After well as Carter's (Robyn Quick) ment by the actresses them- free shirt (up to '13.95) from our at the Mount Holyoke College lor many serious scenes, Carter liv- plaid skirt, uneven socks and selves was performed very own WMC College Store!'! women. lned the mood and especially the penny loafers smoothly as well as their en- Please submit all answers, The play did not contain an audience' who strongly ap- The play was performed Un- trances and exits on stage. The along with your name, room nom- actual plot, so defining each plauded after each of her ap- derstage in Alumni Hall which furniture and scenery was very ber and extension to box 577 by character was an essential goal. pearance. Samantha Steward, gave it a very intimate atmos- typical of the time period and the 9 8.m. Monday, March 29, 1982. Stacey Pfiefer, as Rita Allable, played by Leslie Shipp was the phere. The absence of an ioter- hanging stained-glass frame A drawing from the correct an- the outgoing feminist, accom- only character to be successful mission added to the continuity above the stage added to the ewers received ",,:ill determine plished this idea to the fullest in finding a husband while still in and smoothness of the play decor. one winner. extent. The audience was capti- college. Her bouncy nature infil- Also, it was performed in the The four performances of Un- "Sponsored by vated and also surprised at Ste- trated with serious undertones round, so seating was around all common Women and Others ceys excellent of one Kappa portrayal Mu Epsilo~* I -,......----...=====--.-=--, 1 Altman as Leilah, the confused was well presented. Collins Lori McCoy sides of the circular stage. All the to were sold out every night and the of tne-maor characters. Kathleen Janel selling (Holly), this play was a definite success. (Muffet), The used characters Udy Kunst Lynn Susan (Kate), Lee I outsider, gave the playa kind of (Susie), and Lee An Ware (Mrs. their advantage, especially who audience left with the fe~ling that (Mrs. Plumm) women portrayed Ware Ann the uncommon I sensitive and tense Quality. In Plumm) also did fine jobs in circled the stage and directty were realistically very common some scenes, the character Lei- defining their characters. Each looked at and spoke to the after all. WATtS I lah would stand or Dace silentty: ~ actress was successful in ora- audience. At times important NeW Yo\J Know Delve,....I titinl( I I "lark r c ...stom _,Ie. I / '3~;Tars are. ,effil1~ ouT 0-1' no"c/. I I I CarroD Plaza Shopping Center I I I Monday & Wednesday: I $1 Off a pitcher of beer Tuesday & Thursday: I $1 Off all large pizzas : I I 0111Ahead for Takeout Orders expires I 876·3550 3ii5/82
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