Page 151 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 151
March 18, 1982 1b& Phosnb: Page 3 Conservatively speaking Elderdice Peace Week Diary Keith Arnold States. redistribution, in civil defense, not back down because the U.S. tired about people saying we are What can I say. I WI!S certainly The first day of the program and military risk-taking say about disarmed, he backed down be- not fair to the Soviets. We bailed out of place. Me, that is I, Keith was very good. Both speakers their perceived view of nuclear cause Kennedy (a liberal) got them out of I/IfIN II. We feed their "Kill the Commies" Arnold, partie- were articulate, and personable war? The .answer: "Civil defense tough and he was faced with population. We teach their stu- ipating in Elderdice Peace Week. (unlike a similar event of a few won't work." That was not the military superiority - not balance dents. We must trust them as Before I outrage those of you years back). However, even then question. or inferiority. well. We· must show our good who participated in the program, I could see signs of things to The Soviets simply need to But the message of peace will. bear in mind, I did show up, I come. The lady who wanted week is trust the Russians. When Trust them? What about demo- listened and I did feel that much unilateral disarmament was per- ~~~na~:~erhe~~on~in ha~e ~:u: we speak of the Soviet Union, we cratic elections in Eastern Europe of what was said was worthwhile. haps the most scary. The liberal correct, they just have to be do not speak of College students - we trusted them there. What After all, who here· is really into speaker, I have no complaints stupid. Civil defense in Russia meeting in McDaniel Lounge, we about the Helsinki Accords, we radiation. I'certairlly am not. Ufe, with except that he was wrong. emphasizes surviving, not merely are speakinq of old men who trusted them there. We back my grandchildren, my dog are And he did not answer the treating the survivors. remember that U.S. troops were down, then they will? We had to just as important to me as they question I asked (as usual). The sponsors of peace week in their territory in 1917. They force Khruchev to, and look what are for those on the other side of The question: 'Agreed, nuclear quote Nikita Kruschev when he don't like us. happened to him. the continent. war would destroy the entire states that in nuclear war, "the And this philanthropic trust that Verification. That is the answer And, believe it or not, I did sign world, this is a fact. However, in survivors will envy the dead." "disarmamenteers" have for the After all our satellites can read a your petition. I have nothing the real world often it is not They do not mention his other soviet elitist dictatorship. they license plate in their country, so against a verifiable freeze on reality, but perceptions that influ- quote "we will bury you!" And find no place in their own govern- we can safely disarm. But it is nuclear arms production in the ence decisions. What does S0- when Khruschev attempted to ment, which, with all its faults, is more complex than that. Soviet Union and the United viet efforts in population place missiles in Cuba, he did a great deal more democratic Yes, the Satellites can work, and reponsible to its people than but the slightest mistake would Pulling no punches the Politbureau. be fatal in a crisis. And the Indeed, in contrast to the soviets are ahead of us In killer Better dead than Red saintly soviets, we are near "the satellites so our spies defy grav- What capital of a dying empire." what about And by ity faith. is this garbage? Here these pe0- pre sit and malign a government, Soviet superiority in chemical warfare? After all, you can't see Chris Beyers then, is unquestionable. The only bly living on lichen and ice), then in favor of another that would not gas. possible way to deal with these march back into their annihilated let them talk about any of this. Nuclear weapons are evil. But The "peace week" perpetrated devils is to scare them into cities, and rebuild everything After all, there will be no peace disarmament and verification are by those mindless, left-wing submission; it is evident jhat we from scratch. Sure, it's icotcrcce, weeks in the Ukraine, none in the tricky things. And if Peace-Week- peace freaks was a disgrace to have to assemble a tremendous but I must repeat we are noJ foodlines of Warsaw and none in' ers can be pessimistic about this campus and to any red- nuclear stockpile. Eventually, the dealing with full-fledged human the trenches of Afganistan. yet their own govemment, I will be blooded American patriot. The Soviets will be so scared of our beings. these pacifists are down right pessimistic about their chances. thinly-veiled pinkos who spoke incredible arsenal that tt"oey wiJJ Our incredibly large nuclear arrogant about the rights that a Call me a Hawk, a murderer or a out for such blatantly communis-' halt their own production of stockpile, while not ensuring that govemment they show nothing fascist. I am a realist, and I lock tic goals of "nuclear disarma- weapons, throw down their arms, Russia will not attack us, does but contempt for guarantees my doors, and walk on lighted ment" and "world peace" were and convert to capitalism. While ensure that if they do, we can them. Don't worry I am not going streets. Forgive me for not having nothing more than spies bent on there is no historical precedent completely wipe them off the to say "America, love it or leave more faith in humanity. 1 cannot destroying the Greatest Country for this action, I am confident that map as they do the same for us. it." prove that man is evil. You prove This World Has Ever Known. one day it will happen. I advo- If one goes, we all go. As far as I But I am sick of it. Sick and to me that he is good. Unfortunately, they managed to cate this procedure strongly, and am concemeo. this is the way it convince some well-meaning I think the U.S. should stick to should be: Better dead than Red. people that America sfouto at- this course if it takes a thousand The proposed bilateral halt on tempt to halt the arms race years. all nuclear arms development is A Reminder from (obviously a commie plot to another communist subterfuge to weaken U.S. defenses). Fortun- embarrasse the Stars and SELECTIVE SERVICE ately, I am around to set these "", The godless Stripes. Granted, when you com- misguided people back on to the Insurgents are in pare East vs. West. the numbers If you are a male citizen, or alien residing in. the U.S., right course. actuality a lower form are approximately the same." But you must register with Selective Service within 30 days The communistic threat cannot Russia is ahead in'certain cate- or yourl8th birthday. be underrated. The godless in- of life, ..." groies. How can we sleep at If you were born in 1960,61,62 or 63 you should already surgents are in actuality a lower night, knowing that America- i.s ' have registered. If you have not, you should do so as form of life, mutants with all the not number one in everything? soon as possible. There is a grace period for late reasoning portions of their brain One .ot the major problems in What is the cost of a few social registrations without penalty in effect through perverted. Their Ultimate goals-- our dealings with the Red Plague programs when compared to February 28, 1982. world-wide utopia with humanistic is that the inhuman commies American Pride? Not much. working conditions, world bar- perceive the reality of a nuclear I write this column confident YQU may register at any u.S. Post Office. many, and complete sharing-is war differently than we do. In the with the knowledge that my ideas as un-American as you can get, U.S., we know that a nuclear war will continue to be implemented. I Selecti"e Ser"ice System and we all know that anything (or even a limited nuclear police share with David Tratchenberg Registration Information Bureau different from the American way action)would cause the loss of the smug assurance that SANE Washington D.C. 20435 ~a~I~~S cri~~~~in~~ r------------------. is just plain wrong. In the past millions of lives and untold can never end the arms race. few years, the actions of the amounts of property. In short, it imagine, trying to use democratic Soviet monsters have been epen- would be a very bad thing. The ing, and the logical progression Soviets, however, being irrational ;::=~~e~~ is frightening: First Afganistan, mutants, do not see it that way. lng people know, the voices of a Westminster Pawn Broker'S Outlet then Poland, then Main Street, They think that an they have to million citizens doesn't equal one, USA. do is camp out in Siberia for a well-placed bribe. Look at the The need to stop this scourge. . couple of generations W'e~ulJ"l,!- NRA,. Westminster Gold & Silver Exchange Gallery One .~_m "Buying, seiling, and trading .., Jcp~Q.oey Anything of Value!" art opening Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Stereos, William Griffith 73 West Main Street Westminster STORE PHONE WESTMINSTER CATALOG PHONE 1M March 30 at. 7 p.m. ....n66 MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. 848-5100 Phone: 876-3086
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